chapter 34

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Everything seemed fine with Sultan, he was always around her, he never left her sight throughout her stay in the hospital. The only time he left was to attend to other necessary duties. All was not lost Sultana thought. When they arrived home, a stab of loss washed over her when he took her to her room instead of the room they shared. Sultan helped change her clothes. "Are you alright Sultana?" "I am fine," she said firmly. "Okay, let me go and attend to the visitors." He pat her shoulder and left.
Her heart quailed. She knew he was trying his best to be there for her. She saw compassion and care in his eyes. The day she saw a missed call from Manal. Her heart dropped, of course, what did she expect? That things would back to normal so soon? She slept angry that night. But when she woke up at the midnight to pee. She saw Sultan sleeping soundly beside her. He must have come in the midnight when she slept angrily.

Both of them had a good talk about his life with his father. "Leave Hajia Kande to me, I know what to do, and if you set foot in that house again I will not be happy with you, you played a part by going to the house and they took advantage of you."
"I don't even know how I end up there sometimes, I just get a call from Manal and she would tell me to come over."
"Try not to pick her calls okay, May Allah have mercy on your mothers soul, if she was alive all these would not have happened.


Sultana was strong enough now, she had started going to the restaurant now after two weeks of being at home. Things had started to improve with Sultan. But with steadfast prayers.

Their bond had grown stronger the past few weeks, she loved this revamped side of Sultan that she hoped will never change.
Truly every disappointment was a blessing. Verily with every hardship comes ease. (Quran 94:6)

"Sultan, please go to work, I am tired of seeing you at home I want to miss you a little."

"I would die, my love, if I ever left your sight. I miss you already as I speak."

"I am right in front of you."  Sultana texted back.

"Do you know what I noticed?" Still chatting.

"What did you notice Hubb?" "I noticed the way other men treat their wives, talk to their wives, the way they love them, and you know
what?" "What Hubb?"

"How it feels to know that I am loved so much,  I love you, Sultan." A profound smile spread across his lips. And he strode toward her and tightened his arms around her, and with a groaning laughter he seduced his wife on the sofa.

"Ma'am you need to come home right now," Haruna called Sultana.

"Why, what happened Haruna?" She heard Emma from the speaker saying: "That witch has come again come and fight for your husband."  "Okay, Haruna I am on my way."

Emma and Haruna were trying to peep inside the house, cause Manal locked the door. "Hal we need to go home ASAP."

"Why Sulti?" She explained to Hal what Haruna told her. "What the hell are we waiting for?" Hal snapped.

"Let's go. yau sai mun yi raga raga da ita."

Hal got inside Sultana's car, and she drove them. Sultana was not in the headspace to drive.


"Sultan." Manal said in a coquetry tone. "Please leave Manal, who gave you the permission to be here?"

"Sultan it is me Manal you are talking to?" Eh na sani, sai me?" Manal was shocked she did not know that the effect it had no Sultan was longer effective.

"Please leave now, I don't want any of your problems, leave my life alone."
"Hell no Sultan..."

"What the hell Manal!!.  Before he could continue speaking. she pushed him forcefully on the couch... She brought out blackish powdery stuff from her bag and rubbed it on her face. Immediately she shared eye contact with Sultan he kept quiet.

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