Date Night

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Layla's best friend Angie was watching Benji for the evening while Jeff and Layla went out for a date night. It had been a long time since she had been out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and she was both excited and nervous.

When she emerged from the bathroom after applying a tiny amount of make up she was blown away at how good Jeff looked. She was almost tempted to flag date night and jump him right there! He looked delicious in a suit.

 She was almost tempted to flag date night and jump him right there! He looked delicious in a suit

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"Fuck" she managed to choke out, making him chuckle.

"Clean up okay do I?"

"More than okay... you look so good. I'm gonna be distracted all evening" she laughed.

"You look fantastic Sweetheart" he smiled as he admired the beautiful dress she was wearing and the way that it clung to her body in all the right places as she gave him a little twirl.

"You look fantastic Sweetheart" he smiled as he admired the beautiful dress she was wearing and the way that it clung to her body in all the right places as she gave him a little twirl

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"Jesus babe... you look stunning. I am one lucky man" he grinned. "Seriously... I just wanna jump you right now".

"I was thinking the same about you" she grinned as she kissed him.

"Shall we get going before we get too carried away?"

"We probably should" she giggled.

They said their goodnights to Benji and put him to bed.

"I have my phone if you need anything" Layla said to Angie.

"Relax babe. I got this. Go have fun" she smiled.

Layla and Jeff had a romantic meal before heading to the theater to see a movie together. They held hands and cuddled through the movie like a loved up teenage couple.

As they headed back to the car after the movie Jeffrey stopped and kissed her deeply. "This night has been perfect".

"It sure has... I don't want it to end" Layla smiled.

"Me neither. How about a walk under the stars?" Jeffrey suggested as he offered her his arm.

"I like the sound of that" she grinned.

They walked arm in arm through a nearby park until they came to a beautiful fountain that was lit up by multi coloured lights.

"Let me take your picture" Jeff smiled as he pulled out his phone. Layla posed in front of the fountain and Jeffrey snapped a few photos of her. "Gorgeous" he beamed.

He appoached her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her deeply beneath the night sky. Then he dropped down to one knee before her and Layla gasped.

"Layla... Sweetheart, I love you with every bit of my being. The day I met you was the day my life really began. When I'm with you I am the happiest I've ever been, and I would be honoured if you would be my wife... will you marry me?" He asked as he held out a beautiful ring.

"Yes! Yes of course I will!" She grinned as tears of joy welled up in her eyes

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"Yes! Yes of course I will!" She grinned as tears of joy welled up in her eyes.

Jeffrey rose to his feet and enveloped her in his arms. "God I love you" he chuckled happily as he spun her around. Setting her back down on her feet he slid the ring onto her finger, relieved that it fit perfectly.

"It's so beautiful Jeff..." she grinned.

"You wear mostly silver or white gold so I knew to go with that, green is your favourite colour and I know that you love emeralds" he smiled.

"It's absolutely perfect" she smiled as she kissed him deeply. "You know me so well".

"Picture?" He said as he pulled out his phone and snapped a selfie of the two of them, Layla grinning widely while flashing her engagement ring and Jeff kissing her cheek lovingly.

"This will be one of my greatest memories" he smiled as he looked at the picture.

"I love you Jeffrey Dean" she smiled.

"There is one more thing babe..." he began a little nervously.


"Well, I want to not only make a commitment to you, but to your son too. He is a big part of your life, and he has become a big part of mine as well. I'm excited to be his step father... but I was thinking..." he said as he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her.

She took it and unfolded it. As she read the words on the page, tears of joy began to stream down her face.

"Really?" She asked.

"100% Sweetheart. I promise to love you forever, and with that, I promise to love Benji as if he were my own flesh and blood. I would like to adopt Benji. I know I can't be his father by blood, but it would mean that world to me if I could be his legal father" he grinned.

"Jeffrey Dean Morgan... you perfect man! What did we do to deserve you? Yes! Absolutely 100% yes. I would love  for you to be Benji's father and I'm sure he would feel the same way" Layla smiled before capturing his lips with her own. She kissed him hard, pouring all the love she had for him into it. "I will sign these the moment we get home" she said as she folded the adoption papers back up and tucked them into his jacket pocket.

"I was worried you might say no" he chuckled.

"I wouldn't dream of it. You have been a wonderful father to Benji, and he loves you to bits. He even calls you Daddy now! I am over the moon that you want him to be your son, and not just your step son but your son legally. I was always worried that when I decided to date again that I wouldn't find someone who could love my Benji as his own... you proved me wrong. You have always treated Benji the way a father should, and I love you so much more for that!"

"I love you and Benji more than anything in this world" he smiled before kissing her deeply. "I can't wait to call you my wife".

"I like the sound of that" Layla grinned proudly.

"Me too Sweetheart".

Thank you to all who are reading and following this story! I really appreciate your awesome comments, they encourage me to keep writing so keep them coming guys!
Much love,

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