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Zac led the way to the exit of the tunnels that Jason, Angela and Jeremy took to get to the ocean. We found them near the end of one tunnel and we all reunited. We had dinner together, which was a choice between raw fish or seaweed. It was a really difficult choice since neither of these things taste nice above water, but somehow it was really tasty as a mermaid. We camped out in the underwater tent that we had packed and we were up early the next morning to start the journey to the Pearl as a group.

On our way there Angela showed me that her whole back was bruised from when Jason pushed her into the wall. She did say that he apologized but it didn't sound like she had forgiven him for it.

Jeremy told us about their encounter with a giant crab that was about half his size, the crab supposedly took a swing at him and that's why it freaked him out. They were also all full of cuts and bruises just like Zac and I, but theirs came from having to squeeze through a very narrow tunnel when they accidentally took a wrong turn.

I told them about everything we had been through, including the electric eels and the Kappa. Angela was excited to hear that Kappa was real, because it is a Japanese legend.

"This means there is a chance that Slenderman might be in this world too. I hope we get to see Slenderman, it would be so cool," she babbled on about him. I really did not agree with her. I did not feel like being stalked, abducted or traumatized by him after being put in this world against my will. I think all of us have suffered enough already.

"Don't get your hopes up, I have lived here for almost eighteen years and I've never seen Slenderman!" Zac bursted her bubble.

"So are you saying you've traveled every inch of this world enough times to be certain that he does not exist? Have you been everywhere?" She asked him and raised an eyebrow. I knew where she was going with it.

"No, I've lived underwater for most of my life," Zac admitted, "But no one has ever reported an encounter with him."

"Correction, none of the people you know have ever reported seeing him and by the looks of it you only really come into contact with other mer-folk, who couldn't have seen him since he lives above water, so don't tell me he doesn't exist until you have proof." She stated and smirked with a proud look plastered all over her face.
After a while of arguing they finally decided to agree to disagree.

After some time we had to swim down to the bottom of the ocean, the sunlight that was shining in streams through the water slowly faded until we were swimming in very dark waters. The water that was once cold became a whole lot warmer as we came closer to a very desolate and uneven ocean floor. There were some deep holes in the sand up ahead and before we went towards them, Zac gave us a warning: "Guys, there are some very hot geysers out here, but unfortunately we have to swim through here to get to the pearl. We just have to be very careful when we swim across. Don't swim across if the holes start bubbling, because that means the geyser is going to erupt. Let's hope that we don't see any bloodthirsty critters down there, but just be on the lookout for anything that might be harmful."

I felt like we always needed to be on the lookout in this place, there was danger around every corner. I was getting tired of having to watch my back the whole time. I sighed loudly and scanned the area ahead of us.

"Is everything okay?" Zac asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just starting to miss home a bit. I just can't wait till we're out of this miserable world and back home where there aren't so many things that want to kill us," I said, forgetting that this was Zac's home. Zac's face fell into a frown, his brows furrowed and he looked down.

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