Puzzle Pieces

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Jungkook's POV

I walked the paved path in the forest searching for a specific red rose bush I'd seen the previous day. Jimin loved roses. I remember the first time i ever saw him.. Pale white skin, contrasted against those rose red lips.. The most beautiful person I'd ever laid eyes on. Still to this day, I have no one else in my mind or heart, except of course, my sons. Every time I come near Jimin I can feel them. Their love and their curiosity. I love them so much. I've spent the last 4 weeks doing anything and everything that I can to prove my worthiness to Jimin. I want.. no. I need to be there for my pups. I will never let them down. My family. My beautiful little family. I will never stop proving how thankful I am to Jimin for blessing me with such a gift.

I just wish that his trust with me wasn't broken. Though he has every right to hate me. I fell for Taehyungs stupid trap and that was naive of me.


The moment his lips even briefly touched mine I pulled back and wiped my mouth.

"Jungkook.. look at me. He's a vampire. You're a wolf... you'll never be able to have a normal life with him. He'll never be able to give you what I can. Please Kookie. Mark me... make a REAL bond with someone. I'd give you anything. Everything."

I ripped my arm from his grasp causing him to fall to the floor and I put on the most serious face that I could despite the overwhelming amount of pheromones being emitted into the air around me.

"Kim Taehyung. I do not love you. Don't make me continue to say this. It's embarrassing for me to reject you over and over again. Let yourself be happy with the person who was meant to be your mate. It's not me and it will never be me. I have to go back to Jimin now."

He laughed sadistically from the ground. He looked up at me from test stricken eyes before speaking:

"You're too late. By now, Jimin's blood will be covering the floors and walls of your home and your mutant children will have been carved out of his womb with nothing better than a rusty knife. Run Jungkook. Run to your mates lifeless body."

My eyes widened in horror and without second thought, I took off down the path to our home. My heart beat rapidly in my chest and my heart ached to think my mate may be in danger. The second I reached our porch Jimin came bolting out of the house in nothing but a bathrobe with tear stained eyes and hand marks covering his neck. Even though I was relieved to see him my wolf was still on high alert. I begged him to tell me what happened but instead, he threw a strong punch to my face making me wince.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME." He screamed and my heart shattered with rejection.

End flashback

I finished picking the most beautiful roses I could find and took off to Jimins place. Once I was there, my stunning mate was still asleep so I turned on some soothing music, made breakfast and placed the roses in a vase on the table.

"Kook? Is that you?" I heard a soft voice call from the hallway. My face lit up with joy as I ran to him and scooped him up off his swollen feet. He was glowing from his pregnancy. Which would come to and end  soon. He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I smell bacon."

I chuckled and brought him to the sun room for tea before serving him his breakfast and letting him inspect his flowers. He grabbed my hand while we were eating and i focused my attention on him.

"I know this seems crazy but.. I can feel their love for you. I think it may have a big part to play in forgiving you so easily." He winked.

"Jimin I- I'm sorry for what happened back then. I hope you know I'd never cheat on you. I'd never betray you like that." I squeezed his hand and kissed he back of it. "It doesn't excuse the fact that I wasn't there when you needed me. I'll never forgive myself for what could have happened that day." He smiled back at me and nodded.

We finished our breakfast and I carried Jimin back to his room to nap more. Now that he's almost near term, he needs lots of rest. I read that in one of the 100 books I purchased to learn how to be the best father I could. I pulled the covers over us and pressed my body against his back. My hands ran smoothly over his swollen stomach and he arched his back as I did so.

"You make them happy Jungkookie. You make us happy."

I pulled his face towards mine with both of my hands cupping his cheeks.

"I am never going anywhere. Ever again. I swear that on my life Jimin. All that matters to me is you, and my sons. Our family.."

He searched my eyes for any sign of insincerity before closing the distance between us. It had been so long since
I felt his lips on mine that my wolf practically did flips in excitement. I poured as much passion into the kiss as I could whilst entangling our fingers together.

I looked at the dull mark on his neck reminding me just how long it had been since we'd last bonded.

"Jimin.. can I..?" I looked to his mark and pleaded with my eyes the best I could.

"Just hold me while you do it."  I jumped up and pulled him into my lap, showering his face and neck with kisses and licks. When I reached his mark I made sure to pay extra attention, sucking gently and nibbling lightly while he squirmed beneath me.

Finally, I kissed his lips deeply before sinking my teeth and canines into his pre existing mark. My wolfs power was ignited and I felt euphoric with pride. He moaned lightly and grabbed the material of my shorts for support. I immediately worked to lick and heal the mark while he came down from his high as well.

"So does this mean you're mine again?" I poured, nuzzling his face and neck.

"Yes Jungkook." He giggled lightly. I picked him up with excitement and spun him around. But not too much, before setting him back down and peppering kisses across his stomach to let my sons know that our family is whole again. I never thought I could be so lucky. But I find my life to be absolutely perfect in this very second.

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