chapter 24

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They had come back from hajj after one week, and the experience was Masha Allah. to be in the city of the beloved prophet( PBUH) and perform all the hajj rites, She couldn't thank Allah more for making her witness performing hajj with her husband. They prayed and prayed to Allah for every good in this life and the hereafter, peace, companionship, good offspring, forgiveness and they prayed for their family and friends. The day they were to leave Sultana cried. She did not want to leave the holy city. Sultan ensured her that they would be back again if Allah willed.


Sultan had a business deal, so he had to travel after one week after they arrived from Mecca. It was going to be a seven-day project. "How am I going to stay that long without seeing you Hubb?

She assured him he was going to be alright, that before he blinked his eyes he would be back. She escorted him to the airport. after crying, and soiling his shirt. He was patting her back. "Sorry, hubb don't cry you are making me feel somehow, please clean your eyes and smile for me remember you said it is only a blink of an eye." She nodded fiercely. Sultan wiped her eyes with his handkerchief.  Why for God's sake was she crying. "Bye hubb." He hugged her for the last time and kissed her forehead.
"By Mia, take care of yourself." She called out. "I will Hubb."

Sultana woke up with a severe bout of nausea. she ran to her bathroom and puked and puked until her eyes watered. She decided to make breakfast, and she felt like eating chips and fried eggs. The moment she craked the egg, she felt the urge to puke, the smell of the eggs made her stomach churn, and she threw up again. She ate her chips with ketchup.

"Yaya can you please come over I need your help to bake a cake."

"Ahh! Afrah what do you want a cake for?"

"Please, when you come I'll tell you, and I know you are bored at home ya Sultan is not even around."

"Afrah, I will try, but I am not promising you."

"Please na, daddy is around too."

"Daddy is back?" "Yes, he came back last night."

"Okay, then I am on my way."  She called Sultan.
"Hey, Mia how are you?"
"I am not fine I miss you," Sultan said
"You've only spent two days Sultan, I am going to spend a few days at home, the house is lonely without you."

"Okay sure Hubb, My regards around."
"Muah." Sultana mouthed.
"I love you hubb."
"I love you too Sultan"

"Thank you for coming," Afra said collecting Sultana's baggage.

"Better get ready to do my laundry cause that was my plan." "Don't worry king Afra got it all covered." "Who is king Afra?"
Sultana asked. "Who else if not your beautiful and smart sister."  She fanned her face with her hand.

"Where is daddy?" "He is upstairs, asleep."

"What of mom?"

"Ah! when her husband is around you think you will see her downstairs." Afra joked.

"I swear, where is Nasreen?"

"That one, since I woke up I haven't seen her, she went to ya Imran's house she should be back anytime soon."

"So who are you baking a cake for?"

"Yazid." "Yazid as per the former president's son?"

"Yes, Yaya." "What is going on between you guys?

"He asked me to marry him."

" Wow, that is Interesting, did you accept?"

"Not yet Yaya I am not sure."

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