Sleep Over

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It didn't take Benji long at all to settle in at Jeff's house. Once he found the toy trains he was right at home. Layla felt very relaxed knowing that Jeff had thought of everything needed to keep Benji safe. Usually any time she would take him to someone else's house, which wasn't often, she would find herself on edge the entire time. She didn't have to do that at Jeff's, his place definitely felt like home.

After dinner Jeff suggested a bubble bath for Benji. He had a huge spa bath and when he turned on the jets it made the bath ten times more bubbly and Benji was super excited. He stayed in until the water had practically gone cold, and was reluctant to get out.

Together they got him ready for bed and took him down to his room. They had shown it to him earlier and played in there for a while to get him used to it, so when it came to bed time he wasn't too anxious. Bisou and Monty followed them in, laying on the floor next to his bed as they read Benji a story.

"Goodnight Benji baby" Layla smiled as she kissed him. "Have a nice big sleep".

"Night Benji" Jeff grinned as he ruffled up Benji's curls.

"Bisou, Monty... come" he said to the dogs as they headed to the door. Bisou followed but Monty looked up at Jeff with his head cocked to the side before looking up at Benji in the bed.

"I think he wants to stay with Benji" Layla smiled.

"Is that okay with you?" Jeff asked.

"I'm sure they will be fine" she smiled.

"Alright bud, you look after Benji. I'll come check on you later" he chuckled.

Later that night Jeff and Layla checked in on Benji to find him fast asleep and Monty laying beside him with his head resting on the little boys leg.

"Monty, you need to go outside to pee?" He whispered and Monty willingly followed. He went outside to do his business and quickly made his way back in and lay on the floor next to Benji's bed.

"Wow... he's really taken a liking to Benji" Layla grinned.

"Sure has. I think they will be best buds" Jeff smiled.

As Layla closed Benji's door Jeff surprised her by picking her up bridal style and carrying her to his bed, making her giggle.

He wasted no time in ravaging her with kisses. "Mmm someone is eager" she laughed.

"I've been wanting to do this all afternoon" he replied.

The two of them stripped eachother naked, their hands exploring one another's bodies. "You're perfect" he whispered.

"So are you" Layla grinned.

They made love twice before falling asleep, and for the first time in over a month Layla didn't have to get up to Benji crying, and she wondered if having Monty with him helped keep him calm. Their first sleep over at Jeff's was such a success, and Layla was happier than she had ever been.

A little over six months later, the couple were more in love than ever. They had made the decision to move in together, living on the farm. Layla knew that it was going to be a big change for Benji, but he was so at home on the farm and he and Monty were inseparable. She knew he would be okay.

It took a couple of days to get everything shifted, but it took no time at all for it to feel like they had always been there. Benji was constantly surprising them with how well he adjusted to everything and he took the move like a champ.

A few weeks later Benji was playing outside with Monty and Bisou when Monty took off after a hare.

"Monty come back!" Benji called. "Oh no! Monty gone!" He said, rather upset.

"It's okay baby. He will come back" Layla smiled.

"Oh no! My Monty!" Benji cried, tears streaming down his face.

"I'll go after him" Jeff said as he jumped the fence and jogged through the paddock calling out to the dog.

Eventually he found Monty, who hadn't been fast enough to catch the hare and was busy trying to pick up its trail again. "C'mon buddy. You're best friend is worried about you" he smiled as he led the dog back to the farm.

"Monty!" Benji said excitedly as Jeffrey came back with him by his side. He ran up and hugged Monty tight. "Bank you much Daddy" Benji smiled at Jeffrey, and his heart damn near exploded in his chest.

"Layla... Babe... did you hear that!?" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh my god! I sure did" she grinned.

"You're welcome Benji" he smiled as he kissed the top of the boys head before he ran off to play with the dogs again.

"He called me Daddy" Jeffrey grinned.

"Are you okay with that?" Layla asked.

"I'm totally okay with that... are you?"

"Definitely" she smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. "I love the relationship that you two have. I always wanted Benji to have a father to love him as much as I do".

"Every day that kid makes me proud with how much he learns and how much he progresses. I'm so proud that he called me Daddy" Jeff smiled.

"I'm impressed that he made the link between you and the word Daddy. It's not a word we have ever used. He adores you so much".

"And I him".

"I'm am so thankful we met you Jeff" Layla grinned. "I love you so much".

"I'm love you too Sweetheart. More than I can ever say".

Layla felt like she finally had the family she always wanted, meeting Jeff was the best thing that could have ever happened to her and her son.

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