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*the bitch is fucking back xoxo*

''We really are, aren't we Roggie?'' Fred asked, a small blush forming on his cheeks as he turned to look at the blond drummer. 

''Yeah, yeah...I just hope this shit comes off,'' Roger grumbled, the wide smile that had been present on his face now nowhere to be seen. He climbed off the bed, grabbing the bottle of nail polish remover from Freddie's bedside table, before heading for the bathroom.

Fred watched him go with a frustrated sigh, turning to us afterwards. 

''Sorry dears, his mood swings are uncontrollable. Anyway, how was yesterday?'' 

I could hear Brian answering the question, going on and on about how well you could see the meteors in the clear night sky. I could tell that Fred would notice our intertwined fingers any second now, and the thought made my stomach twist into nervous knots. I resisted the urge to pull my hand away from Brian's, as I knew that he wanted everyone to know about us, starting with our band mates. Instead, I focused on Freddie's face, wanting to see his expression when he realised we were together. The light of the lamp on his bedside table was reflected in his deep brown eyes, making them sparkle. His jet black hair fell down to his shoulders, looking soft as ever and his lips were slightly parted in concentration. My gaze lingered on them for a few more seconds, before I quickly averted my eyes. He looked so bloody beautiful and I hated myself for thinking like that. I had an amazing boyfriend by my side, someone who genuinely seemed to like me and show interest in me, yet here I was, fantasizing about someone else. This was so unfair towards Brian, he honestly didn't deserve someone like me. 

Suddenly, I heard a surprised gasp leave Freddie's lips, his eyes locked on our hands. Part of me wanted him to be jealous. Why would he be jealous though? He does not like me, he made it pretty clear that night. And I shouldn't hold a grudge against him for that, because he can't help it.

''Darlings! Watching a meteor shower doesn't seem to be the only thing you two did last night,'' he said with a tongue-in-cheek expression.

''Fred!'' Brian exclaimed, a dark blush spreading on his cheeks. I could feel my own cheeks starting to heat up as well. 

''So I'm right! You dearies make such a cute couple now that I think about it. Congratulations!'' he gushed, before getting up from the bed and enveloping us in a tight group hug. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough for my nose to pick up the smell of his shampoo, a soothing lavender scent. When he pulled away, he left my body covered in goosebumps. 

''Hey, um, Deaks? Can we talk for a second?'' He murmured, suddenly seeming nervous for some reason. His question took me by surprise, what was there to talk about? 

''Yeah...'' I found myself choking out, even though every part of my body was screaming for me to refuse. I wasn't ready to be alone with him, hell, even when Brian was present, I couldn't help but admire the singer's beauty. Deep down, I clearly knew what it was he wanted to talk about, the night I had tried so hard to forget. I could feel my hands starting to shake in fear and anticipation of what to come, and the squeeze Brian gave my hand before walking out and closing the door didn't help.  Before I knew it I was standing face to face with the guy I had been crushing on for God knows how long, the guy that probably hated me, the guy who I used to be so close to. 

''Wh-what did you want t-to talk about?'' I stammered, mentally cursing myself for how pathetic my voice sounded. 

''I think you know, dear,'' he declared, his voice quiet but firm. I hated this, I could feel myself starting to panic. I never knew how to act around Fred, and it was ten times harder when we were discussing something like this. I understood that this was all my fault, if I hadn't kissed him, none of this would have ever happened. 

''Look, I-I'm so sorry, and I know that- that we can't go back to how we were b-before all of this happened b-but I really am sorry and I get that it'll take time for you to forgive me and I can only hope that-that it'll happen rather sooner than later, b-because I miss our friendship,'' I said, trying to sound confident, but failing miserably. I felt the stupid lump in my throat, but this time I was determined not to cry. Fred had ignored me for long enough, I had to do my best to stay strong and get back on his good side.

''O-oh Deaky...of course I forgive you, you shouldn't even be the one apologising for God's sake! I've treated you terribly and I am so so sorry,'' he apologised, before coming towards me and giving me a warm hug and when the wide grin started to appear on my face, I didn't stop it. I raised my arms and hugged him back, my heart beating faster than usual from being this close to my crush. I could've cried tears of happiness right there and then, and I probably would've if Fred wouldn't have suddenly pulled away. I frowned at the loss of contact, looking at his face for an explanation as to why our hug had been so short. His eyes were fixated on a spot behind me, a hint of nervousness visible in them. I turned around to see what he was looking at, feeling my body tense up when I saw it was Roger. I was still scared of him, not having talked to him much since the night everything went wrong.

''So what's going on here, hmm?'' He inquired. 


oh god i feel like it's literally been forever since i last updated and all i can say is that i'm so sorry aaaa
anyway i'd like to thank shypotato24 for giving me motivation to continue this story by making fan art! that's right, my first ever fan art is here!

i'm in love w it it's literally adorable 😍on that note, if anyone else wants to make fan art, send your works over & i'll publish them along with the next chapter ❤one last thing: this story got nominated for the 2019 watty awards!! there's a zer...

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i'm in love w it it's literally adorable 😍
on that note, if anyone else wants to make fan art, send your works over & i'll publish them along with the next chapter ❤
one last thing: this story got nominated for the 2019 watty awards!! there's a zero chance of me winning but a nomination is still really cool so thank you to everyone who's read this ily 💖😭

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