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*John's P.O.V.*
"I guess..." I murmured.

I didn't know why I was doing this. Deciding to open up to Brian, I mean. I guess it had something to do with the fact that my whole life I'd been alone. I had no one to talk to, no one to laugh with and no one to cry over. When you're antisocial like me, the good thing is that you don't have to deal with other people. The bad things? Well, there's a lot of them. The worst being that all your thoughts and feelings end up being trapped inside of you with no way to escape. And now that I was sitting on our old studio couch with Brian, I felt like everything was about to come out. And I wasn't sure if that was a good thing-some stuff is just better left unsaid.

So I guess it was the fact that someone actually cared that got me talking. I had to be careful though, because I could accidentally say too much. I didn't want the dark secrets of my past to be revealed to the cruel world.

I brought the cup of tea up to my lips, taking a quick sip. The hot liquid burned my tongue a bit, before travelling down my throat, leaving a sort of warmth behind it.

I held the cup with both hands to warm them up, I was extremely cold for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that I had walked to the studio in heavy rain wearing only a thin t-shirt, which was still uncomfortably sticking to my torso.

Brian seemed to notice this as he quickly got up and made his way ot the coat hanger, grabbing his black coat and bringing it back to me. I gave him a grateful smile when he draped it over my shoulders and I wrapped the coat around myself, sinking into the warmth. We tended to share clothes quiet a lot these days.

"I'll return your hoodie as soon as we get home," I said to him, causing him to smile to himself.

"Don't worry about it," he said softly.
"Looked better on you anyway..." he said, and I silently questioned whether I was supposed to hear that or not. It sure did boost my ego, and even lightened up my mood a bit.

We were both silent now, and it was slightly awkward. I was aware that Brian was waiting for me to talk, but I didn't know where to start. He sighed, before deciding to start the conversation himself.

"So, tell me...what's wrong?" He asked, his hazel eyes filled with worry.

"It's...it's Freddie..." I said quietly, avoiding his stare.

"Freddie? Oh my god, did he hurt you or something? If he as much as touched you, I swear I'll kill him." His voice was filled with pure anger and it was pretty scary to see him like that. I pulled the hood of his coat over my head in an attempt to hide another part of my body. The coat was a bit too big for Brian, so it covered my whole body like a blanket. A warm blanket that smelled like Brian. Only when I was completely absorbed in the warmth, did I start to talk.

"Hurt me? Why would he hurt me? He's my best friend..." I spoke, my voice trailing off when I remembered that he wasn't my best friend anymore and probably never would be.

"Then what happened in that damn club yesterday??" Brian urged me on.

I was really dreading telling him this part, as I knew how important the band dynamic was to him. A crush as strong as mine would ruin it all.

"I-I like him. Like, I have a crush on him. I think." I watched as his facial expression changed from worried to surprised mixed with a bit of disappointment. Or was I just imagining that?

"You-you do? Oh..." Then he fell silent, staring into space, his face portraying sadness.

"And...I kissed him," I whispered. I felt horrible, because the band was doing so well, we were even gaining a bit of fame and it felt like I had just ruined it all.

"What?" He said with a bit of anger present in his voice ,"Why would you kiss him?? He's your best friend! Your band mate!"

I felt tears threatening to escape from my eyes so I quickly looked away, blinking rapidly. "I'm sorry...it's just...I don't know, I guess the feelings were trapped for too long or something...you don't have to worry though, nothing is going to happen between us. He hates me..." I sighed, my voice breaking a bit as I trailed off. A tear had already made an appearance, but my long hair thankfully hid it from Brian.

"What do you mean?" His tone was still angry, but a bit softer now.

"He doesn't feel the same about me, he's probably never going to talk to me again." I explained sadly.

I looked at him cautiously, surprised to see a relieved expression on his face, before it went back to sadness. That short moment of eye contact was enough for him to notice the tears rolling down my face. He instantly moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around my frame and hugging me tight.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted. You guys would look cute together, to be honest. You're a great person okay? If he doesn't realize that, he doesn't deserve you." He said, before pulling away from me and giving me a small smile.

"I'm guessing he's the one that kicked you out?" He asked, his voice quieter.

"No, actually. It was Rog. I honestly thought he'd kill me, he was so mad at me for some reason," I said, laying my head on his comfortable chest.

Before Brian had a chance to answer, Freddie and Roger burst into the studio. Roger looked around, before spotting us. "Oh so you guys are gay together now?" Roger spat.

I looked down at the floor, I honestly didn't know why he was acting this way. Thankfully, Brian broke the silence.

"What the fuck is your problem? First you kick him out for no reason and now you're acting this way? Why? And for your information, no we aren't. I just know how to be a decent friend, unlike you," he exclaimed, his voice angrier and angrier.

"Ugh, let's just get to work," Roger muttered, clearly not expecting that comeback from Brian. During this whole conversation, Freddie just stood next to the door of the studio looking uncomfortable. I tried to make eye contact with him, but he was clearly acting like I was invisible. I'll admit it, it hurt a bit. Okay it hurt a lot. But that's life.

We decided to work on recording Brian's new song 'Good Company'. I loved it, it was very catchy. I also loved hearing Brian's voice, it's just so soft and angelic. It was clear that the room was filled with tension and awkwardness, we definitely weren't going to get any work done.

I wasn't the only one who noticed, as Fred decided to call it a day, telling us to go home and work on some songs or something. If I brought myself to write something with the mood I was in it would turn out to be much too depressing for our style.

After Freddie's announcement I got up and made my way to the front door, stretching on the way. I was stopped by Brian. He had just gotten back from a phone call and had a huge smile on his face.

"Deaky! I need to tell you something!" He exclaimed, bouncing on his toes in excitement.

"If it's something good, I'm not in the mood." I proclaimed.

"Come on!" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, he knew exactly how to get me on his side. He just had to act sad for a second, I hated when I made someone sad.

"Ugh, fine," I said, rolling my eyes at him. He was a grown man for god's sake, acting like a fucking five year old. It was cute though, so I definitely wasn't complaining.

"There's gonna be a meteor shower!" His eyes were sparkling and the wide grin was still prominent on his face. Even though I wasn't really into astrophysics, a meteor shower did sound pretty cool. I let a small smile form on my face before replying.

"Really? That sounds awesome! When is it?"

"Next month!" He beamed "Wanna come with me?"

"Sure," I said, my smile growing wider. That would definitely be a welcome distraction from my currently very shitty life.
Definitely not my favorite chapter, but I never said I was good at this. This is also 3 days late and I am sorry, I tried to make it a bit longer to apologize. Oh and somehow we're almost at 1K reads? What the actual fuck

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