Happy New Year!

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Just a short disclaimer: This chapter contains some strong trigger content for sexual assault. Please skip if you need to.  ALSO some soft Yoonmin

Jimin's POV

It was Christmas Eve, and the temperature outside was nothing short of bone chilling so Jungkook and I were at home, cuddling up by the fireplace while he played his games and I read a book. My belly was protruding enough now that I had to wear oversized hoodies and jackets around the hyungs in order to keep my secret. Or rather, secrets. The babies are developing slower than normal wolves Jungkook told me that normal wolf gestation only takes a few months but it's already been three months and I look about 6 months pregnant. I only hope and pray that everything is okay for them...

My biggest fear is they will come out horribly deformed or.. not alive.. with major health issues ect.. I've never heard of a vampire-were crossbreed before and I don't know of anyone who has.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, sensing my dismay. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"You're worrying over nothing. They're perfectly fine and healthy." He slinked over to kiss my cheek and lightly grasped my hand.

"How do you know?" I pouted.

"It's an alpha thing. I can just sense people energies and their scents say a lot about them too. From what I can tell through your scent, they are happy and healthy." He started littering kisses across my face and I playfully pushed him away.

"Don't reject me it hurts my heart." He fake cried whilst pulling me into his lap. "I just want to kiss my future wife." He lifted my chin and brought our lips together, melting them perfectly as one. My chest faltered as I leaned into the kiss.

I didn't deserve Jungkook. A vampire with no soul, no heart. And yet by some fate, an amazingly sweet werewolf with undying loyalty has chosen me as his mate and given me life, given me hope, showed me what love is and even given me a family. Something I couldn't have dreamed of before.

"I didn't forget my sons." He cooed, pulling my shirt up and layering kiss after kiss on the plump white skin. I laughed and pushed him away lightly.

"You don't even know that for sure."

"Yes I do. They're mine after all. Of course a strong, good looking alpha like me will have sons." He smirked while flexing his biceps. I rolled my eyes and flicked his cheek.

"I can barely handle one of you, let a lone two or three."

A knock came to the door just as Jungkook was leaning in to steal another kiss.

"Come in!" He grumbled pulling my back to his chest. When Taehyung opened the door my back straightened and the hairs on my neck rose. He stood there sheepishly whilst holding his neck.

"Um, I'm sorry to come unannounced I was just wondering if you could help get the door open at my place.. it's frozen shut and I don't have the strength to do it."

My stomach felt uneasy. He couldnt have asked Yoongi or Namjoon?

"Um, everyone else is at the alphas house for

Jungkook glanced at me briefly trying to read my expression.

"I'll help. But I need to come straight back. Jimin can't be alone for too long." My heart ached at his words and I didn't feel good about letting him go. I grasped his thigh holding him in place and pressed my lips against his ear.

"I'm going to take a bath. If you're back in less than 15 minutes you can.. join me.."

Jungkook nodded eagerly and jumped up pulling Taehyung out the door. I sighed and stood up to go run a hot bath.

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