The road we travelled was breathtakingly beautiful. There were green grassy hills that surrounded the dirt road that we were on. Yellow, pink and white flowers decorated the hilltops and it made me want to get out of the bus and twirl around in the grassy fields.
The road was long, but the gorgeous scenery, as well as Zac's company, kept me entertained until we could see the palace of Florendale peeking out above the hilltops. I marvelled at the magnificent building that came into view on the horizon. The little houses that surrounded it were just as alluring and it reminded me of the little towns you would see in a fairytale like Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast.
The bus drove into the village and the dirt road merged with a cobblestone one. Once we reached the village centre the bus stopped with a jerk and the doors were opened. I looked out of the window with excitement and waited for all the other people in the bus to make their way out before I stood up. Zac was sitting by the window so he waited for me to get out first and then he followed me out. I was excited about this village, it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I felt like this was something that I was never gonna experience again and I wanted to enjoy every moment in this enchanting place.
The village had very outdated technology and it was almost as if this town was in a completely different time zone. The people were riding horses, the children were playing with sticks and rocks and the street lamps were actually just big oil lamps.
"Wow, it's so beautiful," I said when I stepped out of the bus.
"Yes, it is," Zac said and when I looked at him he was looking back at me with a smile.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked and shifted uncomfortably. Was there something in my hair or on my face?
"I just love the way you get so excited about little things like this," he said and looked at the village that surrounded us.
I could feel a blush creeping onto my face and I tried to hide it by searching for the castle. Once my eyes landed on it I started walking along the cobblestone path in that direction.
"Wait, don't you want to explore a bit before we go talk to the prince? I mean we just got here, why do you want to go straight to the Castle?" Zac asked and grabbed my arm.
I turned to him and said; "Are you trying to distract me?"
"No, I'm just suggesting that we should maybe use the time we have in the town to do something fun, not just rush off to our next destination," he said.
"Okay, we can do that after we have spoken to the Prince and after we have found out if Erin is in danger," I said and turned around again, but Zac kept insisting.
"I really think we should do something else first, I mean you've been running around non stop ever since you got here, trying to save everyone and I think you deserve a break," he was very persistent and I didn't like it.
"Why are you being so pushy?" I asked and he frowned at me.
"I don't know what you mean," he said and pulled a perplexed face, but I saw through it. There was something else in his expression that made me feel like he wasn't being honest.
"Why do you want to stop me from going to the castle right away?" I interrogated, but he didn't budge. That's when I turned around and started walking towards the Castle again. A few moments later Zac grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.
"I really don't think this is a good idea, what if he says that Erin isn't the princess, then you'll be too irritated to truly enjoy the village," he said pleadingly and I glared back at him. His words made me furious.
Fantasy*** Completed*** Luna Greyson has never believed in fairytale creatures or mystical places. That is until she met Zac. In a whirlwind of events, she found herself in a dark dimension where her worst fears come to life. She has to learn to fight too...