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*still John's P.O.V.*
The party was being held at a local club by one of Freddie's friends. Or at least that's what I think he said. I was too busy daydreaming.

The club's name was 'Heaven' which sounded way too innocent for a club name in my opinion. I was a bit late, so when I walked in, I wasn't surprised to see that there were people everywhere. I don't really go to parties, like, ever. But Freddie was literally begging me to come, and I couldn't deny him.

I looked around, trying to find someone I knew, but that soon proved to be impossible, since the club was so dimly lit. The loud music playing was already giving me a headache and making me wish that I stayed at home and watched a movie or something. But I was already here, so might as well stay.

I awkwardly shifted my body weight from one foot to the other. See, this is why I don't go out. I don't know how to act around so many people and I'm scared that I'll embarrass myself by doing the simplest things. But by the state that most of the people are in, I can tell that they probably won't remember any of this tomorrow. I wish I could just let loose, and stop being so uptight all the time.

What do people even do in clubs? They drink, right? I guess it'll be nice to just get absolutely wasted and just forget about all the stress in life. I awkwardly shuffle my way through the crowd, heading for the bar. Is it really worth the hangover I'll have tomorrow? Oh, fuck it.

"A shot of the strongest stuff you have," as soon as the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted them.

The barman raised his eyebrows but took my money and handed me a shot of absinthe. I took it from him and examined the strange liquid. There's a first time for everything, right? I brought the glass up to my lips and emptied it into my mouth. My throat burned like hell and I felt dizzy for a second, but then I proudly slammed the shot glass down on the counter. I already felt tipsy, but I wanted more. I wanted to drink away my problems and just forget about life for a while.

"Pour me another one, will ya?" I said, my voice sounding a bit raspy.

"Drinking away your problems?" the barman asked as he poured more absinthe into the glass.

"You could say that," I replied, after downing the burning liquid. If you just swallow it without leaving it in your mouth for too long, it isn't even that bad.

I grabbed myself a beer from the fridge that stood next to the bar and headed for the couches on the other side of the club. As I made my way through the crowd, I still couldn't see anyone that I knee, not even Freddie, who is usually the center of attention. Weird. As I was walking, someone grabbed my wrist and before I knew it, I was being pulled over to the bathrooms. If I was sober, which I wasn't, I'd try and break free from the person's grip. But since I was drunk, I didn't even care anymore.

Instead, I burst into a fit of giggles because I was at that point where everything is just hilarious. I decided to look at the person who's still holding my wrist and realise that it's Freddie. Alcohol makes you confident, right? Maybe this could be my chance to tell him. Will I even remember this tomorrow? Probably not. So should-

My thoughts were interrupted when Freddie pulls me into a bathroom stall. It was a pretty good stall, with a sink and a shelf and everything. I tripped over Freddie's foot and land on the, thankfully closed, toilet. This made the whole situation even funnier. I couldn't control myself anymore and burst out laughing. I probably sounded like a fucking hyena. Nice.

"John? John listen to me!" Freddie says as he grabbed me under my armpits and lifted me up so I wasn't standing in front of him.

"Wh *hiccup* what?" I said as I looked at him properly.

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