Next Gen

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Double update? Who even am I? Alsoooo yoonmin up ahead but it's not really the good kind. So BE WARNED my babies. Okay enjoy :)

Jimin woke suddenly to the sound of his bedroom door slamming against his wall.

"Well what have we here?" His father's sickly sweet voice announced. Yoongi pulled his arm around Jimin protectively, this time he'd stand by his word and protect Jimin no matter the cost. "Don't worry I'm far from upset, this is great news." The elder vampire let out a deep chuckle. "Great indeed." He nodded.

Jimin unclenched his eyes as he peeked up at his father out of curiosity.

"This is what I wanted from the beginning. The Min family is very powerful and wealthy indeed. They'd make a great alliance. Shit, with their partnership we'd be unstoppable. Imagine it Jimin, all the luxuries that money could buy, all the blood to drink at the snap of a finger, not that you'd get any but you could atleast imagine it right?" His father laughed again even more heartily. "And guess what? You're going to be the little princess that ties this story together."

"What the fuck are you talking about you deranged sociopath??" Yoongi hissed.

"I'm talking about you two." His sinister smile made Jimin's chest feel heavy and his heart ache. "You see if you two become a couple that means the Min family will become OUR family. Leads to great business opportunity blah blah blah, you get the picture. All you need to do is produce an offspring and we're tied together for life. Shouldn't be hard, Jimin's a Lerie after all. I made sure Jimin's bitch of a mother gave me one before I killed her off. There were a few others but they weren't Lerie like Jimin here so consider yourself lucky my little princess. The others weren't so fortunate."

I had brothers or sisters? Jimin thought.

"I'll give you guys a few hours, when I come back you better have completed the breeding process or I'll make you wish you weren't alive and we'll do it the artificial, and more painful way regardless. Your choice."

"Are you fucking insane!? Look at him!! He's in no shape to do anything!" Yoongi yelled out. Jimin's father hissed and slammed him against the wall by his neck.

"Do as your told and don't even think about trying anything funny or back talking me again." With that, he let go of Yoongi and slammed the door shut as he left.

Jimin's POV

I stared at my feet unable to look Yoongi in the face.

"Jimin I-"

"I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm so so sorry. My father is cruel and ruthless and I've dragged you into it. I should've let you leave last night I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I screamed out tears cascading down my cheeks.

"Hey hey, shh." Yoongi wrapped his pale arms around the younger boy and held him while he cried. "Don't apologize for someone else's actions, we only have control of ourselves. We just need to figure out what we're going to do now and we don't have much time." Yoongi stood and looked out the window cursing as he saw the guards outside.

"It's no use trying to escape if that's what you're thinking, now that my father knows money is on the line he'll have people watching us 24/7." I said quietly. He sighed coming to sit next to me again.

"What should we do?" He groaned, laying back on the bed. I looked at him thoughtfully before swallowing the lump in my throat and grabbed his hand, placing it on my thigh. He sat up slowly, looking at his hand and then back to me. "Jimin, no- I don't want to hurt yo-"

"Trust me, I know my father and he meant what he said about wishing you weren't alive. If we disobey him he'll torture us until we beg for death. If we try to escape he'll never stop until he finds us. I-I'll be fine okay?" The worried expression on Yoongi's face only strengthened at my words. My eyes flicked down to his lips before we both slowly moved in letting them connect. I closed my eyes and within a moment Jungkooks disapproving face popped into my head and I pulled away quickly.

"I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?!" I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I convinced him, before quickly climbing into his lap and pushing him down so his back was flat against the bed.

"Jimin?" He called. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his once more, moving my mouth against his whilst he grabbed my waist holding me gently. He rolled us over and pulled his shirt off followed by mine only giving the bruises one look before latching his lips back to mine again. I fumbled with his belt as his kisses moved to my neck and shoulder, stinging lightly when his lips touched my marks. When I finally unhooked his belt I pulled down the black denim material of his jeans and he kicked them off leaving him in nothing but his dark gray briefs and pentagram necklace.

I actually felt my cheeks heat up when I saw him there, pale as the moon but eyes dark as night, suddenly I felt insecure and wrapped my arms around my chest.

"Jimin, you're beautiful." He assured, his voice raspy and deep. I nodded and unfolded my arms, laying down while he stared at me carefully. "You're a prize." He leant down and kissed my lips then made his way down my chest and stomach lingering just above my pants line. I felt his hand glide up my thigh and reach to pull down my zipper. I bit my lip in anticipation and nervousness. Could I really go through with this? Did I have any other choice?

Yoongi looked up at me from beneath his fringed hair asking for permission to go farther. I blinked ponderously but before I could respond a loud crash came from behind us, startling us both. I looked past Yoongi to see Jungkook standing there; mouth, hands, and shirt covered in blood.

Broken glass from the window laid lifeless on the floor as Jungkook stood his ground, panting, and claws fully extended, canines exposed. His eyes were pure black, hatred residing in them.

"Get away. From MY Jimin. I don't want to hurt you." He growled through gritted teeth. Yoongi carefully stood and backed away from me.

"J-Jungkook." I said in shock. My brain couldn't process what was happening in this moment but I stared at the man I loved, soaked in blood. And felt guilty.

"Look Jungkook, it's not how it seems. We have no choice. His father plans to do worse to us both than what he's already done to Jimin if we don't 'produce an offspring.'" Yoongi tried to reason.

Jungkooks massive figured stalked toward me, wrapping the blankets around me and pulling me too him.

"I've killed everyone inside and outside this house with the exception of your father who ran the moment he saw me. He's powerless without his posse. I'm going to take you far away where he'll never be able to harm you again." His voice had softened by the end of his sentence and he nuzzled my neck, scenting me.

"You're welcome to tag along blood sucker, but not if you plan to ever touch my Jiminie again."

"Jungkook I was just doing what I thought I had to to keep us both alive." Yoongi explained. Jungkook picked me up bridal style and chuckled.

"It would have never worked anyways. You can't get him pregnant."

"He's a Lerie it's possib-"

"Yes, he is. And yes it is possible for him to get pregnant. I'm saying YOU couldn't get him pregnant even if you tried." Jungkook looked down at me with a soft smile and glossy, worry-filled eyes which trailed slowly to my stomach.

"He's already carrying my pup."

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