Dangerous Outfit

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I think this is one of my favorite stories if we're being honest 💕

Jungkooks POV

The group and I had to cancel our plans because Jin was too attached to his new baby to leave for the night. Which meant that Tae was going to want to keep me to himself tonight. As I was sitting in my office pondering excuses to get me out of doing what Taehyung planned on doing, a loud knock came from the cherry wood door.

"Come in." I called closing the booklet of papers I was reviewing.

"Alpha, it's urgent we need you downstairs ASAP." My beta Kai said, out of breath.

I immediately rushed to his side and we ran downstairs together into corridor. When we came around the corner, a group of people were piled into a circle yelling harsh remarks at something or someone. The crowd parted for me as I made my way to see what the commotion was about.

My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw Jimin and another vampire on their knees, faces bruised and bleeding. My wolf cried and howled from deep inside me and I begged him to calm down and to be strong for our mate. What was I going to do?

"Enough!" I screamed making everyone go silent and take a good step back.

"And here I though we were better than these filthy vampires yet here you are, torturing them? It's like you want to prove you are just as low as they are." I snapped my eyes moving to look at the faces of all of the pack, they all hung their heads in shame. I couldn't look at him in the eyes. I knew I'd completely melt if I did so I kept my head down as well.

"Take these two to holding rooms and get them water and a medic." I growled.

"But alpha they-"

"Don't question me and do as I say!" I cut off my beta making him nod and rush them off to the holding rooms. "You can all go back to your work and mind your business too." I said to the rest of the pack members. I sat down on the nearest chair and rubbed my face in my hands. Now what will I do!? I threw my fist into the lap next to me and knocked it off the table. If I help Jimin the pack with question my authority and Tae will find out but if I don't help him who knows what they'll do to him...

Jimins POV

"You sure are pretty for a vampire." One of the three men guarding us said, running his vile hands through my hair. I stayed silent in hopes he'd leave me alone but instead he came to stand right infront of me, looking at my face.

"Think you're too good to speak to me? Dirty sluts like you should be grateful for any kind of attention. You just use your tits and pussy to get you through life don't you?" He hatched a quick smile before reaching up to pinch my cheek.

"Im a man." I retorted bluntly, pushing his hand away, which made his colleagues laugh and his face go straight. Yoongi scoffed earning him a swift blow to the stomach to which I felt bad for. I got us into this Situation all because I had to go and like a wolf.. who didn't even stick up for me. Now who even knows what will become of us.

Me and Yoongi were kept in separate rooms and guards kept watch outside the doors leaving me to sit there and worry for hours before the door handle jiggled and my stomach twisted in fear.

"Jimin." The strong and smooth voice said. I looked up and saw Jungkook standing there looking concerned.

"Uh, hey." I replied awkwardly. He rushed to me and pulled me to his chest. At first I was shocked by the swift movement but only a few seconds later I hugged onto him tightly. He took a deep breath in and sighed.

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