chapter 18

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Alico took permission from the hospital and took Sultan. They were in dire need to have a family meeting.

He was beyond upset with his wife's behaviour. They were living in the same house, and he hadn't spoken to her in days he was not even sleeping in the room they shared. None of her children was speaking to her.

What had she done to herself, why did she let
Hatred and wickedness drive her to take such a drastic step. She only wanted to make her sister happy for once in her life, her sister had to be her everything since they lost their parents and had sacrificed a lot of things for her when things were hard for them, and she could not do this least for her. She wept bitterly, and now she had lost all her respect from her family.

She had to do something quick, the only thing that felt was right at that moment was to pray, pray to her lord for forgiveness. She was deeply remorseful and full of fear of the guilty, not once had she spoken to Sultana since the incident.

What was she going to tell her? how was she going to tell her she was sorry for killing her child, will she ever forgive her? She thought and thought, suddenly she had a fair idea of what to do.

Sultana on the other hand was recovering fast, she went for checkups and x-rays and she was told to exercise regularly and not to do any strenuous activity.

The days curled, and curled into one another, it was two weeks since she had been at her parents' house and three days since she last saw Sultan. Her mom brought her out of her reverie when she knocked on the door.

"Sulti how are you?" "I am better mom."

"I know  you are worried."

She gave her mom a placating smile.

"Should I tell you something?"

"You haven't told me, mom."

"You know the surest in life is death, we all have our appointed time in life, every luxury, every comfort, and anything we could ever imagine, will be left here on earth, and in the end, it is only us and our deeds, we reap what we sow. You should bear in mind that what is yours will never miss you even if it were between two mountains, and what is not meant for you will never come to you even if it were between your lips. So sulti I want you to move on. duk abin da Allah yayi daidai ne. You should know that Allah is the driver of our lives, and as humans, we panic cause we do not know where Allah is driving us. Now as to your mother If I put you in a car and tell you to sit we are going somewhere, you will never for once panic because you trust my love for you, you will never think I will hurt you, and you know what? Allah loves you beyond your imagination so why panic?

I want you to be a better person by forgiving, if Allah can forgive our trespasses and uncountable sins then who are we not to forgive? What has befallen you was not meant to escape you, this is a test from Allah which everyone must go through as a believer.
Hajia Rakiya called me yesterday and  apologized she is tremendously sorry for what she did."

"Mom sorry won't bring back my baby," She said calmly, almost in tears. "But I am learning to move on, I am trying to heal, it is really hard."

"I know, you can  forgive her please, we your parents have forgiven her, your religion teaches you peace." "I know mom, but I have to have peace and comfort before I can extend it to someone, I can't give what I don't have, and forgiveness is about healing what is inside of you, so I have to heal first before I can forgive her."

"Okay Sultana this is a process that is going to take time, but as you heal, I want you to live for yourself first, your life belongs to you alone, create happiness within yourself, your happiness shouldn't depend on anyone's validation. So you will go back to your husbands' house tomorrow, kina jina."

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