Ode to a great books

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This poem is about what I think about a great book:

Whether it be online or on paper

A book takes you on many adventures

You feel yourself feel the emotions of characters

Sadness, happiness, excitement or all

And what is this a smile on your face as the book ends in happiness

Or a tear down your cheek as it ends in grief and sadness

Either way you always marvel at how much you've read

Turning the pages as fast as lightning wanting to find out more

The words swirl around your head

You expect a happy ending at the end of your book, but to your dismay, the ones that end up quite the opposite, hurt the most

But whatever the ending you marvel at how the author took you on many adventures

Boom you slam the book not because you're mad

It's because it's a series and the next book hasn't come out yet

You reread the books as you desperately wait for the new book to be released

As you wait it feels as if somebody is constantly twisting a knife through your heart

When you finally receive the book you curl up and speedily read the book as the cycle starts again


Vote and comment if any of the things I wrote remind you of yourself.

Or if the events in the poem have happened to you.

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