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Third Person Point of View

Frisk had RESET like the Judge asked, though he was confused about the reason why. That question of his was answered when Coraline accessed the code of the timeline mid-RESET. She used the powers that was given to her by her heritage to isolate the 'corrupted' timeline. This allowed both the timeline to reset as planned and the timeline that she was apart of to play out beyond the written storyline.

"Wow," the former Creator was impressed with the amount of power one individual held. He and Error could feel how the timelines shifted.

"There we go. All done," Cora smiled in spite of Palette's glare.

"I thought you said we didn't have to worry about RESETs," the skeleton cried out at his friend.

"We don't. Not in this timeline."

'What do you mean?' Frisk signed to the Judge.

"Try to access the save screen." The teenager attempted to do as he was asked.

'I can't. What did you do?'

"I isolated the timeline." Coraline smiled at the large group that resided in the small living room. "Now we can live out our lives in peace."

"And you still get to keep your team," Blueberry smiled widely. "You don't have to wait for the originals to grow up or be born yet."

"Yup. It's a win-win situation."

The aforementioned team tackled their determined leader with a group hug, causing the girl to fall in a fit of laughter. Her brothers had placed her lost circlet atop her head when they got back up, causing her form to shift.

"Don't lose it again," Moonlight smiled at his younger sister.

"We all worked very hard on that," Incubux dug his knuckles into Cora's head and noogied the girl. Dove, who was silently watching this exchange, made her way over to her daughter. Nightmare was close behind his former lover, not wanting to lose her ever again.

"You've done well, sweetheart," the blonde kissed the top of Coraline's head. "You faced your foe not with the intent to kill, but the intent to make things better. You did not needlessly take lives and you showed mercy to those who may not have deserved it but needed it nonetheless. I'm sure you will protect the Multiverse with that same PATIENCE, JUSTICE, PERSEVERANCE, BRAVERY, KINDNESS, INTEGRITY, and DETERMINATION. I am so very proud of you, my daughter."

Nightmare took Dove's hand and smiled down at his daughter, "We both are, princess." Coraline simply shook her head at the praise.

"It wasn't just me, though," the Judge looked towards her team. "I couldn't have done it without any of them. They are what kept me going." Coraline's face fell at a thought. "To be honest, for a good chunk of time during my battle I was dead set on killing my enemy. He had taken so many precious things away from me." Everyone was silent as the girl continued. "Seeing how everyone fought and avoided dusting any others made me think. I thought about my other options. Nightmare... the original Nightmare was doing these horrible things for a reason and some part of him wanted reconciliation for his actions. I decided it would be better to uncorrupt him, let him repent for the sins he committed. It felt like the right thing to do. That's what judges do, right? Give people second chances to prove themselves. That was my decision for him."

All in the room smiled softly at their savior. She was right about giving the king of negativity a second chance. It was what all of them had wanted to do but none of them had the power to do it. She truly was the savior of prophecy.


Over the summer, the protectors of the Multiverse had met a few new additions to the population of UnderHigh. Two new humans and a teenage monster. Triton, Arabella, and Drake. All of them were different, each one of the protectors knew that. It's why they became friends. To keep an eye on the oddities.

Little did they know that their adventure was not at an end. It was only the beginning of a new chapter.


Welp, that's it for this book. I had a lot of fun creating this story and its even more fun now that people are commenting their reactions. I hope all of my readers enjoy this story. There is already a technical sequel out. I am also working on a new story to actually make this into a trilogy series.

Thank you so much for coming on this adventure with the characters of The Divide Between Us. The sequel is called Trapped and it's written by a friend of mine. His story is in the perspective of Drake, the knew monster in town and Arabella's boyfriend. Go check out @Lich_lord22 for the story.

You guys are absolutely wonderful. I hope you all have a great day/night and don't forget to smile! Tootles!


The Divide Between Us | Book Two of The Judgement seriesWhere stories live. Discover now