chapter 2

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"Salam dad," He said impatiently not waiting for his father's reply. "I don't understand what is going on, are you also getting married, I need an explanation dad, what happened to I have no intention of adding another wife?" He massaged his temples.

"Relax son, let me make things clear to you," He was quiet for a while before he spoke. "My intention to get married to one of Sulyman's daughter had a reason, we had a deal that if he wasn't able to pay me the money he owed me, I will get married to one of his daughters, but not anymore and I don't want my money to go in vain, it is a lot so I decided you will do, and yes your mom is enough for me. So son get ready you are getting married in a fortnight I have made my decision all I have to do now is to talk to Sulyman about the change of plans."  Alico said mildly and continued reading his newspaper.

It galled him to think that his father could do this to him because of money, his dad was better than this condescension. Great, just great, he was getting married to his friends' sister with just an explanation. He didn't know who she was, or what she looked like, he was aware that Imran had three sisters that he barely knew of what kind of plight was this. He didn't want to suffer from unrequited love.

"Mom do I have to go with you guys?" Sultana grumbled. can't Nasreen go with you she already knows what I want."  "No you are getting out of that bed this instant I haven't even seen you since two days now, look how lean you have become it is not the end of the world, ba a kanki aka fara ba, kuma ba a kan ki za a gama ba, we have talked about this." Sultana rolled her eyes in an unnoticeable way as her mother raved.

"It will be fun ya Sultana you haven't left your room for like ever and it's your wedding we are talking about." Afrah jabbered. "Ya Sultana get out of that room before I beat your black ass with this box," Nasreen yelled.  "Seriously, you shouldn't have to add a 'Ya' to my name after you said what you just said."  She grabbed her abaya and clad her hair with a matching hijab picked her purse from the table and left to meet them outside.

"You are driving." Her mom said. "Oh, no mom I can't  drive please let Nasreen or Afrah  drive but if you all want to die soon let's enjoy the ride." She said with a mischievous smirk. She went to the back seat and sat with her mom who shot her a glare as Nasreen ignited the engine to life.
They went to do some shopping for the necessary things they would need in preparation for the wedding. Her brothers had gone out to grab dinner for them, nobody had the strength to cook again after the brisk day they all had. They were all seated in the living room, talking about everything, making wedding arrangements.

"Sultana you said you don't want any celebration right?" "Yes, dad." "Why Sulti you don't want to show them your dancing skills?" Sultana let out a soft giggle.  "I don't feel up for it Dad."  She imagined how she would dance with a man that was nearly sixty. snap out it, Sultana. But each time she snapped out of it, it came back hitting her like a boomerang that she was going to be married to a man that had seven children and a wife.

"But at least you are going to have a bridal shower yeah?" Afrah asked rashly. "Nope, I don't think so." "You should start thinking now cause whether you like it or not we must celebrate, if it makes you feel better he is bloody rich, one of the richest men in Nigeria." Afrah threw her head back and rolled her eyes.

"You guys wouldn't understand cause you are not getting married to him, can I buy my happiness with all of his wealth?" She said somberly assuming indifference even if she was seething with anger. She was holding on to the last thread of hope that something magical would just happen and her life would be normal again. Afrah and Nasreen saw how Sultana's eyes dimmed with fear and anxiety, she was making an ultimate sacrifice for their family, They had to let her know that they were there for her and they cared about her happiness and feelings.
"Look ya Sultana, we are your family and we love you so much, no matter what happens from here we will always have your back, you don't have to fret, I strongly believe that whoever is meant to be in your life will always gravitate to you no matter how far they are, just be laid back and pray things are going to fall in the right place, you  always told us that we will get what is written for us and no one can take it from us, and we shouldn't  have stress ourselves, where is that person that said this to us?" Afrah said gingerly.  Sultana couldn't help as she burst out with tears, "I love you guys so much, thank you for everything." At that moment all three of them were in a warm hug. Their mum looked at them and wiped the lone tear that escaped her eyes and left. "Please excuse me," Sultana said and went to her room. "Does this mean we can carry out with the budget of the bridal shower?" They called out. "Whatever you like, I am getting married to a freaking billionaire anyways."  Sultana's reply echoed across the hall.

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