Daddy's Back

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I woke up in the hospital with only the sound of my own heart beat to accompany me. I looked around the empty white room and suddenly panicked. I threw the sheets off myself and looked down at my still protruding  stomach and relief washed over me. My babies are okay. They're still with me.. I felt a lot better than I did before and I even noticed that my arms and legs actually felt strong and looked more filled out than before.

"Jimin? I'm Doctor Cho, I specialize in at-risk pregnancies. How are you feeling?" I raked him over once before settling down.

"I feel good."

"Thats wonderful news. The twins are exceptionally healthy, and we have you back on track as well. You suffered an abdominal tear  due to having so much weight and strain on your body. It was so strong that the pain caused a blackout. We had to physically move the twins around so that it could alleviate some of the pressure. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you were unconscious for three days."

I bit my lip shamefully. Yoongi begged me to take better care and I ignored him.

"The good news is that we've been feeding you through a tube and giving you plenty vitamins and nutrients through your IV so your body has taken these past few days to restore itself. Honestly, if this hadn't happened I think your chances of surviving your upcoming birth would have been very small. I want to help you and your children Jimin. I'll send you home some paper work and a prescription for some higher doses of vitamins. Your typical prenatal is not going to cut it with this special case."

I just nodded and held my stomach.

As long as they're okay.. that's all that matters..

But I couldn't help but wish that Jungkook was by my side. My chest aches to think about him missing the birth of his children and getting to watch them grow.

Later that day Yoongi came to pick me up after I called him and I looked at him sheepishly when he arrived. Hugging me, he rubbed my back and inspected my body.

"You look good Chim." I nodded with a small smile in return. "Let's get you home."

Jungkook's POV

I smashed my hand through the glass window of the store and pulled the man through by the collar of his shirt.

"P-Please alpha! Don't hurt me!" He cried as tears ran down his face. I ignored my bleeding hand and threw him to the ground using my foot to crush the hand that tried to reach for his cellphone. He screeched in pain hand I smirked leaning down to his face.

"Tell me where he is." My voice was flat, emotionless. But deadly.

"I-I'm under direct order from the alphas not to disclose his location!" I twisted the foot that was still pinning the mans hand to the ground and he screamed out again in agony.

"Fine, if you want to lose your life for a vampire so be it." I shrugged pulling him up and closing my hands over his throat. His eyes widened as he realized his airway was being squeezed too tightly to breathe.

"Okay!! Okay!! I'll tell you! Please don't kill me!" He cried and I smirked before letting him drop to his knees. I pulled a notepad and pen from the pocket of my leather jacket and threw it at the sobbing man.

"Do me a favorite and write the address down. Oh and if you tell anyone I was here, I'll finish the job next time." He gulped and modded frantically scribbling down an address. My heart skipped when I read it. Only a few miles away.

I'm coming for you Jimin.

Jimin's POV

I was cooking pasta in the kitchen when I heard a bustling in the living room.

"Yoongi? Is that you?" I called out. My nerves couldn't seem to calm as I felt uneasy looking into the dimly lit living room.

"Jimin." A deep familiar voice called from behind me and I jumped back, nearly falling however before I could hit the ground strong arms enveloped me.

"I missed you." For a moment my brain almost let me believe him.

"Get off of me and leave before I scream. This house is surrounded by alpha houses!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?! They put you in a house surrounded by unmated alphas and thought you were SAFE?!" He scoffs and stands up, placing my gently on my feet. "I'm getting you out of here Jimin." He grabs my arm but I rip it away.

"I said don't touch me! I don't want you to touch me with the same hands that touched another man! It disgusts me." My voice cracked despite how hard I tried to sound strong.

"What are you talking about Jimin??"

"Don't play dumb! I know what happened that night! You slept with Tae! The man who can give you a real mate! A real family and everything you've ever wanted! Me and the twins almost lost our lives because you have were too busy fucking your precious Taehyung! I'll never forgive you for that. So just go."

Jungkooks eyes glazed over as he dropped to his knees, grabbing my hands in his.

"Jimin.. is that why you haven't come back to me? Please please don't think of me that way. I never touched him!" His eyes began to fill with tears and his brought my hand to his cheek and leant against it. "I'd never betray you that way.. I can't lie, he did use his pheromones to try and seduce me, but I didn't let it happen! I can never say I'm sorry enough for not being there when you needed me. I'll never forgive myself either but I swear to you I never cheated on you. Please Jiminie you have to believe me I'll do anything! I'll stand trial, I'll take a lie detector test, I'll swear it on my life!" His face was tear stricken now.

My heart aches at the sight of Jungkook crying but I tried to stand tall. I couldn't trust anything he says anymore.

"At this point it doesn't matter Jungkook. Cheating or not, you promised you'd always protect us but you weren't there. You chose to be with Taehyung while we were in danger. I can never look past that." I said coldly, turning away. I need to do what's best for my babies..

"Jiminie please.. don't do this. I've searched for you day and night. I can't eat, and I can't sleep without you. All I need is you by my side. I'm not leaving you and the pups alone ever again. I swear I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it Jimin. Please."

"You never touched Taehyung? How can I believe you?"

"You're my mate! My everything! I'd never betray you. Never! You and the pups are my whole life. I wouldn't do anything to compromise that. Please don't take them away from me." Jungkook pleaded, now choking back sobs.

"You want a chance to be in our lives? Then prove that you deserve to be." I spat, walking away from him. The hope I saw in his eyes was enough go know that he'll survive. And that he's going to try his best. I can't allow anyone into our lives so easily anymore. I have to protect my babies with everything I got. Even if that person is their father.

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