chapter 38 The end

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Bismillah... Have fun🤗🤗🤗. And keep that little star orange.

"Hubb." He called out. "Yes, Sultan." Came her voice from the closet. Sultan yanked the closet door open. "Let me guess you are hiding from them again."

"Yes, Sultan, I just need thirty minutes of quiet. And why are you home so early?" "I came to pick up those documents, I'll be leaving now."

He kissed her quickly. "I love you Hubb." "I love you more Mia." She kissed him back. Sultan helped her close the closet door.

On his way out he Shouted, "Noor, Nawal, Maama is hiding in the closet."  Sultana rolled her eyes and heaved an exhausted sigh. "You will pay for this Sultan." And She came out of the closet.

"Cookies," Sultana said entering the twins' untidy room. "Yay! cookies." They squealed in excitement as they came running to their room.

"I do not have any cookies, now tidy up your room," Sultana said firmly.

"Seriously maama, one day you are going to say that and we are not going to come," Noor said rolling her eyes.

"And that is the day I will have cookies," Sultana said picking up their stuff from the floor.

"I told you we shouldn't have come Noor."

"Or better still Maama you shouldn't have come out of your "CLOSET," Noor said with emphasis. In a thick British accent.

"What happened to your promise about keeping your room tidy?"
"Oh, maama you thought we were serious that day? We only wanted you to leave that was why we agreed." Nawal said.

"Look Noorie and Nav, you are big girls now, and you have to start acting like one. One day I am not going to be here to do all these things for you, there is another baby on the way, is this how you girls are going to stress me?"

"Maama don't you think you have too many children already?" Nawal said.

"Whatever, just tidy your room, dirty clothes in the laundry basket, books on the shelf, beds arranged. Sultana was doing all of them as she spoke. And the twins watched her.

She entered their bathroom towels on the hook, toothpaste cap on, brush right here, toilet bowl closed." "Maama should we also wipe the mirror?" "Yeah." And Sultana wiped it.

"Okay Maama can we go back, we need to finish our puzzle?" "What! no, you haven't tidied your room." They folded their arms on their chest looking at their mom.

Sultana looked around and said "Ohhhh." realizing she had tided everywhere for them. "Okay to the kitchen guys."

"You just had to eat that cookies didn't you?" Nawal said to Noor. She rolled her eyes walked to the kitchen. Sultana went to her room all she wanted to do was to fly away for just a week at least..No children, No husband, just her alone, cause Sultan could be a baby at times. Nawal passed the plate to Noor, with a bored and tiring look on their faces. And Noor put the plate in the dishwasher.

"What are you guys doing?" Sabir asked.

"Have you lost your sight?" Nawal replied. "Maama asked us to do the dishes," Noor said with an innocent expression on her face.

"That is not how you do it," Sabir collected the plate. "First of all you scrape off the remnants from the plates then, you put it in the dishwasher, the leftovers go right in here, and you put it in the fridge."

"Should we also clean the gas cooker?" Nawal asked. Sabir cleaned the gas cooker. The both of them high-fived each other when Sabir wasn't looking.

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