Chapter 4

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September 14- Emily

Alix slides into her seat the next day, smiling.

"Hey" She says, wearing a sexy bright yellow blouse and black leggings. I wouldn't even let myself look down when she'd dropped her pencil, showing her ass. Or even when she leaned towards me to ask a question, showing cleavage. It seemed she was doing it on purpose. "Emily" She calls now, but I decide to ignore. Because if this was a crush like Avalon thought, then I would treat it like lots of crushes I didn't want to have. Eventually they went away. "Emily" she calls again, rolling her eyes as she sets her hand on my arm. I quickly look at her, my heart skipping.

"What?" I ask and she seems to stop.

"I was just gonna ask if you would meet me at the park so we can get our plant project done, but if you're in a mood-"

"I'm sorry" I sigh, I was being ridiculous. I mean, of course I didn't like a girl. I'd never liked any before. "Yeah, just meet me at my locker and we can go straight to the park afterward." I say and she nods, letting go of my arm.

Waiting at my locker for a long moment, Avalon walks by. I had completely forgotten that I should probably offer a ride.

"Did you want a ride?" I ask, figuring I could just drop her off and then take Alix to the park.

"Emory is taking me home" She says, looking up from her phone. "Thank you though" She smiles, continuing to walk. I nod, looking around for Alix. Sighing, I decide to walk out with Avalon.

"Is he only taking you home, or are you gonna go to dinner?" I ask as I catch up with her.

"I think just home" Avalon laughs, blushing. And I had to admit, her and Emory would be pretty cute. That is, if he treated her right.

"My car's over here. But I'll see you tomorrow!" I exclaim. "I'm bringing your uniform, what size are you?" I ask and she blushes a moment. "Medium" She answers, and because I knew the uniforms run large, I'd probably bring her a small.

Getting into my car, I realize how far back I am from the doors. Deciding to drive up to the entrance. I get out and sit on the hood.

"Beautiful" The hot guy from the courtyard begins, walking by. I smile, not seeing the harm in flirting back.

"It's had some body work" I smile, slightly biting my lip. Unable to help my heart from speeding up.

 "I'm sure it purrs if you touch it just right" He smiles, his blue eyes shining through the sun into my eyes.

"And it loves to go fast" I say and he smiles wider. "You probably couldn't afford it though" I finish and he just keeps watching me.

"I wasn't talking about the car" I smile, crossing my arms.

"Neither was I..." I smirk and he smiles while shaking his head, continuing to walk past the car.

"Waiting for a boyfriend?" Calls Josh and I smile.

"You wish!" I call a moment before I see Alix walk out of the doors. My smile falling off my face as I look at her. She seemed to glide. She flicks her hair over her shoulder as she looks my direction. Seeming to be surprised, a moment before her eyes glide down to under me.

"You have a Thunderbird?" She asks, seeming to run to the car, looking all around it. I smile, still sitting where I was.

"Clearly" I smile, laughing slightly. And in another moment she looks into my eyes.

"It's gorgeous" She says, and I stay like that for a moment before I shake my head.

"Shall we?" I ask, standing from the hood.

Breathless: Emily's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now