A New Friend

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After their naughty extra-curricular activities in the parking lot Layla and Jeff headed to his farm so he could look after the animals and get some farm work done. Layla helped out where she could, and in no time they were finished. It was hot work and Jeff had to change his shirt after working up a sweat. Layla couldn't help but admire his body as he stripped off.

They sat down on the porch to have a cold drink and Jeffrey looked at her adoringly. "I love you" he told her again with a huge grin.

"I love you too" she smiled happily.

"How would you feel about staying at the farm with me tonight?" He asked.

"With Benji?"

"Benji too of course".

"But what about-"

"Sweetheart... I got it all worked out. Trust me" he smiled widely.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do... come see" he said as he stood up and pulled her up with him. He walked her through into the house and began to show her what he had been working on recently. "I've got deadbolts on the doors and safety catches on all the windows. Cupboard and draw catches on anything that might be dangerous. I even found some of those plastic door knob protector things so that he can't go into or out of certain rooms so that we know he is safe at all times" Jeffrey smiled. "Come here" he said excitedly as he pulled her through the house and into the spare bedroom. "Benji can sleep in here, there's catches on the windows, safety plugs in the power sockets. Minimal furniture, just a bed and some draws, which by the way have some spare clothes and pull up nappies for him" he told her. "Oh and I even found this for him" he grinned as he pointed to the large steam train poster up on the wall.

"Jeff" she gushed. "You did all this for Benji?" She asked as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I did all this for all of us. I know we haven't been together long but I love you, and I adore Benji. I want us to be a family... if that's something you want too?" he smiled sweetly as he leaned against the window frame.

 if that's something you want too?" he smiled sweetly as he leaned against the window frame

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"God I love you so much... you sweet beautiful man" she smiled as tears of joy slid down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around him a hugged him tight.

"So that's a yes then? You'll stay?"

"Definitely" she grinned.

"Perfect. I have some of Benji's favourite foods in the kitchen, and some toy trains in the living room. All you'll need is his favourite blanket and anything else you think he would need to feel comfortable or to calm him if he's feeling anxious" Jeffrey smiled.

"Sounds great".

"I'll come back with you and grab my motorcycle from your place and help organise whatever you need. Then when you pick Benji up you guys can come straight around and he can have plenty of time to get settled in".

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