Welcome Home

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. . . sorry again for the big space in time. I promise I haven't forgotten this story!

Jimin was pacing gently back and forth along the empty corridor. He felt anxious but couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" Yoongi said closing the door to his room as he stepped out.

"I don't know. I just have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like something is wrong or something bad is about to happen. I don't like it." Jimin said as his body began to tremble lightly.

"Hey, hey. Calm down you're safe." The older boy said pulling Jimin into a tight hug. "I'm still considering it my job to look out for you so don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay." Jimin nodded softly as Yoongi's soothing words.

"Thank you, I don't know what's wrong with me today." Jimin chimed, pulling back and giving him a polite smile. Jimin then felt a presence at the end of the hall and he saw Jungkook standing there looking not so pleased with the friendly exchange.

"Jimin. Come." He said with a low voice that made the hairs on the back of Jimin's neck stand.

"Jungkook?" Jimin questioned as they got further down the hall. The silence made the smaller boys stomach flip.

"Jimin I need you to listen to me and listen very carefully." The alpha started.

"I was put in charge a few months ago by my parents, the true alpha and Luna of our pack. They left with half the others to settle business in the North. It was expected to be a 12-20 month journey but they're already on the return home and I need to prepare you for what's about to come. My parents know nothing of you and Yoongi being here but let me tell you Jimin, they do NOT like vampires and they aren't going to be happy with my decision to spare your lives." Jimin felt his stomach wrench with worry.

"S-so what do we do?" He stuttered out,
beginning to feel the panic set in. Jungkook bit his knuckles before gathering Jimin's hands in his bigger ones.

"Jimin I love you. But I have to send you home. You aren't safe here."

"N-no! No... no. Please do not separate us again!" The small boys chest felt heavy as he looked at the man he loved tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry Jimin. But I'd never forgiven myself if something happened to you.. I'll send Jin to help you with your things." With that, the young alpha kissed his mate deeply and with as much love as he could muster before he walked away, choking back tears of his own.

Jimin was silent on the ride back to his hometown. His eyes burned hot with pain as he looked out the window at his old house. No tears left to cry, he swallowed the lump in his throat and got out of the car, slinging his bag around his shoulder. Jin came beside him and held his arm while he walked to the door.

Jimin's face fell when his father's gloomy presence appeared behind the door.

"Well well, look what the dog drug in. Literally." His father hissed. "I can handle it from here, mutt." A cold hand reached out and yanked Jimin by his hair, pulling him inside the dull mansion.

"You little slut!" The older man screamed throwing another hard punch to Jimin's face. Jimin, too weak to cry and in too much pain to even speak just hung his head while blood poured from his mouth.

"Running away to sleep with a dog. Youre worth nothing more than the dirt under my feet." Jimin's father spat. "Get him out of my face." The two men in black pulled Jimin up by his arms and escorted him to his room where he was thrown to the floor, blood painting the floor boards. He crawled to his bed and pulled his legs up to his chest.

Why Kookie?

Jimin awoke around 2:30 am to the sound of floor boards creaking beside him. He didn't even bother to turn the other way and look; assuming it was his father back to torment him more.

"Jiminie!" Jungkook whispered yelled after closing the window he'd snuck in as quietly as he could.

Jimin couldn't move, his face throbbed and ached still swollen from being beaten. His pillow was covered in dried blood and tear stains and Jimin felt empty inside.

"Chim? You awake?" The alpha called softly. He pulled Jimin's shoulder rolling him onto his back making the vampires breath hitch as he closed his eyes in pain. "Jimin??! Oh my god Jimin what have they done to you!??" He cried dropping to his knees beside his mates bruised and bloody body.

"Y-you..." the small boy croaked.

"W-what? Jimin what did you say baby?" He said taking the small fragile hand in his own. Jimin felt his chest restrict as he pulled his hand away harshly.

"You d-did th-this. Y-you sent m-me a.. w-way. G-go a-w..way." The small stuttering words broke the alphas heart as he watched his own mate struggle to speak them. His face, almost unrecognizable beneath the swollen skin and blood.

"No. No please don't say that. I'm so sorry Jimin I-" Jungkook started.

"Leave. D-don't ever c-come b-back."

"Jimin pleas-"

"Go!!!" The frail boy yelled with everything that he had left in him. The alpha stood, stumbling back before he climbed out the window and slammed it shut behind him.

Jimin held his pillow as he sobbed into it, salty tears stung the fresh wounds and his swollen jaw throbbed with each wail, but nothing hurt worse than his aching heart.

"Jimin??? Fuck, Jimin." Yoongi's voice was barely audible passed the younger's cries. The older vampire pulled his jacket off wrapping it around Jimin's small shoulders and he pulled him to his chest. "Your dad is a real sick son of a bitch you know that?" Yoongi spat, his eyes flashing red and fangs extracted. "Let's go get you cleaned up Chim."

Jimin hissed as the alcohol burned his already sensitive flesh.

"Shhh I know, I know I'm sorry. But we need to clean them so they can start healing properly. With this many open wounds on your head, a nasty infection could kill you faster than a cobra bite, that's the last thing you want."

"Don't b-be so sure of that." Jimin replied, his eyes looking away into the empty space of the bathroom.

"Hey. We've all been through shit these last couple of months. I know you're upset about Jungkook but don't go getting depressed on me." Yoongi started, grabbing Jimin's small hand which fit evenly cupped around his. "I'll be right here beside you and we will get through this. Ok?"

Jimin nodded in response, his throat burning as he tried to hold back tears. Yoongi sighed and placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's forehead before bringing him back to bed to rest.

"D-dont go." Jimin begged when the older turned to leave. He scooted to the edge of the bed and nodded to the empty space behind him.

"I don't want to hurt you.." Yoongi looked at Jimin's pleading eyes and sighed, crawling in beside him careful not to touch the bruised body. Yoongi could see the fading bite marks scattered across Jimin's neck and shoulders and he traced them gently with his thumb feeling the raised skin that would most likely scar. With another deep sigh, the older boy pulled the covers over the both of them and turned in the opposite direction to sleep.

"Goodnight Chim, I'm sorry about everything that's happening. We'll figure something out tomorrow morning."

"Goodnight Yoongi."

Pls don't kill me for this update ☹️

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