Two is Better than One.

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PS, sorry early readers I didn't notice I forgot to name the chapter lmfao. ENJOY UNTITLED  PART 19. 😂😂

Jimin's POV

If you'd have told me a year ago that I'd be living with wolves and pregnant with an alpha's baby I'd have called you insane. Yet here I am, cooking breakfast with he alpha's mates and serving the children their morning meals/bottles. I smiled as one of the toddlers looked at my belly which was beginning to buldge in the center.

"Is that our bwother in thewe?" The small boy pondered. My smile grew and spread from ear to ear. I lifted him up into my arms and pressed his small hand against my stomach.

"How can you be sure it's not a girl?" He wiggled his tiny nose as he sniffed the air around me.

"I'm going to be an awpha someday and I just know ok?" He said it so proudly that i chuckled before setting him back down on his feet.

"Only time can tell." I responded shooing him off to play with the others.

"They're wonderful aren't they?" Z asked rubbing her hands over her stomach. "I want a hundred."  We all laughed at her fantasy.

"I'm pretty sure I'm on my way to a hundred or atleast a small army at this point." Lina added. "Byul was just born 6 weeks ago and he already wants another, I think at this rate Ill need a uterus transplant by 30."

Just then I felt a familiar presence approaching and my heart raced knowing the only person who could give me that feeling was about to arrive.

"Jimin-ah." My wonderful alpha called from the doorway. "Let's go, I have something for you." I smiled and said goodbye politely to the girls before discarding my apron and leaving with Jungkook.

"Kook, are you going to tell me what it is?" I pondered as he pulled me along. He stayed silent and I followed his tracks closely to the alphas house. Once inside my jaw dropped at the sight of Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon and their kids as well. I looked up to Jungkook as if asking permission and he smiled to me before I ran towards them engulfing the Namjin family in a huge hug. I stood to hug Yoongi as well and almost moved to hug Taehyung out of reflex before I realized what I was doing and stopped. We both gave eachother an awkward smile and Jungkook came to slip his arms around my waist.

"You did this for me?" I looked at him starry eyed. He offered a proud smile and squeezed me tighter.

"I did it for everyone. The north is a good place to live. A much better place to raise a family. Speaking of.." he trailed off rubbing his hands on my growing bump. "We gotta tell Jin hyung eventually." The color left my face imagining Jins wrath.

"Jin hyung, you're glowing." Jungkook complimented, causing the older to smile sheepishly.

"Nothing gets by you does it Jungkookie?" He giggled. "Not everyone is blessed with such a skill for observation." He added looking at an oblivious, smiling Namjoon.

"What's going on?" Joon asked coming to us. Jin hyung rubbed his still flat stomach in wide circles making Joons eyes light up as he pulled his mate to his chest.

"I love you my beautiful baby momma." Namjoon joked, caressing his mates stomach.

"At this rate they'll have their own football team by the end of the year." Yoongi chuckled. "What do you say we give them some competition baby boy?" He smirked wrapping his arm around Taehyungs shoulder. I lifted my eyebrow watching the slightly taller male roll his eyes and brush off Yoongi's arm.

"Even if that were possible, I'd never open my womb for your undead children to inhabit." Tae snapped back. Me and Jungkook both chuckled eminently.

"You already have a few times." Yoongi's face was sporting the biggest smirked before Taehyung stormed passed him into the alphas house. I raised my brow at him. "Guess that's my cue. Good seeing you Jimin. We can catch up later. You look good with some extra weight on you." He winked before running after Taehyung.

"I guess were not so special anymore huh? Two wolf/vampire couples in one pack? What are they putting in the water?" Jungkook teased pulling me towards him.

"Gotta say, I didn't see that ship coming." Namjoon added.

"Taegi? I love it. They both deserve someone good." Jin hyung thought aloud.

"Say goodbye to Jin and Namjoon hyung, we gotta get going." Jungkook whispered into my ear.

I said a polite goodbye before excusing myself and walking off with Jungkook at my side.

"Now where are we going?" I giggled, looking curiously at my mate.

"First doctors appointment." My heart skipped at the his words and I nearly tripped over my own two feet. Luckily, Jungkook stabilized me before I could fall.

"R-REALLY?" I yelled in nervous excitement. He smiled and nodded before ruffling up my hair.

The entire walk to the pack doctor was filled with worry, doubt, excitement, hopefulness and happiness. We waited in the small waiting room anxiously before my name was called and we were taken into a cleanly white room.

"The fertility doctor will see you shortly." The nurse said after taking my vitals and asking me a short questionnaire.

A moment later Xiumin walked in through the door wearing a white jacket and scrubs.

"Jimin??" He asked, looking at his clipboard as if to verify if it were me.

"H-hi." I said sheepishly. I turned to look at Jungkook but there was no need. I could feel his scowl resonating through the entire room.

"Well uh; I suppose a congrats is in order." He smiled before flipping the page on his clip board. "Alright I'm going to ask some basic questions and then we'll do an ultrasound and get a heartbeat taken to make sure everything is okay. Sound good?"

After answering more questions about pain and bleeding I got hooked up to many machines one of which allowed me to hear the faint little beating of my babies heart.

"It's a bit hard to get an accurate heart beat because I'm hearing yours as well." Xiumin stated, trying his best to listen with the stethoscope. Me and Jungkook glanced at eachother.

"I'm a vampire Xiu.. I don't have a heartbeat." He bit his lip and looked at me in surprise.

"R-right. Well then we should get this ultrasound going as fast as we can."

A few minutes later he came back with some supplies and set them on the table beside my bed. Jungkook grabbed my hand in his and kissed it tenderly.

"There we go, a clear picture look on the screen and oh.." he started but stopped abruptly.

"It looks like little edamames." I giggled and the image before me with two small Round peanut shaped black spots in the center of the screen.

"Jimin.." Jungkooks husky voice called. "Look at the screen again." He smiled. He guided my hand to point to the black circles. "One..." he whispered, moving my hands slightly to the other black spot. "Two.."

Realizations slapped me hard after the confusion began to fade. I looked to Xiumin for reassurance and he swallowed nervously before   patting my shoulder as he stood to leave the room. "Congratulations Jimin."

I didn't have time to react before Jungkook pulled me into a kiss.

"Twins Jimin. It's twins! I'm so happy baby boy. You did perfectly. I can't believe this." He said pacing the room in excitement.

I looked down at my stomach in pure shock.

"I get two sons. Damnit Jungkook you're a lucky man." He thought aloud thrusting his fist into the air. "Jiminie," he called coming to my side to hold my hand. "I'm going to be here with you every step of the way okay? Anything you want or need just name it and I will get it for you. I'm going to make sure you have everything you need to have a smooth and happy pregnancy and give birth to me healthy sons.

"How can you be so sure it's boys?" I scolded him.

"I haven't been wrong about anything yet." He replied with a smirk.


My life gets weirder everyday.

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