Chapter 8

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After talking with Raven the group learned that, much like human women, Cora had a hormonal period every few months as well. During this time, Coraline would grow unconscious and the magic that has been hidden inside her takes form. The form of the negativity that is left behind when the Destroyer strikes, when worlds are torn to shreds. The shadows of the Anti-Void. 

"These creatures take form because my niece only displays her positive emotions. She holds back her negativity and when mixed with her magic they can be dangerous. This is especially so since she has gone mute, though she may be able to verbally communicate as some of you have seen." Raven glanced at her two old friends and continued. "It will only get more dangerous as time goes on. Now that she knows the truth behind her conception, her negativity will try to consume her." 

"What will we do when it happens next time then? If we can't stop these things the-" Dream was cut off by Error.

"We're gonna be ready. For now, everyone needs to act as if everything is normal. When it happens next then we have a scape goat." Nightmare glanced at Kiki.

"Me? What can I do?" Kiki leaned against his paintbrush.

"Oh, I get it. If Cora gets out of control, then Kiki can open up a portal to the Anti-Void and keep her there until she's calmed down." Ink smiled at his lover.

"That's right. We can also have him observe her, find the creatures weaknesses. From then on we can strategize our plan of defense." Error smiled back and delicately kissed Ink's hand. Kiki turned away from them, not wanting to see anymore.

"Will this be okay, Creator?" Raven looked up at her oldest friend of the group, her mind flashing back to all of the fun they had together. Kiki held his chin with his thumb and forefinger bones.

"It's risky but it's a plan, nonetheless. How often does this happen?"

"There is a 60 day grace period after she has awoken."

"So that means it happens how many times in a year?" Kiki tried to work the math out in his head.

"Approximately six times, factoring in leap years. The only x factor is how long she stays incapacitated." Palette stated without thinking, causing his siblings to laugh at him.

"You've been hanging out with that librarian too much." Cil wiped tears from her eyes. Dream glanced at Ink and Error as this happened.

"Enough. You know better than to make fun of your brother."

"Step brother, father. Besides, we're just poking fun," Cil nudged PaperJam, "right?"

PJ chuckled softly, "Even though he's half or step, he's still our brother but, yeah, we're just teasing." He held out his fist to Palette. "We good Pal?"

Palette nodded and bumped PJ's fist with his. "Yeah, we're good."

Raven clapped, turning their attention back to the matter at hand. "Today has been a long chapter for us all. Let us retire to our homes and then discuss what to do next when we have more knowledge of the situation." The group of skeletons nodded and gathered their things.

"Creator," Kiki turned to Raven, lowering his raised brush. "You must know the details of my sister's death before continuing on your journey." Raven's tone was ice cold and a chill ran up the spines of each skeleton. Never before had anyone seen the sorceress act this way. Well, almost everyone.

"I was wondering if you were still my Raven." Kiki laughed softly, though this was hardly the time. "You've become so docile. Have you studied enough magic, or have your studies been stalled by this escapade?"

"My practice matters not in this age of reconciliation. My niece matters to me." Raven started preparing tea. "Moon and Sky, both of you need to stay for this. The rest of you should go. Tomorrow will be another long day."

Nightmare and Dream sat next to the painter, who had seated himself on the black leather couch. "What exactly happened to Dove?"


The painter retired to the Doodle Sphere, where the AUs were abuzz with activity. His shoulders were heavy with physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion though he knew his work was far from over. He still had to check on each alternate universe, recreate those that HIS Error destroyed, potentially battle said skeleton, then stabilize old alternate universes, and place the finishing touches on his most recent creation.

Time runs differently in the Anti-Void. The time that he group had spent discussing what to do had felt like mere minutes, though in reality it had been hours. The family of his counterpart had left Raven's house around midnight and himself, along with the twins of balance had left around one in the morning. It seemed that they were just as shocked as he was when they heard that... No. The Creator shook his head and started on his list of things to do. He needed to keep his mind off of things that would distract him, such as the details of his close friend's death or the thoughts of what could be if the Destroyer returned his buried feelings.

Ink!Sans worked while losing himself in his thoughts. He had barely recognized that he had a visitor before he was tied up in the florescent blue strings. Ink struggled against his restraints and glared at the culprit. "What are you doing, Error? I thought we had an agreement about you coming to the Doodle Sphere."

"You know I don't keep promises, Squid. As to what I'm doing," Error chuckled darkly, causing Ink to scowl, "you'll figure out soon enough."

Ink struggled more, not liking whatever the taller skeleton had planned. That was, of course, before Error pressed his teeth against Ink's in a tender kiss. Unable to find the strength to resist, Ink melted into the kiss and silently wished to himself that this wasn't just another one of his dreams. Error, on the other hand, didn't know why he was doing this other than the fact that he simply wanted to. This was unusual behavior for the skeleton was introverted and suffered from mental disorders such as, haphephobia, the fear of touching or being touched. Though at the moment, his phobia was not acting out. In fact, he welcomed the warmth of the smaller skeleton's embrace.

Neither of them noticed that Error's magic strings had disappeared, nor had they noticed that Ink was now pressed against the wall of his workplace. Before they knew it, clothing was being removed and teasing had started. Lewd noises escaped Ink as Error attacked the sensitive spot on his neck. Whilst Error was doing that, Ink was gently massaging his partner's rib bones and though Ink wanted this to continue, something didn't feel right.

"Error..." The dark boned skeleton hummed a response, pausing from his attack. "I think we should stop before this goes too far."

The taller's brow bones furrowed in confusion. "Why? Why stop now when we both want it?" Error pulled away from Ink, who was covering his rib bones. "Unless you don't want this?"

"I..." Ink's face flushed rainbow, "I never said that. It just feels wrong right now. Like, why the hell did you just suddenly change your mind about me? Why go to the one place you hate just to find me? The balance says--"

"Fuck what the balance says!" Error cut him off. "The balance does not say that we have to hate each other. It doesn't say that we have to fight. We can live in harmony, together."

Grasping Ink's hands, Error leaned in for another kiss but Ink pushed him away. "Answer the questions Error, I need to hear the reasons from your mouth."


Okay, so a few things. Yes, the book title now says Hiatus. This is because, due to family reasons, I was going to place the books I am currently working on writing on hiatus. But because of a friend of mine *cough cough* Shane_Fazbear *cough cough* I've decided that I will continue updating my two books whenever I can. This means that there will be slowly updates. Thank you everyone who has read what I have so far. I hope that all of my reader's have a wonderful day/night.


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