Authors note.

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Oh my God somebody should pass me a tissue paper🤧🤧. I cannot believe ADAF has come to an end. I don't want to stop writing about them. But everything that has a bringing must surely have an end.

And it may come as a surprise to you to know that you guys are very much on my mind as I was writing this book.

Late at night as I write I often imagine you laughing at something a character says, and hopefully experiencing all his or her emotions as well. That has always been my goal.

You guys in turn have rewarded my efforts a thousandfold.

All of you that have taken your time to vote comment and share. You've made me feel that my book is special and meaningful to you, and a great pleasure to know that the characters in this book have become so meaningful to you that you want to read about them.
I appreciate you guys a lot. No amount of words can be in comparison to how grateful I am. You guys are made this book. There wouldn't be a Team Sultan without you guys...
that have been following this book from the very first day. khadeeybl, werheederh ,saadherh, vivacious_m1 fatima_dalhatu ayshalivia aishatali1.. and the rest of you guys I didn't mention.. y'all are very much appreciated.

I could go on forever thanking you guys. But I think here is where I stop to type. Till we meet again in another book. How in the world could I have forgotten to thank my Maama who is so proud of her girl for writing a book. Anywhere she goes we will tell her friends Halima is writing a book... I love you maama. My sister my greatest inspiration my critique I love you. And bro bro thanks for all your support fam... 💕💕💕

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