Chapter 11

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Cora's Point of View

"It was a normal night up until it wasn't. Someone had started violently banging on the door and my mother told me to hide. Ever since I could remember there was always at least one place I could hide in the house. Mom had just helped me into a large cubby behind some wall panels before the door was broken down. I couldn't see who the attacker was. There was a hole in one of the panels but I could only see some blue strings. They looked like they were made out of glow in the dark fishing line. I watched those strings cut into my mother's skin and her screams echoed through the house, possibly the entire neighborhood. I heard footsteps running into the living room and my dad had burst in. It was then I heard the voice of the attacker for the first time." I looked at the Creator. "The voice of your friend." 

His eye sockets filled with sadness but he stayed quiet. I continued on, "He was looking for me. He kept asking my mother about me. She refused to answer him and because of it, she was tortured. My dad tried to stop it but he...he wasn't fast enough. The puppet master murdered him in cold blood within seconds of my dad moving. He asked my mother where I was but she told him that I was long gone, that he'd never find me. 

He tore the place apart looking for me and he almost found me but, by the time he had his suspicions on where I was the police had arrived. My mother had been bleeding out on the floor, not completely dead. She told police to take me to Raven and then she was gone..." My voice cracked, "I watched the people who raised me die within an hour of each other. That puppet master was looking for me and my parents were the ones who suffered because they hid me."

Before I could continue, Ink's bony frame wrapped me up in a hug. "Don't cry. Please don't cry," he whispered to me. I didn't even realize my tears were pouring down my cheeks.

I heard someone knock on the door and I pulled away from the Creator. Silently, I opened the door to reveal a disheveled and panting PaperJam.

"Cora! You're okay! Thank Asgore you're okay!" He sounded so relieved. I guess I worried everyone but, how? What happened in the time I passed out? I know I blacked out yesterday but no one should be reacting like this.

"Hey, PJ? What exactly happened?" I looked up at him but he averted his eyes. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it.

"You didn't tell her?" I turned and looked towards Ink, confusion written on my face.

"Tell me what?"

"I was about to. We had more important things to discuss." Ink smiled at me. "Would you like to help me explain the events of..." His voice trailed off, almost as if he had no idea how much time has passed.

"Last week," PJ looked at me, "it's been a week since you collapsed."

"What? There's no way. I only passed out yesterday." I could feel my heartbeat quicken.

"So an hour in my time is a week in yours..." Ink muttered to himself.

"We should probably talk about the events of last week in front of Raven, Nightmare, and Dream," Ink stood from the edge of the bed.

"Father, Dad, and my siblings are on their way too. They should be here soon." Completely confused, I followed the two into the living room.

PaperJam's Point of View

Once everyone was situated, the adults took turns explaining to Cora what had happened last week. She stayed stone-faced the entire time so I couldn't tell what she was thinking. When everyone was done she simply sighed. "So that's what happens to me..." 

"What do you mean?" Cil spoke up, voicing everyone's confusion. Though, the surprise at her speaking was evident.

"This isn't the first time it's happened nor will it be the last," she looked around the room, "I'm a danger to you all." 

The Divide Between Us | Book Two of The Judgement seriesWhere stories live. Discover now