Jungkooks Dreams

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Another crappy chapter but I'm sooo brain dead and have bad writers block. Atleast its a bit longer and some more smut 4 u! :)

"Ugh for the last time, I said no." Taehyung rolled his eyes, annoyed by the persistent vampire.

"That attitude of yours really turns me on sweetheart." Yoongi said, sitting on the table next to where the wolf was doing paperwork. Taehyung visibly tensed.

"Don't you have a neck to go suck on or something?"

"Is that an invitation?" The vampire cooed. Tae's face twisted in disgust as he piled up his work to take it somewhere else. "Leaving so soon?"

"Yea I cant help it. It smells like rotting flesh and dead people over here. Oh wait that's just you." The wolf snapped, walking away from the pale boy gawking in his direction. But Yoongi wasnt going to let him get away so easily. He hopped down from the table and followed the younger quizzically.

Right as one of the handy men were coming out from a supply closet, Yoongi covered the taller boys mouth with his hand and pulled him in, shutting the door behind them.

Taehyung made a muffled cry but Yoongi smiled, admiring his puppy dog like features.

"What is wrong with you!!" Tae exclaimed ripping the pale hand from his lips.

"I kind of enjoy making you mad because you look so good when you do it."

Taehyung blinked at the older in shock. Truth be told Tae knew there was something special about the vampire in front of him. The first time he'd seen him and smelt his scent he was drawn in without reason. He'd spent the whole night thinking about the vampires face and the way he'd stood up for him.

"Listen, I don't know what your deal is but I'm not a human you can't seduce me and besides I thought wolf blood was repulsive to vampires anyways?" The brunette said with an eye roll. Yoongi looked at him for a moment before stepping in so their chests were touching making Taehyungs breath catch in his throat.

"I'm gonna make you mine. Just you wait and see little puppy." He smirked before exiting the closet leaving Taehyung puzzled and slightly turned on.

Jungkook POV

I made my way down the corridor to Namjoon and Jin hyung's room. The door was opened so I walked in with a soft knock. They weren't in the main room so I assumed they must be in the bedroom napping. I peeked around the corner Incase they happened to be doing some not so holy things but instead I saw Jin laying in bed on his back with a huge smile looking at Namjoon who was talking to his round belly. Their daughter was nuzzled into Jin's chest sleeping soundly and Namjoons hands were on either side of his stomach cooing soft phrases about how much they loved the baby and couldn't wait to meet them. Jin looked at Namjoon with such adoration my heart ached.

The reality is that I can never have that. Jimin is a vampire not a wolf. I know as well as anyone that male vampires cannot bear children like male omega wolves can. My chest ached and I whimpered softly, almost inaudibly but Namjoons sensitive ears caught my cry.

"Jungkook?? That you? You alright man?" He asked, standing up from his spot.

"Yea everything's alright hyung. How about you take the day off today and spend it with your family? I'll fill in for you today." I smiled sadly.

"Really? Well, that would be great. Thank you Jungkook."

I turned to leave but Namjoon stopped me right before I reached the door.

"Don't give up hope man. There's always other options.." I smiled in response and gave him a quick hug before leaving him to dive back into bed with his family. I knew he was right there are plenty of options but there is still apart of me that doesn't want to accept that as my only choice.

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