Chapter 17

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I did as Blue said and I felt something leave my body. As soon as I summoned my soul, all hell broke loose. All everyone was asking is, "Why is it like that?" Hesitantly, I opened my eyes. There was a clear heart in front of me with light grey swirls that branched out from the middle of it. The swirls reminded me of swirling vines. 

"Holy shit!" I heard PJ exclaim. I looked him up and down in his new attire. Brown loafers, brown pants that loosely hung from his hip bones, and a blue vested shirt with white cuffed sleeves that ended at his elbows. The buttons on his shirt were still undone, revealing part of his ribs and sternum. I could feel both my face flush and his stare on my soul. "That's one unique soul," he muttered. 

"I wonder..." Ink painted out a small tablet and started swiping. After a few minutes, he spoke again. "It's just as I thought. There's a new soul type in the log. As well as a new category." Ink held up the tablet for everyone to see. The top of the screen read, in big letters, Category: HYBRID, Type: TRAIT-LESS

"'These  SOULs react to the host's emotions, changing the SOULs trait depending on the emotion,'" PJ read out. "So you can't use magic unless you feel a strong emotion. That explains why you were able to summon orange magick when Gradient came back. You were brave." 

"I want to try something," I started lifting my circlet off of my head. 

"What are you doing?" Ink pushed it back down. "Do you want to reveal our location?" 

"Trust me, please. I just want to see this. It'll only be for a second." I took the head dress off and stared at my soul. I could feel my body change and reveal my natural form. My soul started to invert. It turned upside-down and the colors changed from the mainly clear soul to a light grey. The vines changed to look clear, as well. I placed my family's gift back on my head and the soul returned to how it once was. 

"You're soul is quite lovely, Cora," Papyrus exclaimed.

"I've never seen anything like it before!" Blueberry was practically jumping with excitement. 

"Well, that was quite the spectacle but you should lay low for awhile and don't take that off." Ink painted me some clothes and handed me a small paintbrush. "Use this to summon me when you need me. It paints a portal just to the Doodle Sphere. Blue and I have to go talk to Dream." I nodded to him, returned my soul to my body, and took my guitar off of my back. 

"Alright, Ink. Stay safe." I hugged the slightly taller skeleton and gently rubbed my fist against Blue's skull. "And you stay out of trouble, Mr. Hyper." 

"Don't worry about us! We'll be okay!" I laughed gently and waved at the pair as they left. Hopefully everyone will be safer with me gone. 


It's been a couple weeks since PJ and I arrived in the Underground of Dancetale. At first PJ didn't want to go out and explore. Anytime I said that I was going out PJ made me stay 'home.' I'll admit that it's really nice here, the air is filled with music and people are content but, it's not my home. Recently, PJ has gone out with Papyrus to go train since he's not used to the fighting style here. Those two are both out now and I can hear Sans practicing upstairs so I just sit back on the couch and pluck at my guitar strings. Before I notice it, I'm plucking out a random string of notes. I start humming along. 

"You're good at that." I jumped, startled by the voice behind me. "Sans! Don't do that!" 

He simply chuckled and took a big gulp from his water bottle. "Couldn't help it. You're the best to tease." I groaned at his statement. 

"Are you done practicing?" He nodded. 

"For now at least. I'm just taking a break." Sans plopped onto the couch next to me. "The kid and Paps still gone?" 

"Yeah. I don't think they'll be back until late again. They're practicing hard for protection, unlike some people," I muttered the last part and I noticed the skeleton smirk. 

"It's better than sitting around all day, unlike some people," he mocked. 

"Hey, I clean the house." 

"But you don't prepare yourself for any possible scenarios." 

"If I could summon my magick then I would." 

"Do you want to learn?" I was a bit taken aback by his bluntness.

"Of course I do. It's just," I trailed off. "My soul..." Sans stood up and offered his hand to me. 

"Come on, kid. I'll help." I was skeptical but I took his boney hand anyways. He lead me out to the balcony on the side of the house. 

"Before dancing together, it's customary to bow beforehand but it's alright if you don't." I nodded and we bowed to each other. He took my hand and raised it to about the height of my shoulder, keep in mind he's taller than me. "I normally dance to hip hop music but I can do other dances too." He twirled me slowly and held me, swaying. 

"I thought you were gonna teach me how to summon magic?" 

"Well first, you have to learn to dance here. Based on the outfit Ink gave you I'd say you would main a more modern dance style." I looked down at the outfit. I was wearing a white tank top covered by a black, tailed jacket and tucked into some dyed purple jean shorts that were too short for my personal liking. What made it different from a normal jacket was instead of stopping above the waistline, two tails of fabric flowed down and stopped at my thighs. I was also wearing silk-like, black, socks that stopped a few inches short of my shorts and black ankle boots that didn't have much of a heel to them. 

"I know how to dance. I just don't do it often. Music is my stress reliever, just like dancing is yours." I moved out of Sans' embrace and leaned on the railing. 

"They aren't they different, you know." 

"How so?" I looked back at him, my curiosity peaked. 

"Music and dance are composed of well thought out notes and moves," He took my hand again. "What you were humming earlier, lets try dancing to that." 

"Are you sure? That was just a random composition of notes," I was hesitant. Yes, I knew how to dance but the last time I did my mom was still alive. It's been months since her death. 

"Lets try it and we'll see where the music takes us," he smiled gently, the white pinpricks of his eyes shining. I hummed the tune softly, letting Sans take the lead. He placed his hands on my hips and we swayed for a short time. Suddenly, I was spun by my partner. I held onto Sans, who was chuckling. I felt a pout form on my lips. 

Sans let me go and did a flip, spinning his body with the palms of his hands. Show off, I thought to myself. I spun around pushed myself off of the balcony towards Sans. He held my hips again and moved his in tune with mine. I reached up behind me and wrapped my arms around his skull. He chuckled as I pushed off of him and did a few ballet moves. Laughter bubbled in my chest and for once since this whole crazy chapter in my life started, I felt truly happy. Sans pulled my chest flush against his and wrapped his arms around my waist. Before I knew it, we were leaning in. 

That is, until a certain, dark-boned, skeleton cleared his throat. 

The Divide Between Us | Book Two of The Judgement seriesWhere stories live. Discover now