chapter 14

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I am so happy guys ADAF was ranked no 4 in Nigeria on 1st March 2019. 💃💃thanks guys I wouldn't have gone this far without you guys. I am grateful❤️❤️

Everybody was moving to and fro, preparing things here and there. The groom's family were going to bring Hal's Kayan lefe and fix the wedding date. All her aunties, cousins, family friends were all gathered in their family house waiting for the groom's family.

Hal had been calling her cousin who was in the family house asking if everything was alright, she was worried.
"Hal tell Imran that they were wasting time." Her cousin sisters raved.

"They are on their way they would arrive soon, you guys should chill."

True to Hal's word the groom's family arrived after ten minutes, they swarm into the compound with their fleet of cars.

Hal's cousins and aunties, friends, were peeping from the window. As the groom's family arrived, Maria could spot Sultana, Afrah, Nasreen, Aunty Binta, and the rest of the entourage from both the grooms' families. The elderly people of the house went out to receive their soon-to-be in-laws.

As the girls peeked from the window, what was more fascinating to them was the number of designer boxes that the driver was bringing out from different cars. The girls had lost count of how many boxes they were. So they stopped counting and started praying.

"Allahuma arzukuna, May God bring wealth."

The groom's family was received warmly as they sat in the large sitting room as they agreed on the wedding date. They left with plenty goodies presented by Hal's family.

The young girls in the room came out After the groom's family had left, they watched how the older women opened the different boxes stuffed with expensive fabrics, shoes, bags, and a box full of gold sets and a 20-carat diamond ring it's neckless and a wristwatch that was held securely by one of Hal's aunts. The gifts were a little beyond one's imagination everyone gushed at the gifts, praying for the groom's family, Especially the unmarried ones.


The days drew nearer and finally, the wedding bells rang in the home of the Muhammad's as well as the Sulyman's. The wedding event started with the henna ceremony, where the bride and her friends got their hands and feet designed with henna.

Then followed by a bridal shower, which was one of the greatest of all times.

Hal looked breathtakingly beautiful, like drop-dead gorgeous. Her dress was to die for, designed by one of the biggest designers in Nigeria. The bridal shower was lit, they had lots of fun, they played different games, danced, ate, it was a night filled with fun and happy memories made.

And then the kamu, (A traditional celebration of the wedding). The groom and his friends had to pay a considerable amount of money for him to see his bride.

It was surreal, cause the brides' friends requested five million just for the groom to see his bride. But then the bid was reduced to three million. It was fun, the way the groom and his friends were pleading with the brides' friends to reduce the money, they were about ten of the brides' friends.

They didn't budge. Sultana announced that she had seen the alert of two million, the remaining one million would be shared amongst the ten of them in cash, at the event.

The whole party was in awe and total uproar. the groom would do anything just to see his bride how awesome.

"I can't believe you are getting married today Hal." "Me either, it feels like a dream."

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