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The two young boys followed their father through the strange new palace. They had accompanied their father on a trip to a foreign kingdom for a quest of peace. The palace was much more open and airy then their own on Asgard. It had reflective stone floors and tall stone pillars. The walls were decorated in beautiful drawings that seemed to tell stories. The stone was dyed in brilliant shades of blue and red with stunning gold accents that shimmered in the light of the many fire lit torches that hung from the walls.

They reached the throne room where two guards stood in front of large stone doors. They looked at the Allfather and then at his two sons. One of them nodded and the doors swung open. They royal family of Asgard stepped inside and was greeted by a regal sight.

A stone throne stood on one end of the large narrow throne room. Upon it sat a man dressed in silky white cloth with gold plates to decorate it. In his hand he loosely gripped a staff with the head of a horned cattle on the end, its ruby eyes seemed to glow like flames in the night. The man smiled slightly when his eyes met Odin's.

"Ah. Allfather. I am so glad you could be joining us."

The man announced and Odin nodded. He stepped forward, in front of his sons and took a knee. He turned to his sons and urged them to do the same.

"Pharo Amen-Ra. It is a pleasure to be in your presence. Please allow me to ask what is the meaning behind this abrupt meeting?"

The man, Amen-Ra shifted and sat more upright. He gripped his staff tighter as if he did not want to say what was on the tip of his tongue. He lifted his staff and tapped it on the marble floor as if he were summoning someone. A young girl dressed in white cloth with gold detailing stepped out from behind the throne. She had beautiful olive skin, chocolate brown eyes and light brown hair that was just the right amount of wavy. She seemed terrified and flung tightly to the throne.

"This is m my daughter, princess Rashida. She has been begging me for the past month to make peace with your kingdom. What for, I have no clue but it simply seems to be a matter on her mind that will not be resolved until it is acted upon."

Rashida looked at the boys. She studied them both with care. The eldest, his blond hair that glimmered almost like the gold upon her gown. He had blue eyes that sparkles like the Nile river and seemed to have a bit of glee about him. The younger boy seemed more noble. He had raven black hair and brilliant green eyes. He had a certain aura around him of despair yet regal.

"I could arrange for a peace treaty to be made as soon as-"

Odin began but was quickly interjected by Amen-Ra.

"No. No scrap of paper will bind my kingdom in peace with yours. As you know, Misr is not a very trusting nor peaceful kingdom. A peace with us will require a much deeper bond then written words."

Amen-Ra announced. Odin seemed a bit taken aback by this but it wasn't completely out of the ordinary.

"Rashida will be queen one day and as I have no doubt that she will rule Egypt quite well, I fear she will take no time on her own accord to find a righteous king to rule along side of her."

Odin eyed the Pharo suspiciously.

"What are you saying, Amen-Ra?"

Amen-Ra smiled and stepped down off of his throne and walked over to the Allfather, Rashida clinging to him as he walked.

"I'm saying, let my daughter marry one of your sons. This way our kingdoms can be bonded in mandatory peace and Misr can have a trust worthy king."

Odin looked at the Pharo and then at his own two sons. They hadn't necessarily objected but he could tell they weren't particularly fond of the idea. Odin sighed and met eyes with Amen-Ra once more.

"Which one shall you require? Thor will be old enough to be king first, but he is also the direct air to the Asgardian throne. Loki, however, has no claim to this throne unless something happens to Thor. Which one of my noble sons seems best for your daughter?"

"I needn't choose now and neither shall you worry yourself about such matter now. If I'm going to arrange my daughter's marriage I'll at least give her a choice between two. Rashida will choose one of your sons for her king once she becomes queen."

Odin nodded in agreement. His sons did not quite understand the process of what was happening but they weren't quite sure if they agreed with it. Neither did Rashida. She merely wanted peace with the country not her future to be decided within a matter of minutes.

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