Party preperations and guests

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-percy pov-

Me and Zoë walked into Walmart with a list in her hand

"Come on, let's go get the food first." Zoë said leading me towards the chips aisle

"Which ones?" She asks me

I pick Doritos, Red Sun chips, pirates booty, popcorn, and barbeque chips

"Good tastes in chips" Zoë smirks and I smile

"Thanks Zo" I say

Her smirk disappeared and was replaced with a glare," how many times do I have to tell you?"

"Multiple times" I laugh as she hits me

"Onto the drinks" I say

We go into the drinks aisle and choose 5 drinks, cherry coke, iced tea Arizona, sprite, water, and juice boxes

Hey, let us kids be kids

After getting everything and Walking toward the cash register I catch a glimpse of familiar bright blond hair in ringlets and grey eyes.

Who is that and why does she look so familiar?

Oh well

As me and Zoë enter the school, I see the same girl I saw at Walmart just yesterday

It looks like she's talking to Paul

"Hey Zoë, I saw that girl at Walmart yesterday, and now she's talking to Paul." I whisper to Zoë

"Let's go talk to her then!" Zoë says as she drags me over

"What? No! I never said that I—" I got cutoff by Zoë dragging me faster

This girl just won't stop

I love it

"-can get someone to show you your classes," Paul says

I try to back away quietly but Paul notices me and smiles, "ah percy, just the person I wanted to talk to"

"I-i, uh y-yeah?" I stammer

"This is Annabeth Chase, a new student who needs a tour guide." Paul introduces

Annabeth, why does she look familiar and why does her name sound familiar?

"Can Zoë do it?" I beg giving puppy eyes

Zoë quickly speaks up and argues, " nuh-uh sorry. I gotta to class. You have fun your guiding perce" she slowly backs away grinning

That little- left me to do this by myself

"Just make sure you get to class by 4th period!" Paul tells us

It's silent for a few moments until a voice speaks up,

" so what's you first period?"

It took me a second to realize that voice was mine while annabeth looked through her class list

"Uhhh, English" She said

"Cool, that's my first class to, come on" I told her and dragged her to the stairs

After  I finished giving annabeth a tour, we made it in time for 4th period, just like Paul said,

"What's your 4th period?" I asked annabeth

"Astronomy." She replied

We walked halfway there in silence.

Then I couldn't take it anymore, "why do you seem so familiar?" I asked her

She looked surprised at first, then she looked at me with a wide grin, " took ya long enough! What is your Brain made out of seaweed or something?"

I looked at her, " yeah and you're such a wise girl right?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "here maybe this will remind you, you're 3 years old, your mom takes you to the park, you meet another 3 year old with blonde hair and grey eyes and build a sandcastle with her."

I knew where she was going but, I didn't think it'd be possible

That was twelve years ago

"She says her name is annie"

Sorry I'm a day late on the update

Supposed to be 4-25-2019 but now 4-26-2019

As my best friend becomes love ( a perzoe fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now