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(A/N: so this is gonna take place in December, yes they're gonna sleep in sleeping bags outside during winter but I just wanted it to be December okay)

*John's P.O.V.*
Approximately two weeks had gone by since the day Roger threw me out. Before then we were a band, we were basically family. And now it felt like our family was split in two. Freddie and Roger had been spending way too much time together for my liking and I couldn't do anything about it. Whenever I'd catch Fred by himself, which was rare, he'd usually just ignore my existence or walk away. I didn't even bother with Roger, as I had seen his aggressive side and had no intentions on seeing it again.

This resulted in me spending most of my free time with Brian, as I didn't have many friends apart from my band mates. I didn't mind Bri, though. He was sweet, intelligent and very caring. What annoyed me was that he was constantly worrying about me. But I couldn't really blame him for it, could I? In the state I was in, God knows what I'd try to do.

Freddie and Roger went out almost every night, leaving Brian to stay with me and comfort me as if I was a piece of china that would break at the slightest bit of impact. I felt like a burden, I was keeping him from living his own life by being such a depressed soul.

The only time he went out was when we went to the studio. Our studio time had become the only time we were all together as a band, and I didn't particularly enjoy it either, as the atmosphere was always toxic.

Speaking of toxic atmospheres, Brian and I had just gotten out of one. It was saturday, and Fred insisted on us going to the studio even on weekends, even tough we had just released our newest album 'Sheer Heart Attack' a little over a moth ago, so there wasn't really any work to get done. Apparently, we always had to work ahead in order to be the best.

In my opinion, there was no way our next album would be a hit, with the way we couldn't stand each other at the moment.

But all those worries were pushed aside as we got into Brian's car and excitedly drove to our destination. It was finally the day of the long awaited meteor shower! We were both looking forward to it, so we had packed all our stuff the day before, That way, we could drive straight there without having to stop at home first. We had also brought our sleeping bags, as we were planning to stay the night.

''What was the shower's name again?'' I asked, not really caring, but knowing how much Brian loved talking about these things.

''Geminids,'' he replied, a happy glint in his eyes,''It's actually been going on for the entire week, but it's peak is supposed to be today.'' (A/N: y'all I did my research and this is an actual meteor shower from '74 hehe)

''All week? How come we didn't see any meteors yet?'' I wondered, genuinely curious.

''Well, you might not have seen any, but I've seen a few. You just have  them in the city. To experience a true meteor shower, you need a dark sky, the lights in the city stop you from noticing the meteors,'' Brian explained.

After a few more minutes of driving in a comfortable silence, we were out of the city and looking around for a place to park and make camp.

''There!'' I exclaimed, pointing to a little clearing, that was completely surrounded by thick trees, hiding us from the outside world. There was even a little space for Brian's car.

Brian parked the car and we got out quickly, getting our stuff from the back and rushing through the trees into the clearing.

It looked even better now that I could see it clearly. The trees formed a nice fence around us, so no one could see us in our little hiding spot. The grass was soft, and there were barely any twigs on the ground, so we could sleep comfortably.

We had just spread out some snacks and gotten into our sleeping bags when the sun began to set. As the world fell into darkness, the air became awfully chilly, making my teeth chatter. I tried to move around a bit to warm myself up, but the bag was too small.

Brian must've noticed me fidgeting around as he looked at me, opening his mouth to speak before shaking his head and closing it again. A slight blush made it's way onto his cheeks, as he looked back at me and spoke softly.

''Do you wanna maybe like zip our sleeping bags to-together? You look cold and we could you know share body heat...'' He trailed off, looking at me with a bashful grin on his face.

I was freezing at this point, so I was eager to nod. He got out of his bag quickly, and unzipped my bag, connecting it with his own afterwards. I noticed that his hands were shaking a bit, it was probably because of the cold.

He got back in, and I instantly felt a bit better, as I felt heat radiating throughout our now connected bag.

I looked into his eyes, I had never noticed how beautiful they were. They may look plain brown from a distance, but up close their color reminded me of melted milk chocolate. He noticed me staring and stared back, smiling at me.

''You have the most beautiful eyes,'' I murmured, not realizing I had said it out loud until his cheeks turned a dark red and he looked away shyly.

''I do not,'' he answered quietly, hiding his face behind his large guitarist hands.

Without thinking, I reached over and grabbed his wrists with my hands, pulling them away so I could see his eyes once again. His cheeks had turned even darker, and to be honest, it was kind of cute. Wait a second, what was I thinking? I wasn't supposed to think that my band mates were cute. I had already lost Fred, I couldn't loose Brian too. I just couldn't.

I quickly let go of his hands, and turned over, my back to him. I felt horrible, why was I acting like this? Why couldn't I be friends with someone without crushing on them?

A silent tear rolled down my face. Shit. I didn't want to cry in front of Brian again. It was so embarrassing the last few times, I didn't want to repeat it again.

I felt Brian's eyes on the back of my head for a few seconds, before he decided to speak up.

''Did I do something wrong?'' He whispered, making my heart break. His voice sounded so sad, like he actually believed that he had messed up somehow.

I shook my head, not wanting him to be upset, but not knowing what to do to change it.

I heard him sigh, then a quiet sniffle came from his side of the sleeping bag. I hated it, that one sound made me regret everything right away. I couldn't have him cry over me, he shouldn't waste his tears.

At this point, I didn't care if I'd make my tiny crush obvious, I just wanted to do something, anything, to stop him from crying. I took a deep breath and rolled over, gasping when I saw his tear filled eyes looking straight into mine.

''Brian! I'm so sorry,'' I whimpered, not knowing what to do. He had hugged me when I broke down, so maybe it would work the other way around too. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his chest. I felt him tense up and I was about to pull away when he hugged me back.

I looked up at him when I heard a quiet sob and was horrified when I saw tears rolling down his face. Had I really hurt him that much?

''Hey...it's okay,'' I tried to comfort him as I reached out and wiped the tears I had caused with my thumb. That touch seemed to relax him, as he started to speak, stuttering a bit.

''It's just...I-I like you and-and you like h-him and I don't know what to d-do because I know th-that I'll never be as good as-as he is."
K so important question is smut something u guys would be interested in for this book? Lemme know ❤

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