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*John's P.O.V.*

We joked around for a few more minutes, our girlish giggling being interrupted by kisses every once in a while. We must've kissed at least fifty times by now, yet I still got butterflies in my stomach whenever Brian's lips met mine. It was such a good feeling, and I never wanted it to end.

After Brian eventually dragged me out of the comfortable sleeping bag, we packed our things and got in the car. I sat in the passenger seat, with my arms wrapped around my pillow and my head resting on it. I didn't get much sleep due to last night's nightmares so I fell asleep after just a minute of driving.


*Brian's P.O.V.*

The car rocked from side to side as we made our way down the bumpy path leading to our garage. John was still asleep, and he looked too adorable for me to wake him up.

I had caught myself glancing at him many times throughout the half hour ride home, I couldn't get enough of him. The way his long wavy hair fell around his face, made me want to reach out and touch it, and knowing that I could, now that we had both admitted to liking each other, was the best feeling in the world. The way his breath would speed up for a few seconds before becoming steady again made me wonder if he was having a bad dream again, and it made me want to protect him.

I had made up my mind to do anything in my power to make him feel safe and comfortable, since I could tell that he had gone through a lot in his short life. God, he was only 23, and I had already seen his heart broken way too many times to be healthy. It all started when he went out with some guy named Paul, I could tell from the very beginning that their relationship was toxic. The memories of John coming home and locking himself away in his room, doing god knows what, still haunted me. And then there was Freddie, who I was still pretty mad at. I knew how much courage it took to admit to liking someone, and if rejection wasn't bad enough, having the door slammed in your face by the one you so badly want to be with couldn't have been pleasant.

John was strong though, and I'd never heard him complain about anything, really. He was a very kind man, and seemed to care about others more than he seemed to care about himself.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I noticed that John was starting to stir in his seat. His eyelids fluttered open, and he looked around, before his gaze settled on me and his thin lips formed a small smile.

''Good morning,'' I beamed, leaning in and placing a small kiss on his forehead. His cheeks were instantly coated in a dark crimson blush, he was too cute.

''Hi,'' he replied, rubbing the tiredness his eyes with his hands. He looked out the window, noticing that we were in our garage. ''Weren't we going to stop to get breakfast?'' He asked groggily.

''Yeah...but you're too adorable to disturb when you sleep,'' I answered, truthfully, making him blush once more.

A comfortable silence followed, as both of us seemed to be lost in our own thoughts. I couldn't believe how lucky I was, when I told him I liked him I never expected him to say it back. I was so sure that he liked Freddie, he even said so himself. Had those feelings just evaporated in the span of a few weeks? They couldn't have disappeared completely, I had a feeling that John was keeping them hidden deep inside him. I knew that I'd never be as interesting and likeable as our front man, I was the nerd of the band. Freddie had the looks, the voice and most importantly that flamboyant personality. I had never considered myself particularly good looking, nor did I think I was ugly. I was a boring person to be around to be honest, as I liked talking about my interests, which most people didn't exactly appreciate. Not everyone shared the same love for stars and planets like I did. As for the voice, Freddie's voice was just one of a kind.

There was one advantage I did have over him, though.

Fred had hurt John by rejecting him, he didn't want him, while I was crazy for the small mousy haired boy. And I liked to think that this was enough for me to win the bass player over.

''Are we gonna tell-tell them?'' John whispered suddenly. His eyes were filled with worry and even fear.

''Tell who? And what?'' I asked, genuinely confused.

''You know...Roger and Fr-Freddie. About...us,'' his small frame was trembling slightly, so I reached over and held one of his hands in mine, squeezing it for reassurance.

''That's entirely up to you honey,'' I reassured him. Of course I wanted to show him off to every person I ever met, but I knew that that wouldn't work out as smoothly as one might imagine. My parents were okay with me being bisexual, but I wasn't sure how they'd react if I brought a guy home as my boyfriend. Society was still far from accepting, and if the press found it, Queen's popularity might go down the drain.

''Let's not tell them yet,'' he whispered. His voice sounded unsure, yet I was currently focusing on his words. I'll admit, what he said hurt a bit, but I wasn't going to show that. Deep down I knew that he was just scared of what others might think, but a small voice kept on telling me that it was my fault, that I just wasn't good enough. That he didn't want to be seen with me.

''Okay,'' I replied, giving him a small smile. The last thing I'd want to do was put our relationship out into the public when he was uncomfortable with it.

He gave a little nod, before reaching for the car's door handle and pulling it open. I climbed out of the car too, and grabbed our things from the back.

I felt a smaller hand uncertainty reach for mine, and just when our hands were about to make contact, it pulled away. I could tell that he was rethinking his earlier decision of keeping our relationship a secret. Deciding to give him a little push in the right direction, I lightly touched his hand with my fingertips, and when he didn't pull away, I took it a step further and intertwined our fingers. He looked up at me with a small smile and a face that read 'let's-do-this'. I felt enveloped in a feeling of complete happiness. This was it. We were gonna do it.

By this time we had reached the front door of our house and John fumbled in his pocket for the keys. When he eventually found them, he slipped them into the keyhole and opened the door.

The house was dark, the only light coming from upstairs. Faint laughing could be heard coming from what seemed to be the end of the hallway, so Freddie's room. I dropped our bags as John and I exchanged a look of curiosity and wonder. We both made our way up the stairs, trying to make as little sound as possible.

I reached the door of Freddie's room first, and decided to listen in on their conversation for a second before actually making our entrance.

''Freddie, no, not there! God, I thought you'd be a pro at this, you literally do it all the time,'' Roger exclaimed, his statement followed by giggles from both him and Fred.

My curiosity got the better of me as I couldn't help but open the door, to reveal Roger sat in the middle of Freddie's bed with what seemed to be black nail polish all over his fingers and Freddie sat in front of him with the nail polish brush in one hand and the bottle of the color in the other, giggling like mad. His head whipped back when he heard the door open, and when he saw us, he started to laugh even harder. Roger was looking for a place to wipe his hand, his gaze settling on Freddie's embroidered cat pillow. His evil plans were stopped by Freddie choking out a 'don't you dare' in between laughs.

''You guys are crazy,'' John stated, and he was right, they were. Crazily adorable.
sorry for not updating last week here's a slightly longer chapter to make up for it and yes it's another filler
i promise things will get spicy pretty soon so i'll advice y'all to hold onto your wigs

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