Chapter 25

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October 5- Emily

I wake up and run for the bathroom, retching into my toilet.

When I'm done, I sit back on my knees and flush the toilet. Emory knocks on the door.

"Are you ok?" He asks on the other side of the door.

"I'm fine" I respond, wiping my face.

"You don't sound fine, Emily" I stand and open the door.

"Well, I am" He looks at me, awestruck.

"Are you-?" He stops himself from saying the word and stares at me. I look at him confused and then it clicks. I hit him in the arm.

"I am not!- Don't put that out in the universe!" I groan. "I just have a stomach bug"

"Yeah, and that bug's gonna grow and come out in 9 months" My eyes grow and I hit him again.

"Shut up!" I shake my head and start walking to my new room. "I have to get ready and take the Byrne kids to school-"

"And the baby daddy?" Emory Asks, still standing outside the bathroom.

"I hate you!" I smile.

"I love you too! Drive Safely! Should I get a sticker that says 'baby on board'?" I groan and close my door.

"He was probably just kidding, Emily" Asher defends.

"I know! But I need to stop having this morning sickness or he will know for sure"

"Calm down" I glare at Asher as I see Hailey and Callie walking toward my car. The back door opens and closes as they get in.

"Where's Alix and Avalon"

"Avalon's boyfriend took her" Callie begins. "And Alix got picked up by Carson Wentworth" She smiles as if she's proud of her sister. I clench my jaw and turn back, my eyes fall on Asher and I smile at him. Then turn completely forward as if I hadn't just responded to Alix getting a ride with a very attractive very wounded popular boy. If she wanted to explore her sexuality with some rich boy, then I had no right to stop her. But it didn't stop it from stinging.

Walking into lunch I notice Sutton sitting with a group of wannabe populars- or atleast that's what Emory used to call them. She seemed alone though. She was staring forward, I follow her gaze and see it's held by the very guy I was recently being intruded by, first Avalon, then Alix, who's next?

I walk over to Sutton.

"Hi, Sutton"

"Hi," She turns to look up at me. "I believe our conversation was cut short"

"That's actually why I was coming over, but I first want to ask how you are"

"I'm ok, I made a mistake, you know"

"I make many, as does everyone"

"Not Carson, apparently" I glance at Carson talking to a new cheerleader, Blanche.

"I wouldn't be so sure"

"What do you mean?" He seemed to be plaguing the people in my life, so why not cut him out by passing along a vicious rumor I know for a fact is not true.

"Well, I heard that he cheated on you a long time ago with Blanche, not physically but even worse- Mentally" Sutton turns to look at Carson, as do I and we both see his hand laying on Blanche's as he smiles at her. I raise my eyebrows, wow, that happened as if I'd planned it. He looks at us, his eyes grow and he pulls his hand away then gets up and begins to leave.

"Excuse me" Sutton stands and follows him.

"That's the real reason you dumped me, isn't it?" I smile, biting my lip, well I guess she'd handle him for me. He turns around and looks embarrassed. I frown, what was wrong with me. I shake my head and leave the cafeteria.

Breathless: Emily's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now