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As soon as I had the journal, Melody transported us back to the cells, only seconds after we first vanished.

No guards questioned us, they knew we would just lie.

I took my journal and looked through it. The first page was about Ginger, a strange female that had asked me to come to Earth and look after a little girl named Mels.

Then it wrote about me remembering. Remembering my Daughter, my world burning. How I ended up on the Planet of the Lost. How I had once met Hitler and didnt like him at all.

My stars, I had had some wild adventures.

I got to a page about a note. The one about the Darkness. "How can it be in here? I only just lived it, how can I have written some place I had never been before?"

Melody looked over at me, "You had been there before. You will likely be there again. I would suggest not reading further, spoilers."

I ignored her warning and flipped to the next page anyway, "But, its blank."

"Oh Iris," She smiled, "She knew you were a curious thing. She's the one that gifted you a journal blessed by the Time Matrix of the last Tardis."

"What does that mean?"

She sighed, "It means, that it won't show you spoilers. It sensors anything you will likely face in the future. It'll also make sure to leave room for anything new to happen, so don't leave a blank page if an adventure doesn't pop up."

"You mean, I have gone on these adventures before?"

She nodded, "Some. But, the journal will likely show you the adventure if it doesn't show anything too big. Or, of you re-learn a lesson it'll show you the other times you learned that lesson."

"Why do I keep forgetting?" I looked to her with sad eyes.

"That's mainly our fault. The rips in time caused by the Doctor and I travelling shift your memory." She muttered, "With you being so sensitive to the world around you, any event too big can cause your mind to think the timeline in your head is too messed up, so it starts a new. When it processes the new timeline in comparison to the old one, your head fills in on the details that stayed the same."

"So," Part of me didn't want to know, "that means that there is no possibility that my daughter survived. Or my planet."

"Correct." She looked like she wanted to say more, but she never did.

It put a damper on the atmosphere around us. I felt uncomfortable.

So I decided to start a game, "Do you mind if we do something to ease my mind?"

"Like what?"

"A game."

She put her book to the side, "Which game?"

"I ask a question, you answer it with one word."

She nodded, "Only if I get to ask you questions in return."

"Okay. You ask first."

"If you have the ability to look of any species, why look like this?" It wasn't really the question in her head, but she would build up to it.

"Respect." Towards my people, my Pandora. The one who loved the colorful skies of Asgard.

"Which time period is your favorite to travel to?" She did say that the rips in time from her travels where causing my memory relapse. I want to know her favorite.

"5th Renaissance."

I giggled, "I said one word answers."

"One of them was a number, it doesn't count." I laughed, giving her that.

"Why only one word?"


"Explain that one." She was curious, much like me.

"An old friend of mine, from a long time ago told me that truth is singular while lies are words."

"Who?" I smiled.

"My turn." She rolled her eyes, "How did you get the Vortex Manipulator? I thought only Time Agents got them."

"Silence." She had hesitated.

I nodded. The Silence was the organization that was after her, Ginger had told me little about them. They had taken her away from her family and trained her to fulfill one purpose. I wasn't quite sure the purpose yet... I think it was to kill the Doctor from the not-so-end of the Universe.

"Who's the old friend?"

"Silurian." I have many Silurian friends. I had known them long ago.

"So vague."

I laugh, "Good. That means I am doing it right."

We laughed together. We continued for a bit until Melody had gotten to the question on her tongue, "So, you already stated that you are over 1,180... But, what I don't get is how... Your kind is so peaceful, if you lived through the Time War, did you fight?"


"Then how did you get out?"


"I don't believe in luck." Of course you don't, "How did you get out?"


"By who?"




She gasped, "You mean-"

I nodded, "The Timelords are reponsible for the loss of my world. For the loss of my memory."

"Then why did you help the Doctor? I mean, why no grudge?"




For the Timelords had also burned. And only one was left... From this world at least.


This includes a bit of my other books, the Quantum Series. Check it out for Lia's Hitler meeting.

Let me know what you think! I would love to know.

Stormhold SweetieWhere stories live. Discover now