The Grand Tour

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"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry all over you" Layla sniffled.

"It's okay. Honestly, I don't mind. Wanna talk about it?"

"Sometimes I just feel so helpless you know. When he gets so upset that he can't come down from it and he can't tell me what he needs... I just feel like I'm failing him by not being able to help" she sighed.

"Oh Sweetheart" Jeffrey replied as he hugged her tight. "Come here" he said as he led her to the sofa and pulled her down to sit in his lap while he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I think you help Benji in those moments more than you know Layla. You are certainly not a failure, not at all. You're a wonderful mother and Benji is so lucky to have you" Jeffrey told her.

"Thanks" she smiled shyly. "You're so sweet".

"Just telling the truth".

"Can you stay for a while?"

"Of course" he smiled as he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Thank you Jeff" she sighed contently as she rest her head on his chest, breathing in the smell of him.

"You're welcome Sweetheart" he whispered as he ran his fingers up and down her back soothingly.

Layla woke the next morning in her bed beneath a blanket. She looked around confused for a moment, she didn't remember saying goodnight to Jeff or going to bed. As she got up she realised she was still in her clothes.

Making her way out to the living room she found a note on the table.

You fell asleep in my arms and I didn't want to wake you so I carried you to bed. I hope you sleep well, I'll lock the door on my way out.
Text me when you wake.
Sweet dreams,
Jeff xo.

Could this man possibly be any more amazing? Layla messaged Jeffrey to say thank you and they chatted on and off all day while he worked and she had a quiet day at home with Benji.

The following Wednesday morning after Layla had dropped Benji at kindergarten she got a call from Jeff.

"Hey you" she answered happily.

"Morning Beautiful. You up to anything today?"

"Nope, no plans. Just dropped Benji at Kindergarten".

"Wanna come see me? I can show you what I do"

"Sounds great".

"Perfect. I'll text you directions and see you soon"

"See you soon" she replied before ending the call.

After Jeff sent her the directions she made her way there and pulled up to a small farm on the outskirts of town. Climbing out of the car she heard the sound of a saw coming from a large shed so she made her way over. As she neared the large open door she saw Jeff cutting some pieces of timber so she waited for him to finished. She watched the way the muscles in his arms flexed as he moved the saw across the timber, as well as the muscles in his shoulders beneath the tightened fabric of his shirt. Her cheeks flushed pink at the thought of undressing him to get a proper look. He turned off the saw and placed it down, removing his ear defenders before picking up his now cut pieces and moving them to another bench.

"Hey you" she called from the door.

"Layla" he grinned as he looked up to see her. "Sorry, I didn't hear you pull up over the saw".

"No problem. What are you working on?" She asked as she stepped inside.

"A side table" he smiled as he walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "C'mon I'll give you the grand tour".

Jeff took her around his workshop, and showed her the projects he had been working on and a few finished ones

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Jeff took her around his workshop, and showed her the projects he had been working on and a few finished ones. Including a very beautiful vintage style wooden rocking chair that Layla just fell in love with.

"Jeffrey this is beautiful" she gushed as she ran her fingers along the smooth finish, admiring the intricate detail carved in to the wood.

"I'm pretty proud of that one. Take a seat, try it out" he smiled.

Sitting down she was surprised at how comfortable it was despite being completely wooden with no padding. "Wow... this is nice" she smiled as she rocked back and forth.

"I'm glad you like it... I made it for you" he grinned proudly.

"What? How did you know...?"

"I noticed some of the furniture in your house was the same kind of era and design so I figured this would be a good addition".

"You are just incredible" Layla smiled as she kissed him sweetly. "I... I don't even know what to say. Thank you".

"My pleasure Beautiful" he smiled charmingly, his gorgeous dimples showing. "Want to see the rest of the place?" He asked holding out his arm for her.

"Sure" she smiled as she linked her arm with his.

Jeffrey took her through his house and showed her every room, pointing out the bits of furniture and decor he had made. He was really very talented. Then he walked her outside through the large garden, showing her the chicken coop and the couple of donkeys in the paddock. It was so beautiful and serene.

"You have a lovely place here Jeff" she smiled.

"It's home, I love it" he grinned. "Would you like a coffee?"

"Yes please".

The pair sat together on his balcony looking out at the countryside as they sipped on their coffee's.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Jeffrey asked.

"Nothing concrete, it's actually Benji's birthday on Sunday, so I thought we would go do something that he loves. He doesn't like parties, so we avoid that sort of thing. We keep things pretty low key. I was actually going to ask if you'd like to join us".

"Oh wow. He's turning 4 right?"

"Yeah... hard to believe some days" she laughed.

"I actually had an idea the other day... something that I think Benji will really like. Maybe I could make it a birthday surprise?"

"That sounds intriguing... am I allowed to know what it is?"

"Hmm I think I might keep it a secret for both of you" he teased. "So what do you think? Up for a little road trip on Sunday?"

"Definitely. I'm excited for him already" she laughed. "What did I do to deserve a man like you walk into our lives?" Layla grinned as she leaned over and pressed her lips to his.

I was gonna wait until tomorrow to post this chapter but I got impatient lol!

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