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*John's P.O.V.*
I found myself sitting in a cute little coffee shop, with a cup of tea in one hand and the morning paper in the other. This is how I liked to start my day-on a comfortable black leather couch, behind one of those usual round wooden tables that you find in cafés.

It was covered with a red & white tablecloth that had a few stains on it from earlier customers, but I didn't mind. It was still a good place to go when you just wanted to be alone with your thoughts, as not that many people came here.

Over time, I got to know most of the employees and they have basically become my only friend group, apart from the band, since I'm not a very social person and prefer to stay at home instead of going out.

This place also made decent tea and that's all that matters, right? I also got a 10% discount for being a usual customer, so that was nice.

I brought the now-almost-finished mug back to my lips, taking a sip. A warm feeling spread out inside my body, not just because of the tea, but also because I spotted a familiar head of raven black hear in the crowd through the large glass window.

His sharp cheekbones stood out from his other features, such as his perfectly shaped nose and his gorgeous locks that fell around his head, outlining his face. My gaze went to his beautiful lips, with the smallest tips of his top teeth slightly poking out from beneath the top one.

I would do anything to have those lips of his pressed against mine, to have him whisper my name seductively, for those brandy colored eyes to stare into mine...which is exactly what they were doing right now. Oh fuck, was I staring again?

I felt my face flush as he smirked and starting walking towards the door of the coffee shop, that was already covered in mistletoe, tiny presents and other Christmassy things, even though it was still November. Suddenly, I realized what was about to happen. Freddie was getting closer and closer. I wasn't mentally prepared to see him. What was he even doing here anyway? I thought he had a date with some girl called Mary. I started to panic, but it was too late now. I was sitting at my usual seat in the corner, so there was nowhere for me to go. Plus, it'd be awkward if I just shot up and ran away from him.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down, but something else calmed me instead. It was Fred's voice.

"Hey darling! What're you doing here?" Freddie exclaimed, as he plopped himself down in the seat across from me. I looked down at my hands to avoid his gaze and muttered something that probably couldn't have sounded stupider if I tried.

"Me? Oh, I...umm...they...they make good...uhh...water...wait, no tea...they make good tea and I umm...i come here all the time, but-".

"They make good water?" Freddie interrupted, raising his eyebrows.

"Well...what if they do!" Oh god I'm making myself look even dumber, I know, I'll change the subject,"what are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by and wanted to pop in real quick. By the way, there's this party tonight, wanna come?" Freddie asked. There was a glint of hope in his eyes, but maybe I was just imagining that. I think he saw that I was considering it, as he continued.

"C'mon, dear! You always stay cooped up inside our flat, come with us for once! Get your mind off of things, maybe meet a hot girl, get laid," as he spoke, he twirled a lock of his hair between his fingers. For some reason, he really wanted me come. I couldn't understand why, I wasn't one of those people that made the parties fun by acting crazy and shit, I just sat at the bar, drinking until I was completely wasted. I didn't want to let him down by saying no, but I couldn't promise that I'd go, since I didn't particularly want to.

"I'll think about it," I said after a few seconds.

Oh god, it's that awkward silence again. I should really say something, if I want him to stay.

"So how was your date?" I blurted out.

He was silent for a moment and as I looked at him, I instantly realised that what I said was a mistake. The small smile that had stayed on his face throughout the conversation was now gone, and his eyes showed so much sadness, I instantly wished that I could just take it back, but it was too late now. Why can't i learn to keep my fucking mouth shut?

"Was it really that bad?" I said, hoping that I sounded at least a bit comforting. He was still quiet, with his gaze locked on the table.

"You don't have to say anything if-" I tried to continue.

"She...she stood me up," he said quietly.

What? I couldn't exactly comprehend that. Why would someone stand up Freddie fucking Mercury?

"I got to the restaurant and just sat there for half an hour like the bloody idiot I am. Why am I even surprised? She was obviously joking when she asked me out. No one wants to be with me, I'm gonna die alone, I'm fucking sure of it," he said with a sad chuckle.

My heart broke for him. Without thinking, I reached to the other side of the table, taking his hand in both of mine. I swallowed down the butterflies that were having a blast inside me as I started talking.

"Don't say that. There are many people that would do anything to have a chance at being with you," I mentally screamed at myself to not give anything away as I continued, "I'm sure you'll find someone."

"Then where are those people, John?" he said quietly.

"They're out there Freddie, trust me. You just gotta find them."
This is my first ever fanfic, so I apologize if it's shitty. I might or might not continue it, I guess it depends. Feel free to comment what you think of it and hopefully I'll see you next time! K bye

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