The North

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Another update for you Jikook babies ❤️

I stared out at the fast moving scenery from the train window lost in my thoughts until Jungkook plopped down in the seat next to me, handing me a cup of tea.

"Thank you." I chimed taking a sip of the hot liquid.

"He's already carrying my pup."

It kept replaying over and over again in my head. I had thought before that nothing could make me happier but now I'm filled with worry.

"Kook, how did you.. how did you know?" I pondered looking at his muscular frame which shifted to look at me.

"You mean about the baby?" I nodded in response and he smiled taking a sip of what I presume to be black coffee. "I could smell it. Your scent changed. It was sweet and citrusy like a warm lemon poppyseed muffin before but it's turning into this fresh scent like a rain, spring flowers and cinnamon smell. Very, earthy and motherly. I noticed it the day before my parents announced their return. I came back to tell you once you got to your fathers but you didn't want to see me. It's understandable though and I'm so sorry Jimin."

I grasped his hand and lightly squeezed it with a sympathetic smile. He leaned in to kiss my cheek and licked at the healing cuts on my face.

"God I'm so happy. I'm so so so happy. I'm the luckiest man in the world and it's all thanks to you my beautiful Jiminie." He peppered kisses all across my face and neck, scenting me rapidly. He moved his head down to rest against my stomach. "And of course you too, my little alpha." He said proudly before kissing above my navel. My heart lurched at the display of affection Jungkook gave our unborn child and suddenly I wished I was pregnant with triplets.

"Triplets eh? Maybe we can try that next time around." Jungkook interrupted leaning in to kiss me passionately. "Or I could try and stuff another one in you right now." He growled against my ear. I blushed and pushed him away gently.

"That's not how it works Jungkookie." I giggled. He pouted sitting back in his seat.

"I'm the alpha I can do anything." He huffed childishly. I kissed his cheek before laying my head against his shoulder and closing my eyes. I still had so many questions but for now I just wanted rest.

When I woke up, Jungkook was shaking my shoulder lightly and it was dark out.

"We're here." He smiled, standing up and stretching. He pulled our bags off the overhead shelf and helped me stand up before we exited the train.

"The beta from the northern pack will be waiting to take us to the pack house. He's a good friend of mine who used to be a part of our pack." I nodded and followed him carefully. The night time used to bring me energy but here it felt a little off a little empty. There was no bustling night life, no city lights, no noise. It was eerie. "Don't worry Jimin. The people in the north live in harmony with vampires. There's nothing to be scared of." He offered me a warm smile and I wrapped myself tighter around his arm.

"Alpha Jeon." A tall brown haired boy called. His smile was very warm and his eyes crinkled in the corners.

"Hobi, it's been too long." Jungkook replied hugging the other male.

"Hello, I'm Jung Hoseok. But you can call me Hobi or j-hope. Because I'm your hope." He laughed loudly at his own bleak joke. I squished closer into jungkooks side childishly hiding like a shy toddler.

The smile slowly fell from Hoseok's face as he looked between Jungkook and I in realization.

"Are.. you mates?" He asked with his brows knitted together.

"As fate would have it." Kook laughed nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Wow that's amazing. Out of all my years I've never heard of such a thing." Hoseok stared at us with big starry eyes. "You do make a cute couple though." I blushed at his comment and grabbed Jungkooks hand with my smaller one.

We followed him to a car that took us all the way into the mountainous area of the northern pack. There, was a house twice as large as the pack house back home. There were also many smaller houses and a few small buildings surrounding it. Like a little village almost. When we got out we were greeted by a few wolves who just got back from a late night hunt.

"Ah you guys are just in time!" One of wolves with a dark complexion and a torn black shirt called.

"Yeah! We just took down a huge boar!" Another kid yelled.

"You mean I took down a huge boar?" The tallest one of them smirked whilst turning to us. Another shorter male with pale skin and jet black hair walked up before looking directly at me his eyes widening.

"Jimin?" I froze at his words whilst simultaneously tryin to analyze his face before it hit me.

"Xiumin??" I said finally ungluing myself from Jungkooks side and staring at the man in front of me.

Without another word we both ran to each other accepting one another's warm embrace. We were the same height so we fit perfectly together.

"I never thought I'd see you again." He mumbled into my shoulder while caressing the back of my head, holding me in place.

A deep growl came from beside me as Jungkook pulled me into his firm chest, wrapping his arms around me entirely while glaring and Xiumin. My old friend looked between me and Jungkook back and forth as if in awe.

"Oh- I uh.. I apologize I didn't know." He said looking down while his cheeks flushed red. I looked at Jungkook disapprovingly before slipping from his grasp and standing between them.

"It's really good to see you again, we will have to catch up later obviously there's a lot to be said." I said, stopping to laugh. "Right now though I think we should go get settled in. See you around." I smiled pulling Jungkook along with me. Xiumin only offered a stunned look and a small confused wave goodbye.

"I don't like hi-"

"Jungkook!" I snapped, cutting him off and stopping us both to look at him. "Please trust in me! I don't ask you to like or trust anyone else but I'm not going to cheat on you and you forget that before I knew you I was a cold blooded killer. Please don't underestimate my ability to handle myself!" I yelled quickly snatching a huge rock off the ground and crushing it to crumbs in my hands. I looked to Jungkook, panting while my hair fell in my face.

"That was... hot." He said looking at me with a lustful haze. I rolled my eyes and stalked away from him to the alphas building.

After we were shown to our new small home we unpacked our things and lit the small fireplace settling down for the night.

"I wish Jin's and Namjoon were here. It just doesn't feel right without him yelling at me." I thought aloud. Jungkook scoffed and tossed more wood into the fire.

"Maybe they'll make the journey after I send word back. But I'm not going to tell them to come here until I see how things are run around here."

"Why are you acting like that?" I said picking up on his not so friendly tone.

"Acting like what?" He shot back. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it around myself before walking into the bedroom to lay down. I don't understand what's up with him suddenly but I'm not going to be his punching bag.

I picked up the bedside phone and dialed Yoongi's number. It answered almost immediately but my cheeks flushed when I heard the sounds coming from the other end.

"Ahh.. yess.. Y-Yoongi.. d-don't stop nnnhh!"

I quickly hung up the line trying to process what I just heard or who that could have been. Yoongi doesn't seem the type to hookup with just anyone. I shook my head and dialed Jin's number instead but I hung up before it could ring remembering it was late and the kids would be sleeping.


I looked down at my stomach and ran my hands over it. Is there really a baby in there?

Could I ever be the mother Jin Hyung is?

I pulled my knees up to my chest and my heart felt heavy. I hope tomorrow is a better day..

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