Bonus Pov + Truth or Dare

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since we reached 1.k, i decided to give a bonus chapter, (and since i haven't updated an actual chapter in forever)


@ age 14

-Zoe Pov-

Today me, Rachel, Grover, Thalia (unfortunately),my sister Calypso and her friend Leo, and Percy had a sleepover at my house.

i didn't really want to hang out with Thalia, and Thalia didn't want to hang out with me

but everybody PEER PRESSURED us into having this sleepover

thou art thy worst friends in thy world!

"so," Thalia started, "what do we do now?" she asked the group

nobody had any ideas, we all just shrugged

"great, i say we play truth or dare!" she suggested

since there were no other suggestions, thats what we ended up playing, truth or dare

"who's going first?" Grover asked nervously

"i will," Calypso said

she turned to Leo

"Leo, truth or dare?" she asked

"truth?" he said cautiosly

Rachel snickered from across the circle, grabbing a handful of popcorn, "bad choice dude" she laughed

"wait what?" Leo asked

freaking 13 year olds (note that she turned 14 a week ago)

"if you had to chose between Marrying Thalia and kissing Grover, what would you choose?" Calypso asked

we all snickered, even Grover

"hmmm i pick-" Leo was cut off by Thalia

"choose wisely Valdez"

Leo looked thoughtful, "you're right pinecone face, i choose kissing grover, its way better than getting married to her"

we all laughed fully, rolling over and clutching our stomachs

"ok, ok, Leo, its your turn," Calypso said, regaining her straight posture

Leo looked around the circle, his eyes stopping on me


"don't make me smack you," i cut in

"truth or dare?" he asked grinning wickedly

"uhhhh, truth?" i answered

"ugh, you guys are boring,"

"you chose it too," Grover reminded him

"Out of everyone in this room, who would you want to be your first kiss?" he asked

i thought for a good 2 seconds before my brain started thinking of a certain sea green eyed boy

and because i apparently dont control my body, i said "Percy" before i could stop myself

i immediately blush, luckily my slightly dark skin camouflaged it a bit

"i mean! he's like my best friend, so who wouldn't want their first kiss to be with their best friend?"

out of the corner of my eye, i saw percy blushing as well looking at the ground

"interesting..." Leo whispered evilly, Calypso elbowed him, he rolled his eyes

thou shall die a painful death during thy evening

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