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*Brian's P.O.V.*
I woke up to the feeling of the sun shining uncomfortably on my face. For God knows what reason, I had slept on the couch in a sitting position.

I tried to lay down, being rewarded with the feeling of pounding inside of my head. God, how I hated hangovers.

I forced my eyes open, instantly squinting at the bright sunlight that was shining into the living room through the window. The sun was pretty high up in the sky, indicating that it was probably around noon. That was weird, I was usually up and about at 8 at the latest. Yesterday must've been a wild night.

Speaking of yesterday...what happened? My memory only gave me short moments of last night, consisting of John's crying, him coming out and us making pizza together. That was it.

Did anything else happen? Also...where was John? I was pretty sure that he fell asleep on the couch with me, did he get up and go to bed in the early hours of the morning? Yeah, that was probably it.

I decided to make him and myself a cup of tea, so I made my way into the kitchen...only to find Roger passed out on one of the chairs. As I walked closer to him, I realised that his eyes were actually open and he was just staring off into space. I brought my hand up and snapped my fingers in front of his face, to get his attention. He looked at me abruptly, looking surprised for a second, before tilting his head as if to ask 'what's up?'

"What happened last night?" I asked, curious to hear what he'd been up to.

He looked up at the ceiling, thinking about what his reply should be, before focusing his eyes back on me.

"Last night?" His voice was raspier than usual,"well that was one crazy night, lemme tell you. Freddie and I got soooo pissed, you don't even know. And we met this nice guy who we talked to aaand guess what? He was a fucking dealor!" He laughed to himself.

"Don't tell me you..." I trailed off, knowing that they did and that I couldn't do anything about it. They knew I was strongly against drugs, but they never listened to me. Those two never listened to anyone.

"Oh Bri, it was just a little bit! You're so bloody booooring!" He exclaimed loudly, before continuing in a quieter tone, "Anyway, afterwards we got home and talked to Deaks, who apparently has a thing for Freddie! Did you know that?"

All I could do was shake my head, I had no idea.

"Yeah we had to kick him out yesterday, he wouldn't leave Freddie alone," he continued, while rolling his eyes.

"Wait, what?" I asked, my eyes widening. They kicked him out? In the middle of the night?! We didn't live in the safest neighbourhood, as our money situation wasn't the best. John was so small though, anything could've happened to him...

"Where is he?" I asked, worriedly.

"Ohhh I dunno," he said, yawning. It didn't seem to bother him at all. He was still pretty drunk, there was no point in trying to get any type of information out of him.

I hurriedly grabbed my jacket and car keys and walked towards the front door, glancing back for a second to see that Roger had fallen asleep. I slammed the door on my way out, hoping that it had woken Roger up-he deserved it.

Now that I was outside, my worrying only increased. He was nowhere in sight and I had no idea where he could be. His car was parked outside our apartment building, so he must've walked. Unless he was kidnapped...

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the scary thoughts. He probably went to a bar or something. Or to a friend's house.

I decided to get into my car and drive around for a bit, to see if I could spot him anywhere. I started the car and rode around for a while, until I found myself outside of the studio. That's probably where I would've gone, was I in his shoes. I had my key with me, but the door was unlocked. He had to be there. I walked inside and switched on the light.

My heart sank-the whole place was empty. Suddenly, I heard a quiet sniffle come from one corner of the room, the corner where my guitar speaker stood. I thought that I imagined it, but then I heard another one, followed by a little sob. I carefully made my way over to the corner. There was a little space between the wall and the speaker, and sure enough Deaky was sitting there, his head buried in his knees and his whole body shaking.

"John?" I whispered.

He flinched when he heard my voice, before cautiously raising his head to look at me. I gasped. His eyes were bloodshot, it looked like he'd been crying for the whole night.

"Hi," he whispered back. I reached for his hand, wanting to pull him out of his hiding spot, but when he saw my hand approaching, he looked at it in horror, and tried to move backwards as much as possible. His eyes were wide, and he was even trembling, as if he was...scared of me. I quickly retreated my hand, lowering myself to sit on the floor instead.

"Are you okay?" I spoke, to break the tense silence. This was giving me memories of yesterday's night and I honestly didn't know that a person could have that many tears in their body. Maybe that was why John was so small...He looked at the floor, not answering my question.

"Why were you crying?" I tried again.

"Doesn't matter," he spoke, quietly.

"It does," I said, because it really did matter.

"Y'know what? Let me make you a cup of tea and we can talk after?" I suggested.

He nodded and I felt him watching me as I walked away into the little kitchen corner we had in the studio, with a kettle and a tiny fridge. As I was finishing making the tea, I heard foot steps behind me and John came over to me and leaned against the counter, reaching for his cup and taking a sip, before mumbling a quick "thanks".

"No problem," I replied, motioning to the couch. We sat down and he took another sip of his tea.

"Soo wanna tell me what's going on?" I asked cautiously.

"I guess..." he murmured. This was it-I was finally going to learn the truth about what happened last night.
Ye so this was kinda a filler chapter, I just really wanted to update and wasn't sure of what to write...I feel like this book is getting kinda boring? Or is it just me? I also wanted to thank y'all cuz somehow this got 600 reads like wtf?? I love all of u so much 💖

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