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*John's P.O.V.*
Brian watched the meteors for a few more minutes, glancing back at me every once in a while, as if to make sure that I was still there.

Course I was, well, physically. Mentally I was on cloud nine. I was still feeling lightheaded from the kiss and it just seemed like I was enhanced in a bubble of happiness, which I definitely wasn't used to.

I was also feeling rather tired, but I didn't want to fall asleep, I didn't want this feeling to go away. I was trying my best to keep my eyes open, but it was getting harder and harder.

"Briii," I whispered, quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Hmm?" He hummed, turning around and smiling at me slightly.

" 'M tired, come to bed," I murmured, yawning afterwards.

"Fine...I'm pretty tired myself, to be honest," he replied, turning back around to pack up his telescope.

When he was done, he crawled into the sleeping bag, putting a warm arm around my smaller frame. I felt my cheeks heat up as he drew small circles on my stomach with his long fingers.

"Good night," He whispered, his soft lips moving against my ear.

"G'night," I answered, already half asleep.


I woke up, expecting to feel Brian's hand on my stomach, or at least his leg pressing against mine, but I got neither. Instead, I was greeted with unusual chilliness, as if Brian had left a long time ago.

My eyes snapped open immediately. The soft moonlight was enough for me to realise Brian was, in fact, gone. Why wasn't he here? Where could he have gone? Did he leave me and just drive off? Was that his plan all along? To lead me on and then desert me?

I lifted my head off of the soft pillow and looked around frantically, desperately searching for some kind of answer. I let out a little sigh of relief when I caught a glimpse of Brian's car through the trees. That meant that he couldn't be far. I turned my head and looked into the distance without much luck, as everything was completely covered in a blanket of darkness.

Did I mention I was scared of the dark? I gulped, shaking my head a bit to try and get rid of the phobia, but without success. There was no way I would go out into those scary woods all by myself, I'd just wait for Brian to come back.

But what if he was in danger and couldn't come back? What if he needed my help? I couldn't get rid of these scary thoughts, I definitely wouldn't be able to fall back asleep in this state.

I reached into my backpack that was laying next to the sleeping back, praying to god that I hadn't forgotten my flashlight at home. My hand fumbled through the countless unnecessary items I had packed, like three pairs of underwear and a tube of toothpaste, until my fingers finally wrapped around the smooth handle of my only light source. I pulled it out, and tried to locate the switch in the darkness.

After finally finding it, I quickly switched it on, almost getting a heart attack at what I saw once I shined the light into the forest.

A tall man was standing about three meters away from me, a gun in his hand and a mask covering his face. I felt my breath hitch it my throat as I stared at him in horror.

"Get up," he grunted, his voice sounding like he was trying to make it deeper than it actually was. There was something oddly familiar familiar about him, I just couldn't quite put my finger on it.

It was only when I looked closely and noticed that his head was covered in those soft fluffy curls that I adored so much, did I realise who the man was. It was unbelievable how someone you've shared a passionate kiss with could be pointing a gun at you only a mere few hours later.

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