Little Mate

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Sorry this update is way over due, so let's just jump right into it. This chapter is like 90% smut so, put your big kid undies on and enjoy the ride.

Jimin's POV

I was wiping down one of the big bay windows in the spacious family area when I began hearing small giggling from behind me.

I stopped to turn and noticed two small children no older than 5 or 6 staring at me sheepishly. One was a girl with long strawberry blonde hair who wore a ribbon and a white dress. The other a boy with light blonde hair in a bowl cut fashion who sported overalls and a green t shirt underneath.

"Excuse me mistow? But is it twue that yow a vampiyow?" The little girl asked with the cutest lisp I had ever heard in my entire life. I squatted down, resting my elbows against my knees and opened my mouth letting my fangs sprout to show them.

"Woah!" The girl yelled while the boy crossed his arms and huffed. "Told you so!" She followed, a pleasant and victorious smirk on her face.

"Whatever, my parents say that vampires are disgusting and lowlifes!"

"Your parents aren't very happy people are they?" Jimin murmured to himself.

"Not all vampires are bad just like not all werewolves are good." He told them earning shocked glances from both the children.

"I wanna be a vampiyow someday too!" The little girl sang making Jimin's heart throb.

"You idiot! That's impossible when you're already a werewolf!"

"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is NOT!"
"Is TOO!"

3rd Person POV

Jimin smiled warmly and stood up leaving them to their banter. That's when he felt the heat in his body drop into his stomach. He felt like he could be sick. Grasping his stomach he ran through the vaulted hallways in search of any bathroom he could find. In the midst of his running he bumped into someone nearly making them fall down but suddenly their hands grasped his upper arms.

"Jimin are you alright?" Yoongi asked looking at Jimin who was clutching his stomach and covering his mouth.

"I don't feel well hyung.. it's so hot."

"What's hot Jimin?"

"M-my body.." the younger cried out before throwing his head back in agony. "What's wro-wrong with me hyung?!"

Yoongi paused momentarily pondering the possibility of something he seemed would be nearly impossible.

"Jimin.. are you a Lerie?" Yoongi asked stopping Jimin's fretting momentarily. A Lerie was an extremely rare species of vampire known to be submissive and in some cases they even presented something similar to a heat like a werewolf.

"I-I'm not!" Jimin choked out, his pride too strong to admit that his deceased mother had been one herself and the possibility was definitely there. "Oh god." The blonde moaned his body heat rising to superhuman temps sweat forming on his pale skin. "It.. Hurts!"

"Shh calm down, I don't want you to get the attention of the alphas or they'll tear you apart." Yoongi whimmed whilst grasping Jimin's shoulders to stop his quivering body.

"Y-Yoongi.." Jimin moaned before throwing himself at the older vampire before him. He didn't want to, he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to satisfy the dominant in front of him he couldn't control the urge to please and be pleased.

"Hey what the hell is going on here?!" The alphas deep and authoritative voice boomed. Jimin was currently in the process of rubbing himself against Yoongi's thigh as hard as he could while Yoongi restrained from touching him or indulging in the beautiful boy.

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