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*John's P.O.V.*

I woke up to the feeling of Brian's arms tightly wrapped around my frame and my body pressed against his. It was still pretty dark, but I could tell that the sun would come out soon.

The tree branches were covered in freshly fallen snow, indicating that it had probably snowed during the night. I must've been too preoccupied with my nightmare to notice. Thoughts of the horrendous dream from last night made me shudder, it was probably one of the scariest dreams I had ever had.

I mentally willed my brain to think about something else, which wasn't the best idea. Thoughts of the front man entered my mind instantly. His gorgeous black locks and too-perfect-to-be-human nose never seemed to leave my head. I knew that thinking about Freddie was wrong, but I was just so used to daydreaming about him every second of the day that I couldn't stop myself. I wondered if we'd ever be as close as we used to be. Or would our band stay divided into two halves forever? I definitely wasn't a fan of that idea - I loved all of my band mates, they were my best friends! I didn't want band practises to be so horribly awkward as a result of my confession.

A flash of Freddie's face expression from that night went through my head. I could never forget the way he looked at me after my lips left his. It was a look filled with fear, anger, betrayal and disgust - a look you'd never want to get from anybody. My fingers went up to my parted lips, softly brushing against them with the tips of my fingers. If I closed my eyes, I could still feel the way Freddie's soft lips moved against mine. Even though the kiss was over almost as soon as it began, it still meant so much to me. He was a fantastic kisser for sure, which was probably a result of experience. I couldn't help but feel jealous of all the people he had dated before, they all got thousands of his kisses, while I had to settle with just the one.

My thoughts were interrupted when Brian shifted a bit behind me. I held my breath, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me. I was with him now. Not with Freddie, and not with anybody else. Therefore, I should and will try to focus on him. I didn't even know why my mind made the choice of focusing on Fred, when Brian treated me so much better.

I moved a little backwards, completely engulfed in Brian's body heat. Part of his hair was in my face and I was about to make an attempt to move it when my nose caught a whiff of the fruity shampoo smell coming off of it. I could tell that this would soon become my favorite smell. Well, along with the smell of Fred's lemoney bath wash, because nothing could compare to that. Brian's soft and raspy voice was what brought me back to reality.

''G'morning, beautiful'' he whispered in my ear. My stomach instantly filled with butterflies and a dark blush appeared on my cheeks at the name he had called me.

''Good morning, '' I replied, before rolling onto my side so I was facing him.

His face moved closer to mine until our lips met in a soft and loving kiss that made me breathless. After we pulled away, we looked into each other's eyes feeling absolutely content. After a few seconds Brian spoke again.

''I was gonna pack us some breakfast, but I have a feeling I left at home, so if we don't want to die of hunger, we should probably get going.''

''That's fine, we can stop to eat somewhere on the way,'' I murmured before adding two more words ,''My treat.''

I wanted to thank him somehow, because to be honest part of me wasn't expecting him to still be in the sleeping bag with me when I woke up. I didn't know what he saw in me, but I was really grateful that he was still putting up with me. Paying for breakfast was the least I could do to thank him.

''Sure, you don't have to pay though,'' he replied.

''I know, but I want to,'' I insisted, a smile starting to form on my face.

''You're cute,'' he stated, chuckling lightly.

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy at this point.

''So are you,'' I said, blushing.

''Your cuteness is currently melting my heart,'' he continued making me smile uncontrollably.

''Seriously, how are you so adorable?'' He playfully asked, before lightly pinching my cheek.

''I'm not, I-''

Just when I was about to speak, his strong hands appeared at my sides and his long fingers started tickling me.

''Ah, B-Brian stop I'm ticklish,'' I breathed out in between laughter. I tried to move away from him but the sleeping bag was too small, and I couldn't really move what with how much I was laughing.

''Not until you admit that you're cute,'' he demanded teasingly, moving his hands to tickle my stomach.

''I-I won't! N-never!''

''Well in that case,'' he muttered, strating to tickle me even harder. He had decided to straddle me now, as it was easier to hold me in place that way. As his hands moved all over my body, I turned into a squirming laughing mess underneath him.

''No! Bri sto-stop it!'' I exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably not only at the tickling but also at the thought of someone finding us like this. They'd think we're insane. Brian clearly wasn't paying attention to my pleads, tears were starting to form in my eyes from all the laughter.

''Say it and I'll let you go!'' He declared, laughing along with me. Realising that that was my only way out, I finally surrendered.

''Fine! I'm cute! Happy now?'' The tears were now rolling down my face and I was struggling to take a breath without laughing. His hands had moved up from my waist to cup my cheeks and his eyes stared lovingly into mine. Just when I was starting to get lost in their beauty, he spoke again.

''Damn right you are,'' he whispered, before placing a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose. I was starting to enjoy his kisses more and more.

Suddenly, a low rumble came from my stomach making me blush in embarrassment. I had to admit, I was pretty hungry but I didn't want to ever leave this place. It might have been just a clearing in the woods to others, but to me it was special. Plus, I wasn't in the mood for Roger's horrible attitude and I definitely didn't want to see Freddie. I was with Brian after all, the singer would just be a distraction. Unfortunately, we worked with those guys so we had no choice but to head home.

''Can we stay here forever?'' I whispered dreamily, causing Brian to let out a breathy laugh.

''I'm afraid not, we have an album to finish hun,'' he replied.
Tysm for 2K reads!
Also I'd like to thank every one of u that has written a comment on this story! Reading ur comments has become my new favorite thing to do 😂
so on that note if u have anything to say about the story, about smth that's going on in ur life or anything in general feel free to write a comment & i'll def reply uwu
'Till next time

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