chapter 1

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The fluffy white clouds dotted the cerulean blue sky casting a golden ray on earth. Birds chirped loudly, the winds sighed, leaves rustled, palm trees swayed gently in the breeze of the warm tropical sunshine. The atmosphere was refreshing and above all of that, the tension that filled the air in the Sulyman's residence could be cut with a pair of scissors. The past was unravelled to them, and it left them in a state of absolute shock and silence.

In the living room stood Mr. Sulyman his wife, their two sons, and three daughters. Who would save the family's business from falling apart? A business that had been built with hard work and discipline was going to be crumbled apart with just a statement.

A few years ago.
"Ah, Sulyman, what brings you to my office today?" Alico said in a calm tone yet laced with seriousness.  There was no easy way to say it, with great effort the words came out of his mouth. "I'd like you to lend me some money."  He said as impatient as a lover.

Alico was astound, never would he had thought that the one and only Sulyman would look past his self-esteem and ask him for a favor, and here he was, helpless in front of him.
"So how much do you intend I lend to you?" Alico said with an amused indulgence. Sulyman was hesitant to say the amount, but he had to say it anyway, he couldn't let all his hard work go in vain, just because of his conceit. "I promise to pay as soon as I can ."   "I'll lend you the money but we have to put it in writing for evidence what do you think? and if you can't  pay me after five years, I will get married to one of your daughters."

Sulyman's eyes bulged out in disbelief. How could he have thought of something like this, He wanted to give up and leave, he couldn't believe Alico's boldness to take advantage of his vulnerable state for his selfish desires. He thought they were in some way friends.  But he agreed cause he believed that he would be able to pay the money back within five years or in less than that. But a promise is a debt.
After he set forth the whole story to his family, the revelation to his daughters left them in a daze, they were numb with shock, who amongst them was going to be the wife of Mr. Alico, who was going to carry on with this ultimate sacrifice for the family?

Sulyman looked at his daughters with unshed tears in his eyes, he didn't want to force them but he had no option, time had caught up with him, all those years spent with hard work, was about to come crumbling in front of him. He hated himself for making his daughters do this, but he made a promise and it was time to pay his debt.

"Nasreen can't you marry him?" Afrah asked. "Nope." She said firmly. "Why nope?" "No, cause I have a boyfriend who loves me and I do love him too as a matter of fact, and I can't break girl code, his daughter is my best girl," Nasreen said with an eye roll. "Why don't you just get married to the man I thought you were obsessed with getting married lately huh?" Nasreen said hotly.

"Oh, please obsessed with young marriageable guys, not men who are old enough to be my father, duh! And besides am still schooling, it is going to be distracting for my medical school don't you think. I  am only eighteen for crying out loud." Afrah retorted.

They all turned to look at their elder sister, who had been quiet all along.

"Why are you staring at me, I am not ready to get married now, as you can see I just started my business, I need to be on my feet."

"You see Sultana, all of us have reasons why we can't get married now, and you are the eldest of all of us, you need to make your decision, let's not pretend that we don't know it is you who might help dad out of this situation, so you have to make a decision, he might even decide to get all of us married to him for his hard work," Nasreen said in a mild tone.

"I don't understand why all of you are telling me to decide like I already agreed, you guys just get out of my room I need to think about it."
"You better think about it."

Later that night her elder brother Imran came to her room to see if she was okay.  "Hey, Sultana you know if you don't want to get married I can make dad stop this marriage right?" "Ya Imran it's okay, I will be fine, besides it doesn't only affect dad, all of us would also be affected if the company falls apart, so yes I am going to marry Mr. Alico, If this is my destiny, then so be it, someone infinitely greater than I has written it, who am I to change it." She said tearily. Imran engulfed her in a warm hug and rubbed her back soothingly.

"It's alright Sultana, everything is going to be alright, I got you your favorite chocolate." Imran presented her with the chocolate that was in his pocket. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. "Aww, Ya Imran you know how to lighten up my mood." She hugged him again and munched the Ferrero Rocher chocolate.

"Dad I don't understand why you said I should leave whatever am doing and come back with great urgency, what is the matter?" "Listen, son, don't you think this is the right time to settle down? you already have everything balanced, it is only a wife you need now."

"But dad, I am not ready." "You are ready, you know you are not getting any younger, I have gotten you a wife already, no buts or ifs, my decision is final, I do not have any intention of getting married again, I want you to do this for me and also for your self, I would be expecting you soon."

"Hello mate," Imran said in a British accent "When in town?" "I came back two days ago, my dad said I should come back, that he's gotten me a wife."
"That means both you and your dad are getting hitched." "Wait, what, excuse me, what do you mean by my dad is getting married, I think you are mistaken, my dad is not getting married, I am." "You have no idea don't you." "I have the slightest idea, I'll see you later mate." The disconnected fragments of the story scattered his thoughts, he had to sit with his father and talk things out when he came back from his trip that evening.

Sudais came to Sultana's room and told her that their father wanted to see her. "I'll be there in some few seconds." She wrapped her head in a hijab and strode downstairs. She greeted her dad in a mild tone. "How are you Sulti?" "I am fine dad." "May Allah reward you for doing this for me." 
"Ameen, it is okay dad, I would do anything for you." She didn't realize she was crying already, She excused herself, and ran to her room, she shut the door behind her and let the tears fall freely.

She didn't know how many seconds turned minutes, as she sat there crying. She realized the only thing she could do was to pray, pray to her lord the one who was always there to listen. She stood up with determination, went to her bathroom to perform her ablution. And read two nafls. She wept in her sujood, she couldn't say anything, but she knew her tears were traveling to her lord, saying all she couldn't say, It was after then she found peace, her mind was at sheer peace knowing that her lord was listening to her, she realized that the coolness of the eyes and heart lies in prayers. With every tear, her faith strengthened.

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