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*John's P.O.V.*

I was speechless. He liked me? Me? Why would anyone like me? I'm just John...nothing special. What was I even supposed to say when I wasn't sure about my feelings towards him at all? I didn't want to upset him, but I didn't want to lie to him either. Sure I found him attractive, with his thin lanky figure and fluffy hair, but a bigger part of my heart belonged to Freddie...

Freddie wasn't acknowledging my existence, though. Should I tell Brian that I liked him too, or would that just give him false hope? If we got into a relationship, my feelings for him would probably grow, so it wouldn't be that big of a lie. But did I really want to date someone who was like a brother to me? Maybe I should try and keep the conversation going for now, without giving him a direct answer? My mind was snapped back to reality when I heard Brian's tear filled voice. 

''John, I'm sorry, I know that you don't like me back, and that's okay, just-just please don't leave, I won't be able to handle it,'' he whimpered, steady tears rolling down his cheeks.

He gripped my wrist in both of his hands, making me flinch, even though his hold was gentle. Ever since the Roger incident, this became my reaction to any sort of unexpected physical contact and I hated it. He quickly let go, looking away guiltily and bringing his hand up to wipe his eyes afterwards. I couldn't stand seeing him like this, he looked heartbroken. And it was all my fault. 

''Bri, listen,'' I started, making him look back at me with fear in his eyes.

His hands were shaking, so I decided to take them in mine. As my hands touched his warmer ones, a shot of electricity spread through me, going all the way up to my cheeks, making me blush a bit. When I looked at him, I noticed that his cheeks were painted a crimson color as well. I gave him a little smile to hopefully calm him down a bit before continuing.

''I won't leave, I promise,'' I said, honestly, as I gave his trembling hands a little squeeze.

A sigh of relief escaped his body upon hearing those words and he looked at me with gratitude. His rosy cheeks were covered in tears, yet that didn't take away from his beauty at all. He reminded me of a tiny puppy that had gotten their paw stepped on. I watched his lips part slightly as he took in a shaky breath, he was quite visibly nervous. 

''I-I was going to, y'know tell you at a different time, like I wanted to-to make it romantic I guess...'' He spoke quietly, his eyes taking in every detail of my facial features without making eye contact, as if he would never see me again.

I carefully brought my hand up and cupped his wet cheek, running my thumb along his jawline. He shivered, indicating that my touch was leaving goosebumps on his soft skin.

His eyes finally met mine and I felt mesmerized, like I was drowning in them. When they were wet with tears, their color reminded me of the soil at my grandparents' farm after a rainy day. I always used to feel safe there, when grandpa taught me how to chop wood or when I played board games with grandma. Those were the good old days, when I was just a little kid and didn't have a worry in the world. Brian's eyes made me feel safe, like I was in some kind of sanctuary. 

''This is pretty romantic...'' I murmured, moving even closer to him.

I didn't know what I was doing, but he seemed to be enjoying it. Our bodies were now touching, our legs intertwined. The night was dark and all I could see was his face illuminated with the candle we had lit up earlier. I knew that I shouldn't, but I just couldn't help myself. 

We leaned into the kiss at the exact same time, making me smile a bit, before his soft lips met mine. I felt my cheeks heat up, and the butterflies appeared in my stomach, fluttering around rapidly. I closed my eyes, as our lips moved in perfect sync. Brian had somehow managed to gain dominance, as he was now on top of me, kneeling with his legs on either side of my body.

When we finally pulled away from the kiss, gasping for breath, his face stayed hovering only a few centimeters above my own. He giggled airily, placing a few small kisses on my lips afterwards. I stared up at him, not quite comprehending what had just happened, a smile tugging at my lips. He carefully moved off of me, laying down next to me. His arms wrapped around my waist, his blushing face buried in the crook of my neck as he breathlessly whispered in my ear. 

''You don't even know how long I've waited to do that.'' His voice was slightly raspy and to be honest, it turned me on a bit. 

''How long?'' I breathed out.

''Since the day I met you...You're just so breathtaking...'' He spoke while placing gentle kisses on my neck, causing me to let out a small moan.

I felt my cheeks burn up for probably the hundredth time that night-I couldn't remember the last time someone had complimented me like this.

''Thank you...'' I murmured.

''No need to thank me hun,'' he whispered, as I snuggled up even closer to him, my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat, it was abnormally fast. Did I really have such an effect on him?

With his strong arms still around my small frame, I felt peaceful, content and most of all safe. I gazed up at the night sky. The night was pretty clear, the moon and many surrounding stars visible. Suddenly, I saw one of the stars move from it's spot, it was shooting through the sky at the speed of light.

"Brian, look!" I exclaimed, pointing at it. I watched his eyes light up, as he unwrapped his arms from around me. He quickly scrambled out of the sleeping bag, getting ahold of his telescope that we had placed next to us along with the rest of our stuff.

I wanted to be upset when he let go of me, but he was just too adorable as he set up his precious telescope. His face scrunched up in concentration as he focused it on the dark sky, which was now filled with even more flying meteors. Such a nerd. Such a hot nerd with that soft fluffy hair and those magnificent eyes.

As Brian watched the meteors, my head became filled with oh-so-many thoughts, most of them about Brian. What were we? Definitely not best friends, best friends don't just go around kissing each other. 

Boyfriends, then? Not that either, we hadn't even been on a date. Would there be a date? The thought of potentially going on a date with Brian made my heart flutter in my chest. Would he want to go on a date with me? Or was I just a fling, an experiment of some sort?

I decided to push those thoughts away, focusing on the flashing patches of light in the sky instead. It truly looked magical, I could see why Brian was so into astrophysics.
The ending is literally so bad I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything better
Also follow my Queen fan page on ig if u want, my username is deaky_mercury
Luv y'all 💋

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