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Back at it with another update and more to come to vote comment fan do you boo boo

Jungkooks POV

Two more months had passed and things were getting easier for me and Tae. Jin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Vienna and Tae and I became the god parents. Jin and Joon were currently on their first outing as a couple since the baby was born and me and Tae offered to babysit while they got lunch then we all planned to celebrate later tonight for their two year anniversary.

"Look Kookie!! Shes smiling at you!" Taehyung screamed. I looked at baby Vi and smiled back her little gums showing as she ogled. "Isn't she precious?" He whispered into my ear. I blushed and picked her up gently, cradling her in my arms.

"She's so small, I'm scared to hurt her." I admitted.

"You're doing great Jungkook. Actually, I think you'll make a great father someday." I pressed my lips to his gently ignoring my wolfs small whimpers. The baby yawned and began closing its eyes so I walked her into the nursery and laid her in the crib. Tae came behind me and hugged me from the back as I watched her sleep.

He gently turned me around and kissed me which I returned generously.

"What do you think about being a dad Jungkook?" He asked looking away shyly and blushing. I smiled and walked out of the nursery pulling him with me.

"I think being a father would be a dream come true." He pushed me onto the couch crawling into my lap and guided my hands onto his waist for me.

"Maybe we should practice making one for when the time comes." He whispered pushing me back all the way and kissing my neck. I felt so nervous. I'd been pushing sex off with Tae as long as I could. Because I couldn't get hard no matter what I tried or did. Even if I thought of Jimin while Tae was touching me it would just make me sick. Luckily for me, Jin and Namjoon came through the door just then and Tae climbed off of me looking upset.

"Later tonight then." He said grumpily.

"You're back early. I commented to Jin who blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"I just couldn't stand to be away from my baby one second longer. I missed her so much!"

I shook my head and smiled. I wish I could see Jimin that way, as my wife and mother to my kids.

I'm so fucked.

Jimins POV.

I put down my pencil and sighed feeling relieved to have finished the final exam of the year. Now Ill finally be free from my fathers suffocating grasp.

Maybe.. maybe I'll go to the werewolf territory.. just for a meal not for any other reason! My cheeks felt hot and I shook my head pushing those thoughts away. It will never work Jimin. Get it through your head.

"Jimin" my father called coming into the room. Behind him a guy around my height followed. He was really cool looking. Kind of intimidating though. "This is Min Yoongi. He's going to be watching over you this summer while I'm away. He knows all my rules and orders so he'll take good care of you." He smirked his words dripping with sarcasm. My chest ached. I hate him so much. "By the way, you can do whatever you please with him. That is, if you're not too repulsed." My father said nonchalantly to Yoongi. What a fucking piece of shit. Giving some stranger permission to have his way with me. Sick fuck.

After the door closed Yoongi's dark eyes focused in on me and I felt myself grow nervous.

"Don't look at me like that. And don't flatter yourself either I'm no rapist." He said with a growl. "You're not even my type."

I visibly relaxed at his words. Well atleast I wouldn't be losing my virginity in that sort of way. Most people think Vampires are sluts because we seduce people constantly but truth is, I'm not like that at all. The farthest I've ever gone was with.. that wolf.. I don't even know why I did that anyways. He wasn't even that good looking or anything. Aren't werewolves supposed to hate us anyways?

"So, what are my fathers rules?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Typical things, you know.. no contact with the outside world, no leaving the house, no visitors." I rolled my eyes at his response. "What did you even do to be put on such a strict lockdown?" I laughed this time.

"My dad caught me getting hot and heavy with a man." I chuckled again.


"A werewolf man."

"Aish." He laughed. "That's badass I'll admit. But how? Are we not sworn enemies?" He asked. I sighed and looked out the window.

"I really don't know how it happened. It just did and I felt like I had no control. It was kind of thrilling I guess. Considering me being a vampire I'm always the one in control. This was different though, he had me feeling.. mmm, I don't know what to call it."

"Submissive?" Yoongi finished for me. I nodded. "That's what I want as well. I can't find a single Vampire to be that way for me of course. Too stubborn. I've entertained the idea that maybe I could be with a human." We both laughed this time. "Yeah, I know. Hey, what if we sneak out tonight and go find your man?"

I blushed at his words and the thought was intriguing but I was scared to get caught at the same time. I shyly nodded.

"Cool, where will he be?" At this my heart sank.

"Ugh I honestly don't know. The last place I saw him was at a club."

"Then the club it is." He smirked.

We walked through the doors of the booming club and found a table towards the back to hangout at. The chances of actually seeing Jungkook here were slim to none and I knew that but something kept me hopeful. Almost immediately after sitting down a tall man with dark hair approached Yoongi and I saw Yoongi smirk but I tried to tell him not to go for it since this was werewolf territory.

Ignoring my pleading looks, he got up and followed the man to the bar where they engaged in conversation before walking off to a near by room. The thought made my stomach growl.. I was hungry too.. when I spotted a guy across the room eyeing me down I stood to go over to him but instead I was stopped by a loud yell.

"I caught this vampire trying to prey on one of our protected humans!" A large man yelled to the whole room. He was definitely a wolf. He and three others were holding Yoongi by the arms and hair keeping him exposed. My instincts quickly kicked in and in and I made my way silently over to the crowd of people gathering around.

"Let's shed his blood here and make an example of him!" One suggested and they all yelled in agreement.

"No!!" I shouted running out to stand infront of him.

"Cute, he's got a little girlfriend." They all laughed at my expense and my eyes darkened in the realization that today might be my last day alive. "Take them back to the pack house, the alpha will call the next shot. You two had better hope he's in a good mood." The Guy snarled having us dragged away and thrown into the back of a car.

"I'm sorry Jimin.. I know you tried to warn me." Yoongi said, too ashamed to look at my face. I offered a gloomy half smile and continued to leer out the window thinking of possible ways to get us out of this situation.

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