chapter 27

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Sultan felt something at the pit of his stomach. He wanted to call Sultana and ask if everything was going well, then he saw his younger sisters come out. He recalled what his mother said

'Ku rike juna. Hold each other.'

His heart sank as he thought about his mother. He brushed the negative thought away.
"Hey, sissy's." He said solemnly "Good afternoon ya Sultan." They knew that something was amiss from his countenance. Even Amal and Khadijah were not having their usual banters.

"How are you?" "We are fine ya Sultan, why did you take permission to see us?

"It is mom, she wants to see you."

"But mom should have come to visit us like she always does," Hanan said thoughtfully. Sultan got a call from his dad. "Kana ina, Sultan where are you, Sultan?" "Dad we are on our way. Hope everything is alright?" "Just hurry."
"Okay dad, we would be home soon." "Khaddy, where is ya Sultana?" Hanan asked.

"She is at home taking care of mom."

"Taking care of mom? what is wrong with mom?" Janan asked. "She is sick." Khaddy said solemnly, her gaze drifted to Amal who was lapsed in disturbing thoughts. "Will she be alright ya Sultan?" "Insha Allah, she will jaan."

When Alico got home he saw his wife's lifeless figure. He knelt on the floor and entwined her cold fingers in his. "She was doing just fine this morning." He said in broken sobs.

Sultana sat in one corner of the room paralyzed, tears strode freely. Recalling all the moments she shared with her. They had become so attached that it was hard for Sultana to apprehend Rakiya was dead.

"Sultana my wife, she left me, she is gone."

"I am so sorry dad." Irfan was on the balcony. He clenched his knuckle around the rail. Showing the great amount of will he was withholding before he finally burst into flames. And then he slithered against the wall, covering his face with his palm, he cried painfully.

When they arrived at home, the atmosphere of the house had changed, Emma was not his usual bubbly self when he opened the gate. When they got down, Sultan saw Fawaz and Imran.

"What are you guys doing here?" They couldn't say anything, they kept staring at him.

"No, no, no don't tell me she is gone," Sultan said incredulously. Fawaz rose his bloodshot eyes to Sultan, that look gave everything away.

He ran upstairs, where he left his mom that was chatting happily with them this morning it was the longest they talked since she fell sick. He had hope that she would make it. Everything seemed fine. So what happened. Perhaps she was sleeping. He shook her body, but there was no response. Amal let out a scream. Khaddy fell paralyzed. "We said we would be back after one hour, and it is not even up to an hour," Amal said. The twins were not believing what they were seeing. It was an overwhelming experience.

Amal, Sultana, Khaddy, and Ya Sakina performed her ritual bath, she was shrouded in white clothing, according to religious rites, they prayed for her and said their final goodbyes. The men were all set to perform their burial rites. The ladies watched how the men took her away.

When they came back Sultan engulfed Sultana, in a bone-crushing hug. She hugged him back tightly and rubbed his back soothingly, as he cried.

"Sultana, I can't believe she is gone." Me too." He recalled how he, Irfan and his dad put her in her grave. His body shook with fear.

"We love her Sultan, but Allah loves her more that is why he took her away, she is in a better place now Insha Allah."


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