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7 days. 7 days till my brother, mom, best friends and boyfriend are back. Lydia and I were settling into our new home, enjoying every minute of it. Living with your best friend and one of your favourite people on the planet can be so exciting that you forget responsibilities. Michael comes back on March 2nd, leaving the rest of February for girl time.

I was in the kitchen, music playing quietly from my iHome. I was missing Michael a lot today, so I decided to listen to their newest album. I had called him a few times earlier but he didn't answer. We didn't really talk much these days... a phone call every few days, a text here and there from him but he seemed too busy. Not for his phone, but for me.

Close as strangers came on and I switched the song. As English Love Affair came through my speakers. I heard Lydia from the loft. "It started out a weekend in Mayyyyyy" she sang as she jumped down from the loft. She was wearing one of Ashton's band tees, holes in the sleeves and at the top of the collar. I looked down at my attire, a pair of black panties and one of Michael's black knit sweaters.

"Hey! I'm Michael." I said, doing my best impression of his voice, the one I missed. "Ashton." she went along with it, shaking my hand as she tried to reenact his giggle, failing miserably. We both laughed as my toast popped. I pulled out the four slices, buttering them all and putting 2 on each plate. I put one in front of Lydia as she sat in her wood chair from her old house, and I put my plate in front of my painted red stool that we found by the side of the road. I walked to the fridge, "What do you want to drink?"

"Scotch please, not the gross one the-" "one that tastes like butterscotch?" I finished her sentence, smirking at her. "You know me so well it's scary."

I nodded, grabbing the (butter)scotch and the milk. I poured her a little, handing it to her. She smiled at me, her mouth full with toast. The kettle whistled before I took it from the stove, pouring water into my mug. You're suppose to drink tea from a cup but I don't give a shit so I use a mug. "Could you make me a coffee too? I am really feeling a-" "double double?" I said, smiling.

"It's getting scary now." she laughed, hugging me. To anyone else, two girls hugging in the middle of a small kitchen in just their boyfriends shirts and underwear would be weird, but it was a regular thing for us.

We both took our beverages and cuddled up on the couch. "You wanna watch a movie?" I asked, turning on the TV and turning to Lydia. She was about to answer when her eyes widened.

"Michael Clifford seen leaving a club with mystery girl? We'll have details for you after the break!" the television host spoke. I turned to see Michael holding hands with a blonde girl, walking out of a busy night club. His lips were swollen and slightly red, the same shade as the blonde ones lipstick. What the fuck?

"No." I whispered, my vision going blurry and my tears soaking my cheeks. Lydia walked over, pulling me to the couch. She straddled my waist, rubbing her thumbs under my eyes. "Don't cry, oh god, please don't." she panicked.

"He cheated on me." I whispered, hugging her small frame. I sobbed into her chest, her fingers combing through my hair.

I woke up on the couch, the windows not shining light anymore. I checked the clock on the cable box. 4:02AM.

I couldn't sleep, but I couldn't cry anymore. So I did what my minds first thought was. I stepped out on our decent sized balcony, my phone in hand as I dialled his number. I was leaning against the rail with my head in my free hand. He picked up on the second ring. "Madison?" he answered. I waited a few moments, taking in his voice.

"That's why you were ignoring me." I whispered, not wanting my voice to give me away. I regretted calling him the second he answered. His voice was too familiar. I thought I couldn't cry anymore, I thought I'd be okay, but the moment he said my name, that all went to shit.

"What? What's wrong baby?" he said quietly. Really?

"Don't fucking call me that!" I yelled into the phone. I was in full tears now, sniffing every few seconds.

He was silent for a few moments, "Madison, I can expla-"

"No, you can't! You can't explain yourself Michael! There's nothing to explain! You fucking cheated on me when all I can fucking think about is you! I've tried calling and texting and fucking anything I could do but you ignored me because you were cheating on me! I trusted you! I fucking loved you, for fucks sakes!" I scream-sobbed into the receiver. I was pathetic but at least I wasn't a cheater and a liar.

"Madison, please! Just listen! I love you just-"

"I hate you!" I screamed before sobbing for a few moments. He stayed silent. "I want nothing to do with you. I want you to stay away from me. I fucking hate you, you hear that? I hate you, Michael Clifford." I said quietly, losing my voice.

He gulped, "I'm sorry."

"Me too." I whispered before ending the call, dropping to my knees. I sobbed and sobbed, my head pounding. I let out a few screams, my vocal chords close to snapping. By 7, I was out of tears. I was numb, staring off at the Sydney skyscrapers.

I grabbed Lydia's box of cigarettes from her night stand and went back outside. Thankfully I didn't wake her. I usually didn't smoke, but today I didn't care. Last time I smoked a cigarette was 10th grade, with Lydia of course. Lydia kept a box just for "emergencies". Like now.

I lite the stick of tobacco and inhaled, my lungs burning as I blew out the devilled smoke. My eyes closing by habit. I finished the cigarette, making me lightheaded. I lite another. And another. I lost track but Lydia came out with me, not asking or questioning me, just sitting down on the ground with me, her own cigarette in her mouth, another pack in hand. Today was going to be a long day. And an even longer week.


I'm sorry guys omfg

reminder that Madison and Lydia are almost 20 years old and that it is legal for them to smoke thx

-m xoxo


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