School (again)

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That's been my favorite Piper art for years omfg-👩🏾‍🦯❤️

And these earrings KSKSKSK I want them sm👩🏾‍🦯-Annabeth's point of view🤔❓-

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And these earrings KSKSKSK I want them sm👩🏾‍🦯
Annabeth's point of view🤔❓

Remembering someone you hadn't seen in 12 years? Makes no sense.

Remembering exactly how you met them 12 years ago? Makes even less sense.

Having a crush on somebody you haven't seen in 12 years? Makes the least amount of sense.

Make it make sense. Please.

As I walked through the halls of the school, I couldn't help but let myself fall into my thoughts.

New school, new house, new friends, old crush? Oh who cares.

I was about to turn the corner, ready to finally put my bag in my locker before school officially started in a few minutes.

But there was talking.

Actually, arguing?

"Leo, I swear to god I will step on your impish Oompa Loompa looking self. What do you MEAN you don't know where we are!? This is YOUR SCHOOL-" one voice started.

"Ayo ayo calm down, this is only my first year here!-" The only familiar voice of the group said.

"You're five months the school year, Leo." Another new voice added.

I turned the corner, being met with a group of three, one of them- easily recognizable as he was the shortest- was Leo. The other two, a tall blond boy with glasses and a pretty brown skinned girl with short hair.

"Leo? What's going on?" I asked first, taking in the appearance of the two new people.

"Oh, hey Anna!-" "-don't call me that." I interrupted. He shrugged, continuing, "These are my friends, Jason Grace and Piper McLean. They just moved here from Los Angeles."

My eyes scanned over Piper and Jason, they were dressed like L.A. kids for sure. 

Once you were closer you could see Jason had a small scar in his lip, and he had kinda abnormal very bright blue eyes. Weird.

And Piper was really pretty, her hair was cut above her shoulders paired with cuffed chain earrings with butterflies. The lighting made her eyes seem multicolored with brown shining underneath it.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase," I greeted, sticking my hand out for a hand shake, "I moved here from San Francisco a few weeks ago."

"I hope we can be friends," Piper said, skipping the handshake and going straight for a hug, making my cheeks heat up a little.

"Well, THIS is certainly a mood change from when you called me impish and Oompa Loompa looking." Leo pointed out stubbornly, only realizing his mistake when (I assume) Piper glared at him.

"Yeah I noticed what was wrong before I even finished it." He sighed, turning, "Come on Jason, let's go before she can kill me. I'll show you the computer lab."

"Dude don't drag me into your mess-" Jason started before Leo pulled him away and far down the hall in a matter of seconds.

I could feel Piper's laugh on my hair before she finally pulled away from the hug.

"Sorry about them, Leo's an idiot and Jason's socially awkward, but I promise they're really great." She assured, standing with her back against the Lockers, "What grade are you in? I'm a freshman,"

I walked over to the locker next to the one she standing in front of, opening it and slipping my backpack inside as I provided an answer. "I'm a sophomore. Also, are you a generally touchy-feely kinda person?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't take offense by my tone.

Luckily she days she continued to reply, "I guess yeah? I used to hate it but hanging out with those 2 everyday for years can bring anybody out of their shell. Oh, also, can you help me find my classes, please? Leo wasn't much help." She asked.

I nodded, pulling out a few things in my locker. I don't need anything for my first 2 classes.

"Yeah sure, of course. Where do you go first?"

She pulled out and scrolled through her phone quickly. "Advisory and Career Investigations with...Ms. Vacker?"

I nodded, yeah sure it's only been a week or two but I had enough experience around the school to lead Piper to Miss B's room.

"This way," I instructed, leading her down the hall to the right.

Soon enough we arrived, right as the bell rang and the doors opened.

"I have to go, bye." I turned to walk away when she grabbed my hand, "Uh, wait! Can I get your number??" She asked her face a little darker than before.

"Oh yeah, that would probably be smart- you know in case you get lost again or need help," I agreed, taking her offered phone and adding my name and number to her contact list. "Also feel free to join us at lunch." I invited finally, waving at her as I turned to walk to my class.

You know what I'm doing👩🏾‍🦯

First update if 2021 lol😍🤞🏾 not this book going on for 2 years👩🏾‍🦯

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