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~one hour later~
*still John's
I brought the warm piece of pizza up to my mouth and took a bite, savoring the delicious taste of the tomato sauce and the feel of the melted cheese on my tongue before swallowing.

Even though it was getting close to midnight, Brian and I decided to have some fun and make a pizza. It was surprising that we hadn't burnt down the house with me being a drunken mess and all that. Brian was only slightly tipsy though.

I was really dreading the moment when the other two would come home, but I tried not to think about it as I finished my last slice.

We were now sat on the couch watching tv. Well, Brian was sitting. I was laying comfortably with my head on his lap. I had drunkenly fallen on the couch and I was too lazy to get off of Brian. It wasn't even awkward like I would've expected it to be. Brian started stroking my long dark hair and it was quite relaxing, actually.

I put my plate on the floor and turned over onto my stomach. I shuffled a bit to the front, so my chest was on Brian's lap and my head was on the pillow next to him.

Brian's previous actions of playing with my hair suddenly came to a halt. My heart sank, I was actually enjoying it. I mean what was I expecting? He had already done so much for me, of course he would want to stop and rest at some point. A part of me wanted Fred to come home and see us like this. It wasn't about making him jealous, no. I just didn't want to let him know that his actions had upset me that much. I didn't want to look weak.

I felt Brian's soft touch on my back as he started to massage it lightly. My lips curled into a satisfied smile and when my eyes started to close, I didn't stop them.


I guess I really must've fallen asleep as the next thing I heard were loud bangs echoing through the apartment. They were coming from the door.

I sat up abruptly. It was probably just Fred and Rog coming home, but my mind instantly started playing scenarios of it being kidnappers or thiefs or something. I looked over at Brian, who was still sleeping. I was about to shake his shoulder to wake him up, but then I decided against it. He had done enough for me today. I should try and take care of something myself for once.

I stood up cautiously, and hurried towards the front door. The knocking had subsided, but I could still hear faint voices on the other side. I hesitated for a second, while my hand rested on the door handle, before pulling the door wide open.

Sure enough, I was greeted by the sight of a drunken Freddie holding up an even drunker Roger, who was barely keeping himself upright. His eyes were partly open, just enough for me to catch a glimpse of his larger than life pupils: he had taken something.

Suddenly, a loud roar of thunder sounded in the distance, making me drop out of the daze-like state that I was in. I pulled them inside, shutting the door behind them.

Freddie giggled, making me glance at him. There were little beads of sweat -or maybe rain?- on his forehead, causing his jet black hair to stick to his face, outlining it. I could've stared at him all night, but was interrupted by Roger's high pitched voice, who had appeared to sober up a bit when he heard the thunder, and was now standing my himself, wobbling just a bit. His lips raised into an evil smirk as he looked at me.

"Well, well, well, wouldn't you look at that. It's Mr. Steal-Your-Man. Sorry to break it to you, John, but this one's mine," he sneered as he he put a protective arm over Freddie's shoulders.

I stared at this man, who I thought to be one of my closest friends, as he glared back at me. His eyes were filled with pure anger- a look I had seen him give many, but never once had it been directed at me. Even though I was slightly taller than him, his face expression somehow managed to make me cower down in fear.

"Rog I...I didn't know you guys were to-together I swear I didn't! If I knew that I would've never done anything I- I'm so sorry I really am I don't know what came over me..." I stammered, my voice shaky. How were they even dating if Freddie had gone out to see Mary the other day?

For a second it felt as if his gaze had softened after I pushed those words out of myself. But then, it went back to that expression that would surely haunt me in my nightmares.

I tried to take a step back, only to let out a little yelp when I felt his fingers wrap around my upper arm, squeezing hard. Looking around frantically, my eyes landed on Fred, who was now standing behind Rog, watching the scene unfold. When he noticed that I was staring at him, he looked slightly uncomfortable. After mouthing a quick 'sorry' he looked away.

I gulped, terrified of what Roger would do to me.

I decided to try and stay still, since I knew from past experience that fighting back would only make the person angrier. He squeezed my arm harder, shaking my body forcefully. It took all the strength I had left in my body not to cry out in pain. I forgot how strong he was-well he did drum, after all. From the corner of my eye, I saw a big flash of light outside, followed by more thunder, louder this time.

I couldn't stop the shiver from running through my body. Thunderstorms had scared me ever since one had caused a tree to fall and burn down right next to our house when I was just seven years old. Thankfully, the firefighters were called in time and they prevented the fire from spreading. Even though they managed to get rid of it, they couldn't rid my head of the scary memories.

A sharp pain in my upper arm caused me to come back to reality.

"Me and Freddie are going to be very busy tonight, Deacon, if you know what I mean. And we're going to need some privacy. We can't get anything done if you're lurking in the hallways, trying to kiss him. I think we just might have to get rid of you," Roger said slowly, in a sickly sweet tone.

Suddenly, Freddie stepped forward for the first time in the conversation. Turning to Roger and started to say something along the lines of "Rog we're not even..." before he got interrupted by Roger's loud "Shhh"'

I kept repeating in my bead that Roger was my friend and friends don't hurt each other. These thoughts were hard to believe though, when his hateful stare was piercing right through me.

I was really panicking now, looking around for something, anything to get me out of this. My eyes landed on the sleeping figure on the couch. Brian! He would surely be on my side and talk some sense into the high drummer. I felt my eyes light up a bit as I a quiet sigh of relief escaped my body. Just when I was about to open my mouth and scream for the guitarist's help, a hand placed over my mouth, and I was being dragged out the front door of my own house.

Just to confirm I do not hate Roger and I wasn't planning on making him the bad guy in this story, it just turned out this way please don't hate me guys
Luv ya! ❤

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